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Everything posted by jonnybass

  1. Ya Lew, give 'em hell!
  2. Granted, but you're still not taking into account the weight of the over-sized marshmallow. Nevermind.
  3. I thought that Quebec has world class spec fishing but I may be wrong. Quebec is pretty close to Ottawa, no?
  4. Are you treating him to a game in Detroit or in Pittsburgh?
  5. I would think Quebec is the first place to start looking.
  6. The perch in Orillia are doing fine this year. They are definitely biting, with some really good limits. Stick to the regular perch stuff, you'll be OK. I don't know about the narrows specifically, but I hear that the area is rocking as usual this time of year. That's what I heard.
  7. You have an OFC flag on your boat?
  8. For noodle rods, I've always opted for a rod with the sliding rings so that you can position your reel in a spot that has the most balance. As an added bonus, you can always switch your reel in the future and then simply re-position.
  9. It really makes no difference after you factor in a 1 ounce bell sinker and #2 trebel loaded with an oversized marshmallow. ha ha.
  10. Hey, I'm on your side of this one! I said don't call the MNR!
  11. I've never heard of that law. But a CO could determine that because you have the worms, you were probably using them and charge you on that basis. That's why I wouldn't call the MNR in this situation unless I knew that they were a) fishing and b ) using barbed hooks and/or bait.
  12. Well, what's the program? Why the secrecy? Did you send him a link to pirated software?
  13. Ummm... He said they are running out of bandwidth and the ad revenue isn't enough to upgrade their server.
  14. There's nothing to report. He didn't see them fishing. That's why he should have waited 2 minutes before taking off in his truck. And as was just pointed out, they may have decided to use barbless lures instead.
  15. OMG!!! That moose actually licked the arrow!!! I wonder if the guy shot the moose after that. I would have let it go just for being so bold!
  16. I hope you were joking. Approach 2 strangers and try that and the next thing you know, it's your body that police recover from the river next.
  17. OK here's another 0.02 for a total of 4 cents. If you were so concerned, why not stick around for 2 minutes and wait to see if they started fishing?
  18. You don't know if they were heading down to the river to just check it out or to fish. I know that were it me in that situation, I'd still want to scout the river since I was already there anyway. No need to snitch until they actually did something wrong. For me, I'd hate it if a CO came and charged me for just looking at a river because someone ratted me out without any proof.
  19. lol, I think he's more confused now than b4 he posted the question.
  20. You could try this one: TMPGEnc DVD Author. http://www.videohelp.com/tools/TMPGEnc_DVD_Author
  21. So I'm assuming that specs and Steelhead don't ever share the same water at the same time. That's what I meant by wayyyy up stream.
  22. I don't think they want to go that route. One of the mods said that they won't be accepting donations. Anyway, if they started charging a fee to use OFC, they wouldn't have the bandwidth problems they have now. LOL
  23. Nice fish. Are fish like the ones you caught generally only found way up stream? Also, was the brown a resident brown or a fish that's "growing up" before heading back to Lake O and how can you tell the difference?
  24. What Canuck2fan and Steve_paul said sounds like great advice. I wish I could offer more, but I've never been in a situation like this.
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