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Everything posted by jonnybass

  1. The conditions might not be too bad, but I hear the fishing is nowhere near what it used to be there.
  2. You picked the wrong weekend. (Last weekend was good) Maybe you could try chucking spoons at the creek mouths, working the mudline.
  3. That is THE best report I've ever had the pleasure of reading! Thanks for sharing that! Too bad you got a rookie guide, but it sounds like it didn't matter much! You guys took him to school!
  4. Try Graham Creek. There's one good pool that usually holds lot's of fish.
  5. That's a good way to get OFC banned from Google Adsense.
  6. You can use floats with glow sticks, or use LED floats.
  7. Yes, HOWEVER:
  8. OK, I just got off the phone with a CO. He said that you are allowed to do it, but the onus is on you to prove that you are fishing for suckers and not steelhead. He said that you should be fine if you are not using a noodle rod or roe. Basically, if you use a 7 ft rod and worms, you should be able to prove to the satisfaction of a CO that you are in fact fishing for suckers. Ironically, he said to keep your suckers on a stringer for proof! Also, check the regs for your zone to make sure that the area is not closed for fishing and that the area is not a sanctuary. He said that there are people who fish for steelhead under the guise of fishing for suckers, but that there are also people who legitimately fish for suckers, which is perfectly fine. Finally, he mentioned that should you happen to catch a steelhead, release it immediately. So there you go. You can have the entire upper stretches of the creeks and rivers to yourself to enjoy some sucker fishing while you wait for opener! DO NOT USE A NOODLE ROD OR ROE! USE WORMS!
  9. In fact, I might try it this week.
  10. Oh, and I should add, keep a few suckers on a stringer in case a CO comes along so you can prove that you are fishing for suckers.
  11. I know that it sounds funny, but yes, if you really wanted to, you could legally do it as long as you released any accidentally caught steelhead immediately.
  12. No, you can fish for suckers anywhere. There are no closed areas except for posted fish sanctuaries. Go nuts!
  13. Interesting theories. I don't agree that "they jump because they can and it makes them feel good". Applying Occams razor, we could as easily conclude that they jump because they are spooked. Who knows? The correct answer is that we don't know why they jump.
  14. Oh, and what MuddyWater said about the stoneflies. Guys were nailing them a few days ago at Wilmot on big black flies. Roe wasn't working.
  15. LOL, OK just making sure. From the way you described all the fish splashing around everywhere it sounded like you were in a closed section of the creek since everywhere I saw was dead yesterday.
  16. Hi Pachone, Stoty gave some good advice there. Just out of curiousity though, you're aware of the regulations right? Don't fish above the CNR tracks until after the last weekend in April or you can get into BIG trouble.
  17. One more question. Do you think there will be any Steel left in the open sections after this rain or will they all be up. I assume the open sections will be empty of any chrome. Drop-backs from here on in?
  18. Well done as usual! How long do you reckon before the rivers will be fish-able again after this weekend's rain?
  19. Awesome! I get to use the icon!
  20. Over/Under Posts until thread locking: ?
  21. Of course the military doesn't want the flag lowered each and every time a Canadian soldier dies! That wouldn't be very good recruiting PR. "Look, the flag is down for the 10th time this month." "Come join us and get killed?"
  22. The sad political reality is that: the "Left" wants the flag lowered each and every time an individual soldier dies to emphasize the "death" of Canadians in an unpopular war. It's a way to garner votes away from the Conservatives by showcasing each and every death... "Look! The flag is down again! Another Canadian soldier died! we need to stop this! Damn Conservatives!" It's a purely political maneuver, the politicians on the "Left" frankly don't give a damn about the individual soldier. The same holds true for the "Right", just vice versa... They want Canadian Soldier deaths swept under the rug. Out of sight, out of mind. Please re-elect. They also don't give a damn about the individual soldier. I'm just saying.
  23. Semantics. (few, many, some, all, most, none, majority, minority of salamanders) Point being that this is the first frog ever discovered with this trait and is rare for amphibians, citing salamanders and caecilian as the rare exceptions.
  24. I haven't read any of the responses, so not knowing any of the particulars and based on no other info than the above quote, I would be grateful that your client came back to you at all. I would definitely give the client a greatly reduced rate (if not free) for rebuilding the structure and hope to re-coup my losses via future business transactions with said client. "you can sheer a sheep many times but skin him only once" My 2cents. BTW, you're lucky that he or anyone else was not injured in the collapse of the structure, or else you might not be on here debating how much $ you want to charge the poor guy... you could be getting the pants sued off of you. I assume that you have liability insurance if your structures are prone to blowing over. Just a thought.
  25. I agree! If anything, show more!
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