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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. NIIICE !
  2. I agree.....
  3. With the cold snap here in southern Ontario last week, I am wondering how much colder will the water temperature have dropped from the previous week and how will it affect the bite? This newbie to ice fishing wants to know if I should go out first thing in the am tomorrow( no shelter) or wait a few hours and go for the "afternoon bite". Thanks
  4. seems like Aluminum is the boat of choice ... And JJ canoe knows I have to pull it with my old Caravan.... So,,,, I will keep lookin for a deal on an aluminum one. I am open to a barter of my services too.. so we will see what comes up.... Thanks for all the responses...
  5. 14 foot fiberglass fishing boat with older rebuilt 5 hp motor and trailer. $500.00 I only have a limited budget this year for a boat..... What should Iook for in terms of problems for the boat above itself. I am not too concerned about the motor... as I have a 36lb thrust electric motor for what I want a boat for. ( Or will the 36 lb even pull this thing?) I also have a fellow tradesman that I can barter some service for any repairs that this might need. Any thoughts on Fiberglass vs Aluminum when it comes to this size of boat? It will be used for landlocked lakes only. Thanks.
  6. fast and easy to use..
  7. Did you ever drive a Dodge caravan? I never got any recalls either.... but on both of the Grand Caravans I have.... I have had to replace: Starters... front strut towers... AC condensers ... .... power steering racks.... clocksprings in the steering column... rear door hatch regulators.... These two vans are the same models and the vehicles are 5 years apart in age.... Makes u wonder why the same parts go on these eh ? ..
  8. dayuuummmm... this newbie ice fisher just might have to make a trip up to simcoe.... thanks for the report
  9. your post reminds me of a song : " took a trip and never even left the farm" ... I think Leah was smiling because you took the shirt off that said she was named "fear"
  10. Thanks for the reminder Beans.
  11. No matter how many lines I can put in the Quebec water, i am still not moving to that country.
  12. Dayummm.... those look good.... If I were a fish,,, i would eat em Leechman and Bushart Inc... How much are all four of those... i'll take a set !
  13. AS a newbie to ice fishing.... i was under the impression that I could only have two lines in the water at any given time? Am I mistaken? Nice looking fish btw...
  14. do u mean to say I gotta look at getting some mode of transport for ice fishing now too! lol Great pics bro.... thanks for the report.....
  15. Well, Dutchy and I were back at this weekend.. Same place... but a lot more FUN.... We both caught about 20 assorted pan fish between sat and just before the rain today... I even managed to have "something big" yank my rod a good one,, but left me nothing to fight...lol No pics this weekend,,, it just slipped my mind.... frozen maybe So far, we are going back at it next weekend. I think we "might be hooked" on hard water fishing too!
  16. Fourteen...
  17. We are trying to improve our odds of catching some pan fish by fishing lakes we know from the summertime... Gonna see if my dad can sharpen the blades.... he has the stones and the patience
  18. Some bugger messes with her the wrong way.... it's still ME they will be dealing with
  19. Tundra hugging Hippies! good one man that looks ccccold there.
  20. It's still funny for me to see the other fighters below her 2nd dan Blackbelt bow to her.... especially the bigger kids and adults.. .they have to bow to her eye level.. We will be saving for her to go to the Pan Am games first... if she sticks with it... her coach says they lose a lot of the girls at 14... as soon as the boys start paying attention to them
  21. Gonna stick to the smaller water for a couple more sessions... till I get used to this deal... we have a bit of a drive to get to any water of size.... and I am just not up for a repeat of our poor showings of the fall trout season too.. I am ok with the bluegills pulling on the line.. for now
  22. great adventure you took us on.... nice pics too!
  23. Thanks for the trip.... looks peaceful up there.
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