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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. Maybe the " 10 commandments of fishing" could get pinned ? Or, I wonder if the owner of the site has considered an articles/ archives section? ( in case they already have one, please let me know too )
  2. DUUUUDE! But where was your >>>>> www.OFNCOMMUNITY.COM 2010 SIGN ?
  3. yEP... THAT's why I bought one too.... so i don;t flip it.... even when "nature calls" and I am in the middle of the lake I also have a side mount for my 36lb thrust electric motor... works great.... lasts all weekend if I don;t run it on the two highest speeds as well Nothing like setting off first thing in the morning and NO NOISE to ruin it.
  4. went fishing for Perch..... FINALLY GOT SOME TOO
  5. Prayers from London,ON. The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy; O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
  6. that would be some serious fun catching those monsters on a 24" rod...
  7. me too
  8. GRAND PARENTS come in handy right about now My inlaws are filipino... they give the teething little monsters frozen carrots to chew on My parents are rednecks,,, they gave ME a shot of rye in my bottle :whistling:
  9. I will be in the "friends of Bill W" booth
  10. Now THAT'S service.... :clapping: The lead article seems to be written just for me too
  11. "I have found especially with bass that every fish has its own personality. I can catch a four lb bass in a ft of water and in the same day catch an identical fish in over 12ft of water. So maybe some pike will be inside the weedline and also on the outside edge no matter the difference in water depth?? It never hurts to try new things and sometimes hunches pay off big time." .................................................... Hey Curtis.... I was thinking of going shallow for the pike if the crappie were not on... but alas,,,, that will have to be next week.. It was a lot of fun catching these silly fish.... no wonder my daughter likes fishing for them all summer long
  12. damned nice fishing Steve.... maybe I will have to come up that way for some REAL ice fishing....
  13. okaaaay.. .so no pike for me today.... but the bite was on for the Crappies used a white micro jig with a tiny piece of worm.... I kept these ones..... and threw back a dozen smaller ones... This ice fishing thing just might have something to it after all :unsure:
  14. no pics? Use www.photobucket.com real easy too
  15. "She kicked my butt today and I'm very happy that it happen..... cause that means she will look forward to our next outing together smile.gif " I hear ya on that one.
  16. superbore..... but my wife likes the half-time COMMERCIALS
  17. thanks for the heads up on the smelt.... Does anyone have any experience on fishing the shallows under ice ? ( 3-8 ft of water ) I am going out around noon today, and want to give those pike a try... thanks
  18. As some of you may remember, this is my first season ice fishing..... having some success so far.....( lots of sunfish blue gills crappies and a couple of perch) The body of water I am fishing is 12 ft deep at its deepest section with weed beds around. I fished this place all summer and think I know where the bottom slowly drops from about 3ft to 12 feet. I also know where the heaviest concentration of thick weedbeds were i nthe summertime.... and where the heaviest concentration of sunken trees are. The thick weed beds tend to be in water that is 2-6 ftt deep, with an undercurrent going through it. The sunken trees are all in the 2-5 ft deep stretch with the same undercurrent running through it. So far, I have stayed in the 8-12 ft deep stretches and fish the bottom extensively. There are pike in this place and I am wondering if they will still hold in the tree areas or will they too be going DEEP? I am currently using a couple of jigging rods with the tiniest of jig heads tipped with Beekley maggots, or live worms( very small pieces). I do have access to minnows as well. Any and all suggestions to get me in to some pike action would be appreciated. Thanks splashhopper and dutchy
  19. Damnnnn,.. John..... just when i almost lost my OBSESSION for soft water... u gotta bring up CASTING I am trying to " be excited" about catching panfish... I am really trying.,.,.,, maybe when i catch something bigger under the ice... soon i hope... will i really get EXCITED .... in the mean time...i will keep on jiggin
  20. u lucky dog u
  21. wow..... that is a hog! musta been a blast on a 4lb line....
  22. But can it "perform" ?
  23. The Dangler
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