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Everything posted by FishHeadRic

  1. Hey Steve, I did a pike tourney up there on Lake Rosseau last year. The top lengths were right in the 200 inch range for the 5 fish. We only managed 138" but still took 19th. The weather was horrible most of the day and quite a few boats didn't even get their limit. Largest fish was 47" but unfortunately it died in the guy's live well. There's definately some monsters in there though! FHR
  2. Alex, You can always just walk in and cause a huge ruccas. Ask to talk to the manager and complain to him. If you cause enough of a stink in the place more than likely they'll just take em back to shut ya up. Ric
  3. If you don't trust the snap swivels you can always just put another barrel swivel and then attach a split ring to the end. Tying them works but the higher the tests you go the bigger and bulkier the knot will be, you might want to concider a crimping sleeve. FHR
  4. http://www.ontariofishing.net/news/june2005-2.html http://www.execulink.com/~environm/Fishing/walleye.html http://www.thefishinguide.com/rice.shtml http://forums.fishontario.com/message.jspa?messageID=92908
  5. Hey, Not for nothing but pike and muskies will bite right through that 30lb floro. I'd go with at least 60-80lb for them. FHR
  6. Hey Rob, Good to see ya around and good to know you finally got the smell of skunk off ya. FHR
  7. Hey Grant, After the first year of posting on the old, old board it had become obvious to me that the cat was out of the bag. In a large part due to my posts and the posts of the other GTA crew. The internet has really changed things and because of this some of us made a deliberate decision to not post as much or wait till the season was almost over to post anything. In a lot of ways it really did piss me off that I did all the leg work and after posting all my spots were being used and abused but I also though that the board would be a great tool to help make people aware of preservation, C&R and plain and out right respect for the fishery. Yes there will always be bad apples out there. Unfortunately the fishing scene seems to bring out quite a few of them. For the life of me I still can't understand why people can't clean up after them selves but it's something we here in the Toronto area are just going to have to deal with. Sad really. Just sad. FHR
  8. Hey Grant, After the first year of posting on the old, old board it had become obvious to me that the cat was out of the bag. In a large part due to my posts and the posts of the other GTA crew. The internet has really changed things and because of this some of us made a deliberate decision to not post as much or wait till the season was almost over to post anything. In a lot of ways it really did piss me off that I did all the leg work and after posting all my spots were being used and abused but I also though that the board would be a great tool to help make people aware of preservation, C&R and plain and out right respect for the fishery. Yes there will always be bad apples out there. Unfortunately the fishing scene seems to bring out quite a few of them. For the life of me I still can't understand why people can't clean up after them selves but it's something we here in the Toronto area are just going to have to deal with. Sad really. Just sad. FHR
  9. Hey Guys, Sorry :/ I started the day late. My girl friend wasn't feeling so good the nite before so I let her get some sleep before we headed out around 12. Started out down at OP. It was her first time fishing so we went through the whole drill of Casting, opening the bail, keeping the finger on the line before opening the bail, and then casting with out hooking any one or any thing behind you... Took her a bit to get it down but after about an hour she was casting like a pro. Really windy down at OP and we only had 2 follows so we decided to move on. The next bay over we were riding along when I spotted a HUGE pike sunning it's self on a flat. I've seen some big pike before but this one was Very Large. 45"-47" range. I quickly hopped off the bike and set up a husky jerk to pass by her. Made 5 or 6 passes when she finally became intrested. She came right up to the lure, nosed it and then just kind of lolly gagged off into the deep. I quickly change lures to a Mepps #5 and cast it out in the direction she went. As I was bringing the lure back another pike, a little bit smaller, followed it right in but just sat there watching the lure. I tried to get this one to bite but she just wasn't having anything to do with my lure. I then switched back to the HJ and tried to get her to bite but she just sat there amused at my lures. We decided to head down more and see if we could find a nice weed bed to locate more responsive pike. On the next stop we found some nice older weed growth that was holding some nice carp and a nice rainbow trout. Tried a few passes through there but yet again the pike that were in there just seemed to follow the lures in and then just sit there. Started to get a little frustrated so we decided to go look for some deep weed beds deeper inside the harbour. At this point it was almost 4:30 and we had tickets to the Rocky Horror Picture show so our time out was almost at an end. Finnaly found some nice weeds but by this time my girl fiend's arm was starting to hurt so I knew my day was almost done. Casted out a bunch of times when I heard my girl friend scream out for me to come over. I ran over and she had a nice pike following her lure in. This one too wasn't really feeding, just curious. After that we decided to just call it a day and go get home ready for the show. We both have Tuesday off so we're going to give it another go then. I'm gonna keep at it before work a couple times this week. Oh well, FHR
  10. Man, it's been a long winter. I've been working like a dog all winter but now it's all about the pike for the next few months. Spent the afternoon getting all my gear set up and re-lining the reels. Took me about an hour and a half just to set up the lures but I'm all good to go now. I'm gonna be starting out at OP and working my way down to the ferry docks. From there I'll be hopping over to wards and working my way across. If anyone's going out tomorrow look for me on a green bike. FHR
  11. Hey CH, Ya got the upper rouge that runs right through. The rainbow season should be in full swing in the upper stretches just below milne dam.If ya want some good access points I'll PM ya some spots. FHR
  12. Hey Team 7! I've never entered any of the previous tourneys here on the OFC so I decided to join up this year. Hopefully I'll be able to help with the pike #'s in a few weeks. Cheers and good luck to all! FHR
  13. Hey Alex, How's it going? Long month eh, with the pike season closed? 3 More weeks and it'll be good. I'll get a hold of ya when the season opens and I'll show ya some good hot spots.


  14. Hey Alex, How's it going? Baby Herc I was refering to DMASSE, Dave from Al Flaherty's shop on Duffern. FHR
  15. Hey Patrick, I picked up a few spools of that stuff when I was in NY a few years back. Probably would be my line of choice but as you said it's hard to locate up here. It's an amazing line!!!! A lot of the salt water fishermen down there use it. Definately can't say enough about it's performance and strength. Have a good season with it! FHR
  16. Hey Doug, I'm still around till the end of June. If you're up for going out give me a hollar! Ric
  17. That P-line is some of the best out there. You can also just let the line out the back of your boat or go to a field and clip the line to a fence and walk it out. If you use a swivel to clip it with it'll just straighten out as ya walk it back. FHR
  18. Send Dave a PM with the colours you want. He's probably there right now. FHR
  19. Not for pike. I wouldn't even use it for bass. Go with at least 10lb for the pike. Bass I'd suggest at least 8lb. FHR
  20. Haven't used the Gamma co-poly but I've been using the Yo-zuri and P-Line ones. Very good lines. FHR
  21. Fuji Finepix Z1. I just got one for my girlfriend and it ran 179.99 + tax. Great camera! FHR
  22. P-line Co-poly has been my line of choice for the past few years but I also like the Yo-Zuri Co-poly. It's just hard to find up here in Canada. FHR
  23. Anthony, You free on Wednesday or Thursday? Ric
  24. Hey Brian, I think your best bet woudld be to take the Go train into union station. From there you just take the exibitions street car to the ex. Ric
  25. Ben, I used to have the IR40 and I think I know what the issue with the reel. I ran into the same problem with mine but then realized when I took it apart I put it back together with it the bail clicked down. It all went together fine but the drag wouldn't work at all. Try opening it up and putting it back together making sure the bail isn't engaged. Hope this is the problem with it so you don't have to bring it in. FHR
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