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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. holy moley!!!!!
  2. Anyone know how the eastbound 401 and 407 are? What about the roads in Richmond Hill/Markham?
  3. holy crap....that things huge!
  4. beer....beer....beer.....tiddle dee beer!!! and wait for Spring training and Spring Thaw!
  5. Dude...don't say that...too much work lol
  6. wow....it should be a find night at work tomorrow....playing in the snow in a rear wheeled car with way too much horsepower and testosterone.....
  7. Short and sweet 1) Vimy Ridge - we were supposed to be used as cannon fodder but we showed the world that we were unbreakable and were able to win when were weren't supposed to 2) Passchendale (SP?) see above 3) Toss up b/n the liberation of Holland and the Italian campaign - proved we were tough again
  8. Yep, the missus was expecting when I left for training. Unfortunately I missed a lot of the important stuff while I was gone. i was there though for the first ultrasound and the birth, but everything else I missed. I do feel guilty about it but there are some sacrifices that we all have to make and fortunately my wife was very understanding lol... I work out of markham and during my patrols i've found a few nice spots on the Rouge River......haven't fished though lol
  9. Hey All, Wow...it's been a long time since i've been on here... lol With the new job and my new daughter i've been too busy to do anything let alone fish. Been out once this year and that was the weekend after opening day lol.... Anyway, i'm glad to be back and will be hopefully fishing soon now that Izzy's a little older. I'd post pics but I can't figure out how to do it on the new board lol.... Take Care Dave formerly known as Kitfisher
  10. Hey All, I know there are a lot of tradesmen on this form and I'm wondering if there is a carpet guy here....we just moved into a newly built home and we have berber carpet....what I'm wondering is...is it supposed to be rough? It's actually cutting our feet when we walk barefoot in the house.... Thanks for the help guys, Dave
  11. Dude....I saw the same thing in a no live bait zone on the credit....i've been playin' it straight for 2 days and got skunked! and these guys are doin this in an sanctuary no less!
  12. Hey All, Long time no post. It's been a long time since I have been around. Police college and a baby on the way have made fishing almost non-existent. I have a couple of questions for those of you who fish the Upper Credit River 1) Where is a good starting point up there? I have no Idea because I've only really fished the mouth and Erindale Park 2) Are leech patterns good for early season browns? Thanks guys Dave
  13. I was just in Training with an OPP recruit who graduated from Fish and Wildlife from Flemming
  14. Hey Everyone, i'm finally going to get a chance to get out and do some fishing. I was wondering if anyone has been or knows anyone who has had any luck in Erindale Park...I'm assuming it is still open all year round. Let me know if you can, Dave
  15. What about the St. Thomas/Aylmer area?
  16. I agree Rich.....sitting at the Police College listening/learning about a lot a bad stuff.....downloading is the least of your worries..... Consider this...... 99% of all circulated (not the fresh crisp bills) paper currency in Canada will test positive for traces of cocaine....
  17. Hey Guys, It's unfortunate that I have not been around for a while and haven't been out fishing since about August or September. Since December I've been in training with the York Regional Police, and now, I'm off to the Ontario Police College on Sunday night for the next 3 months. A lot of things will be tested while I'm there, Including 3 months apart from my beautiful expecting wife. It'll tough, but I know it'll be worth it in the end. I'll check the board when I can, but for those who are fishin on the ice, take care, play safe and for goodness sake don't do anything stupid....stupidity kills more people than alcohol! Take Care Dave
  18. Currently a constable in training with the York Regional Police. I'll be officially sworn in May
  19. Here's my picks 1) Christmas Vacation 2) A Christmas Story 3) Scrooged 4) Garfields Xmas 5) Muppets Christmas Carole
  20. Can't wait for the warm weather! Inspection and Drill are a pain in the behind when it's -5....the other day I had drill and it was -11....
  21. Just call the number on the back of the ticket and have a meeting with the crown and plead down the ticket. Trust me the crown will help you. They knocked my 139 in a 90 to 119 in a 90. You'll probably have it knocked down to 60 in a 50 and no demerit points.
  22. I'll be in training so there will be nothing but that to do....weekends are for eating and sleeping....
  23. You might want to try the company i'm with TD Meloche Monnex. It's a pretty good company and gives discounts to university grads. I pay about >$250 per month for 2 cars
  24. Just did my medical exam, signed the offer of employment and was given all my gear....good grief, I got so much stuff I can't keep everything straight lol.
  25. It's in the muscle, not bones lol....just a pulled muscle that is hopefully getting better by next week lol
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