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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Well, I picked up a starter kit from Chipping Away that had 3 "projects" to carve....an apple, a boot and a dog....all three came out and I'm working on a teddy bear, but right now it looks more like an alien than a bear lol
  2. where? I checked out the website and didn't see it on sale
  3. Hey All, As some of you know, I've started to do some carving, which is actually turning out great (pics to follow when I have time lol). Anyway, I'm running into a bit of a problem, I'm in need of some place to cut my wood. I have limited funds so I can't run out an buy a scroll or band saw to cut out patterns. I'm wondering if anyone on this board and is close to the KW area that could help me out - either let me use their equipment or could cut my stuff out. I'll pay in beer if necessary Let me know! Thanks Dave
  4. You keep the $100gs....i'll just use a high tension steel cable to deal with them....'specially those morons that have been taking runs at swimmers on the beaches near Jackson's point....
  5. I think whittling leads into carving from what I have been reading into....I would love to be able to do fish and other wildlife and some of the folk charactitures that I've been seeing around...but I'll start out with small animals etc...and I'm planning a trip to chipping away tomorrow!
  6. Hey all, I was recently at a cottage and found myself whittling with a pocket knife that I had snagged at a flea market while there. So I was thinking that I'd like to start woodcarving. What I was wondering was where to start? What do I look for in a knife set. I know there are a few members on the board that do wood carving so I'd like their feedback and info to point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance Dave
  7. Hahaha I do too....two beautiful girls and I think pepper spray will work better hahaha
  8. What's vacation? I used all mine up in January with the birth of my second daughter.
  9. Just found out....starting august 2nd I'll be working in the traffic unit, slowly making my way to collision reconstruction!
  10. Waste management and I dabble in counselling, crowd control, traffic management, peace keeper, babysitter, parking attendent..........
  11. i dont know wa happen....i hit peddle and car go crazy!
  12. Gotta get my mind out of the gutter... Looks great! love roasted pork!
  13. go for a nice perch dinner in leamington...plenty of great restaurants
  14. The chance of killing someone doesn't stop someone from getting behind the wheel.... Criminal Court Judges with backbones would be more of a deterrent...i've seen impaired cause death and impaired cause bodily harm get no jail time....
  15. I think what the province was getting at and royally failed was targeting inexperienced drivers, hence targeting those who are under 21....but they failed. They are trying to extend what the graduated licencing does, but I don't think that they captured it at all. I understand what they're trying to do and I'm not necessarily in agreement with it but it is what it is. What the gov't needs to do is lower the legal limit and actually make sure the courts convict impaired drivers instead of letting them plea down to careless driving.
  16. I think some of the mods are getting that way too lol....oh wait didi say that outloud???
  17. Yeah but that would mean I would actually want to go to the niagara region lol....
  18. Hahaha...yeah your cousin is hard core though. I wouldn't want to run from him...12 of my steps are 2 of his
  19. Actually the wording is "unnecessarily slow driving" and I have laid it! Lol
  20. Rick...as much as the nanny state is trying to help, they can't legislate stupid! Otherwise I wouldn't be allowed out of my house hahaha
  21. True, but when you look at other countries we have the weakest consequences. 15 over is austia is a $1500 fine 40km over in california is imprisonment overnight and $500 IMHO I'd like to see stiffer fines and penalties and the legal limit dropped to .05 like many other states/countries... The actual fine structures have changed, but it has to do with the offences that carry 4 or more points. I don't have them in front of me and that is why I can advise anyone about it.
  22. Hey guys, I'm not sure if everyone has heard, but the Ontario government has been working on new HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT legislation. According to the new legislation, all drivers 21 and under cannot operate a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration above Zero. That's right. If you're under 22 you can have any alcohol in your system. The reason I'm posting this and I know people are going to jump all over this, but I wanted to clarify some misinformation from the media. I was listening to talk radio for the last few hours and they were making it seem that everything that was passed is Criminal Code. It's not. It Highway Traffic Act and will be treated as such. The legislation is inforced no different than the graduate licencing charges. If you have a G1 or G2 you cannot have a Blood Alcohol Concentration above Zero. You face a possible licence suspension and fine. Same thing will apply. Licence suspension and fine. Furthermore, it will be investigated the same at the roadside. A roadside breat demand will be given and the blow box will give the results. The blow box is calabrated to give readings from .000 to .100 so from no alcohol to a fail. There is also legislation changes to fine and point structures to speeding etc. I don't have the numbers yet but when I do, if you're interested I'll let you know. There are also changes to the sentencing for impaired drivers. Basically you can plead out to a one year ignition interlock system - basically you have to take a breath test everytime you start your car and every vehicle you drive has to have it installed. Okay, don't shoot the messanger guys. I don't write the laws, I'm just trying to clarify a lot of the misinformation. Dave
  23. I'm not as old as many of the fine gentlemen on this board but I've had many jobs before settling down. I worked for the local childrens aid society in the group homes and several other private "care" homes...spent some time in closed custody youth facilities and eventually worked as a probation and parole officer in kitchener. When that contract got yanked out from under me I began working as a youth probation officer in Mississauga....did that for a few years then caught my break. I've been chasing bad guys ever since and I'm starting to specialize and work towards a future. I'll be moving into the traffic unit shortly...my ultimate goal is the collision reconstruction unit - they recreate and investigate fatal collisions... I also came close to joining the navy but my gf - now wife - basically gave me an ultimatum and I didn't sign the paper work. Do I regret the decision? No because then I wouldn't have my 2 beautiful daughters and now I'm serving my country on the home front rather than abroad. Keep your head up. There are a lot of options out there. Just keep an open mind and remember when one door slams in your face, kick it down and make a new door. You are the master of your own destiny and as long as you're happy with what you do than you're doing fine!
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