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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Canada has a submarine? Does it float and did we buy is second hand?
  2. Cool they could bring the coffee and donuts!
  3. Yep, up for work....and its cold old -15 with the windchill
  4. My rant is over...waking up really early bites and I mean earlier than Lew o'clock... This is posted almost 4 hours after the alarm went off Dave
  5. Yup, new power plant for the west end of the GTA....
  6. Hope all goes well. Sounds like your daughter is a real fighter! Best of luck!
  7. wear your bucket and have fun! looks great!
  8. Consider your first one sold! 2012 is around the corner!
  9. awesome year DB! This summer we gotta hit the local CC lakes! I hear Shades Mills Calling!
  10. yeah....i got a one car garage full of tools and garden stuff...some fishing equipment but nothing good lol....even with my Nissan parked in it lol
  11. Thanks all, we'll eventually go back, but it won't be over Christmas that's for sure!
  12. work, kids, wife and photography........ unfortunately the work and kids takes most of my time Oh, and making up new and colourful curses for commuting in the snow!
  13. we tried to...it was our second time there so we got about an hour and a half in Hollywood after it stopped raining and then I decided to drive through a down pour so my wife could see Rodeo Dr.
  14. So, it took a while, but I finally got through many photos. So, a while ago, my wife and I decided that we would take my father in law to see his very elderly dad in Los Angeles over the Christmas holidays, so we packed up both kids and I flew everyone to California. When we landed, I found out that the weather was not good. We had 5 days of torrential rain causing mud slides. We had our friends calling us to see if we were okay because the reports here were saying that Los Angeles was about to slide into the ocean. So on the first day where the rain stopped i snuck out. Here are a few pics: Port Huememe Wharf Then the rain started again and I packed it in. So, while it rained, my wife shopped lol....boy did I wish it had stopped raining Next break in the rain, I went north on 101 and came close to Santa Barbara So the first forecasted day without rain we took my oldest to Disneyland which was a great experience and made me feel like a kid again. The look on my daughters face when she got to see Buzz Lightyear and Woodie was priceless So the next clear day I escaped again and went north to Ventura I was able to find a wildlife sanctuary so here are a few shots from it...there wasn't much wildlife and although there was a seal sanctuary it was empty On the day before I left for home, my wifes cousin took us to Santa Barbara which was a very beautiful place. I haven't seen many places in the world, but the harbour had to be one of the nicest places I've ever seen. The pier itself is massive with shops and restaurants which you drive your car out on and park. Here was a harbour seal that was playing in and around the pier. The pic isn't the greatest because the seal was popping in and out of the shadows. This pic shows where i really wanted to go while I was in California. The Channel Islands are a group of 5 Islands off the coast of Ventura, CA. They are the Galapagos of North America. Diverse and really the place to go if you're a wildlife photographer. Anyway, the weather was bad and i wasn't going to drop $75 for the ferry ride to one of the islands if nasty weather was going to roll up and trap me there. Thanks for looking Dave
  15. it's an interesting show.....not sure that i believe everything though
  16. lol...the isetta was a joke since drifter brought up the smart car...i almost walked away with 2 cars....offered a Honda Fit for a good price too because my car is ready to go....
  17. i look good in stretchy pants and i bet you're dyin to see!
  18. anyone else have cabin fever....had a photo trip pl-anned tomorrow...but got cancelled cuz the wife also made plans without telling me...
  19. So today I officially became a soccer mom! I pick it up on Tuesday...fully loaded 2007 Honda Odyssey, got it for a good price, was a return from a lease...one own who was a 60 year old man so it was in great shape. I couldn't say no!
  20. No, I let the first hunter on scene take it
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