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Everything posted by joefish

  1. Fast as fast can be
  2. Best of luck corvette, I had the same surgery twice and I'm fine now. Just listen to your body and do your exercises!! You'll be fine....a little sore, but fine! Keep us up to date with your progress and dont push the first few days..
  3. Of course no mention of how low the wage is....
  4. Very nice Gerritt! Was there a few years ago as well and that was a nice resort as it still seems Fishing?....Nah, it's just nice to get away!
  5. OK! That was thoroughly disgusting. Not a representation of a true Canadian!........Celine Dion? I'd rather........puke?
  6. OOOOHHHHH, I thought I read "hangover fishing".......Been there done that and it aint fun! Welcome to THE board!!
  7. Hence no pictures? Good you got out!
  8. Dont know if any one mentioned it but they STINK! Took one out a few years ago hunting for wabbits and brought him back in the car and I wish I didnt! So if your sensitive to raunchy odours then get a dog with hair and not fur....Just my opinion.
  9. How about this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYusPRre07k
  10. Yup,AILE GOBY, that outta do it!!! Good for you!
  11. Pics posted
  12. Just got back from standing on a bridge over pass with hundreds of others to pay respect to another fallen soldier. A very sobering experience indeed! As the procession neared not a sound could be heard and then sniffles. As an uncle to a soldier now in Cypress being debriefed because of this last death I ask again, Why are our women and men there? Will try and post pics when I feel better...Joe Thorold Fire Dept. Raised ladder with Canadian flag Looking south towards Beaverdams Rd bridge Lead OPP Motorcade Hearse carrying Tyler Crooks
  13. Got to agree with you coldh20guy!!!
  14. Dont want to sound racist, but in my opinion....Too much Quebec influence. Front office mostly French, coach is/was French, they want more players from Quebec. Not that its a bad thing but other teams have a multi cultural mix. So why do the Habs think they have to have more French players?
  15. So tough to watch them go like that, Jacques. I too watched as my father went the same way 15 years ago. I feel your pain and loss as well, God bless...
  16. The only one I know of is called Dick's. It's located at the Galleria Mall not far from Niagara Falls. Can't miss it, it's HUGE!! Just Google for directions... Good Luck shopping!
  17. Done as well! Good luck to them in life and love....Joe
  18. Definitely gonna catch some of those shows! That in my opinion was some of the best TV of the time!
  19. I've been working for Canpar Transport for almost 25 years. Local terminal is a short 3 minute walk here in Thorold. Love my customers and my route...Just hope we can do a bit more shopping on line and keep me working for another 15 years, then it will be retirement time!
  20. My condolences,Lew. Let faith heal what time cannot...
  21. I've put in a request to Barry that you should do a show taking an amateur out (namely ME). That should be a blast! Great show guys! Keep up the good work!
  22. You guys are definitely off the WALL! Shoppers Drug Mart!
  23. Almost literally ran into our Rick this morning at the local SDM. He looked at me and I stared him down but didnt waiver! Didnt get to exchange pleasantries as he seemed to be in a hurry but he looked in good health! Keep doing what youre doing Rick as it seems to be beneficial. Too bad we didnt get to talk, maybe next time...
  24. Thank you!! Now we're cookin with gas!!!!
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