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Everything posted by joefish

  1. Thanks Chickenhawk! But thats just a WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE bit too far to drive.
  2. Question for those of prior knowledge. We are a group of 11 men that fish every year for a week in Sept. Lately our fishing lodge hasnt been producing as it has in the past. L Nippissing isnt the fishery it once was. We are in the midst of possibly looking for another venue. Some requirements are: Accommodations for up to 12 Clean bath, shower, toilet Kitchen facilities for eating all at once We like to provide our own food and cook it as well Boats are needed and must be reliable- gas as well We have our own bait We could drive a little further north maybe 7 to 8 hours north of Niagara We usually go the first full week in Sept. so that the long weekend crowds are gone and there is no boat traffic. If there are any questions that I may have left out please ask and I'll try and respond ASAP. We need to get moving on this quickly as time slots fill up fast. Thanks for your time and input! Joe
  3. Glad to hear shes doing better! My little tot is 25 and living in S. Korea and just had an unfortunate accident that required stitches to his head. Talk about helpless...Great news for you though!!
  4. So youre saying he wasnt wearing a thong? I never go out without mine!
  5. Should have used CanPar boys!!! Ooops! Sorry for the spam!!
  6. Irishfield,tsk, tsk, tsk....I'd have done the same thing!
  7. Found mostly in Red Light Districts...Brown Chested Fox Whorus!
  8. OUCH!
  9. I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Thanks all!
  10. How did you get my picture as your avatar???
  11. save it where? To desk top, save image as...copy image?
  12. Tried and tried but to no avail! Says its too big. Thanks
  13. Ya I do! Now if some one can show me how to change my avatar I would be eternally grateful
  14. Look out now! Nothings gonna stop me!!
  15. Right but she cant steer worth Crap!
  16. Just a few from Sandy Haven this past September.
  17. THANKS!!!!!!
  18. This better?
  19. I am. Just finally got up the nerve to join.
  20. I can go smaller...320x240?
  21. Pics are at 640x480. Is that too big?
  22. By the way, wifey says "No stinkin fish on MY boat"!!!!
  23. Memart, dont know what you mean. When I view the pictures they are stacked upon each other so I assume they are ok. What do you suggest?
  24. Good luck and wishes Richard, and dont forget I'm just up the hill from you if you need anything!...Joe
  25. Thats the one!
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