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Everything posted by ironstone74

  1. Yeah like I said, they've been using for decades
  2. It's possible if you get into aggressively feeding fish, I've never heard of it though... Paul
  3. Nice job man. Can't beat numbers like that! Yes, bring on the Steel... Paul
  4. Nice post! Way to start them out young. If you take one of the kids fishing, it's a lot easier to get the OK from the better half to plan trips PAUL
  5. I/ve tried topwaters in the dark in the Grand and it is spooky like you said. Up to my shorts in water, only using moonlight for contrast. I haven't landed any after dark. I will try again in the Spring. Can't beat the rush of topwater hits.... fisherman's crack!!!! (not plummer's). Paul
  6. Up until a few days ago I fished with 3mm neoprene waders. They lasted about 11 years with light use. I upgraded to Simms G3s which are pricey but should perform well. I would recommend rubber or vinyl for the number of times you are planning on. Neos are a level up and then Gore-Tex/ breathables are the cat's meow. Paul
  7. Yeah it's brutal. I'm selling my gear... 13' Frontier 20 bucks, Islander 20 bucks. Worst it's been in 24.5 years.
  8. Nice fish, great report! Paul
  9. My understanding is that they go deep and become very inactive like a hibernation state for the winter. Similar to river SMB. Paul
  10. Nice post! And nice fish. Looks like you had a grand day. Paul
  11. I fish the Grand a lot and I have found the same thing. Big fish July and early August, now really slow. I was out tonight and caught a small SMB, no where near the size I'm used to. I get afew hits but no smashes on the topwaters. The big fish seem to be there still (big hits, surface feeding) but are on a negative bite. I'll try some of Troutologists tips in October. P.
  12. It's not cool to call people names, obviously the name callers have some esteem/confidence/insecurity issues. Keep fishing and forget the insulters - silence them by outfishing them, or "accidentally" knocking them into the drink!!! Paul
  13. Nice Buckets, row row row ur boat... Paul
  14. Nice fish man! That's a good haul for an off day. Paul
  15. What a tank, nice job! Paul
  16. That's what it's all about right there. Don't sweat old GCD, he's too busy braggin aboot his fishing team's 1st place ranking. Paul
  17. That's sad. As much as they're a pain in the arse, they did not deserve a death like that. Paul
  18. I hear ya, maybe he needs his fix of Steelheading's finest site. But I did just drop 400 bones on G3 waders, but I'll have them dirty and smelly by December, I'm a post madonna. Paul
  19. Nice fish man. I know if you get length and girth you can calculate weight.
  20. Easy there boys. You know when the title mentions Steelhead or floatfishing what the post will entail. I don't fish for carp or walleye... and I don't slam the guys who do! The irony of your post is that you're bringing an uneeded negative vibe to the board just like a lot of guys at generously proportioned.net. Nothing personal, I'm just sayin. Paul
  21. Well we fished Eugenia pretty hard this morning. Most of the weeds had turned brown in 6-10 feet of water and weren't holding fish. We spent 2 hours tracking them down. We were drifting a section and finally I hooked into a decent size Largie but it spit the hook. I boated 1 small Largemouth and my buddy didn't land any. It was a negative bite. The most frustrating part was marking fish at the front and rear of the boat, drifting right over them, and not get any action. Oh well, good to try fishing out in a nicely equiped boat Next time... Paul
  22. Curious if anyone has fished it lately and would share any hot baits. I fish mostly river Smallies so this is a new style of fishing for me. I have the bases covered for a variety of techniques; wondering any hot colours or techniques have been producing. I'm not a meat harvester or anything like that. Feel free to pm me if you prefer. Thanks Paul
  23. Grand River Steel Steel 2008: [/img]
  24. Thanks for the tips guys, I like the look of that Gama weedless hook! I have not tried any Texas rigs but that will be my second attack. Paul
  25. great looking boat! That'll be years of fun on the water.
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