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Everything posted by ironstone74

  1. Nice fish Bro!
  2. I have only fished with Senkos once and didn't have any luck. I was rigging them wacky stlye with a Gama hook and snagged 3 times and had to break off each time. So my first question can you rig Senkos weedless wacky style ???? If so what size and stlyle hook? I river fish for Smallmouth most often and I am going to try Senkos in my spots in the Grand here in Kitchener. Has anyone had any luck using Senkos in rivers and how did you rig them up? Got this one this morning First bucket mouth from a couple of weeks back Thanks for any feedback Paul
  3. Nice fish man! I should try topwaters after dark... but I'm afraid of the dark. Paul
  4. Nice job Leechman! Great pics and report. Paul
  5. Nice Job! Paul
  6. I've had a good run of fishing lately and managed to wet a line 5 days in a row. I have a young family so I bring them along or hit the water when they'e asleep. 2 evenings on the Grand river, 2 trips to a nearby resevoir/lake, a morning on the Beaver in Thornbury, and a couple of hours on the allegedly "stocked" pond at Blue Mountain. Can't beat a good run of fishing. What's your streak??? Paul
  7. For Smallies it's a toss up between a jointed orange belly Rapala and a white body and skirt Hoola Popper. The Rap really produces, but the rush of a take on the Hoola Popper can't be matched I fish mostly the old but Grand River. Paul
  8. Thanks guys, I can't stay away from the topwater lures... there's such a rush when Smallies smash them!!! pAUL
  9. Thanks Lexx, the lightening concerned me most and luckily it was distant. Paul
  10. Nice fish man, can't beat topwater action! Paul
  11. I got out tonight for just over an hour and no luck on leeches or Mepps Aglia so I switched to old faithful, the Hoola Popper. I worked downstream to where I exit the river and after one swipe at it this guy head butted my lure. Pretty close to the eyes, but no damage. Healthy fish, good scrapper considering the hook location. The camera had been a jinx for me lately so I was glad to land this guy and post up some pics Paul
  12. Thanks man, are they considered emergers? P.
  13. I went out with a buddy to chase some Smallies in the Grand in Kitchener. Fishing was slow, I managed one around 17" and my buddy caught a wee one. At around 8:15 a hatch of white Mayfly like bugs started and continued to get more intense until dark. They had white bodies wtih long tails; they appeared to emerge, flutter their wings on the surface, and then fly away. It looked like it was snowing with bugs going upstream, downstream and in my ears. The Bass were having a feast nailing these guys on the surface. I would have loved to have had my fly rod and some drys. Any guesses as to the name of these flys??? Paul
  14. Don't be jealous because he catches fish. Haha.
  15. Had that issue with my Islander in the Spring. It was easy enough to take it apart and wipe it down. It has a ported back plate. Paul It's almost that time again boys! I'm starting to get the itch
  16. Thanks guys, new toys here we come Paul
  17. I am looking at buying G3 waders and a Simms fleece from a shop in B.C. The final quote online for both items included the GST but no PST because they are being shipped out of BC. Will I have to pay PST here in Ontario when I pick them up at the Post Office or when it shows up by courier??? Or am I only going to have to pay GST??? Anybody know? If I only pay GST, it will be cheaper for me to have them shipped to my door (they waived shipping fee for me) than to drive to BPS and pay both taxes. Thanks Paul
  18. Good point. You need to have smoked some nasty cheap cigars to appreciate a smooth well humidifed Cuban cigar. They hang and age the tobacco for months until it is rolled by a master roller, 3 to 4 different types of leaves are used, they are organized in the box by shade of colour (they have a guide listing over 100 shades of wrapper leaves ... What is the big deal??? Eat a nice meal, not too much garlic or onion it stains your taste buds, soften your pallet with a couple beers or glasses of wine, sit on your deck pour a glass of Port, single malt Scotch, or Cognac, cut the cap off the Cuban with a cutter, and spark it up!!! A perfect way to spend an hour with friends and family Cheap cigars are like fishing with a Snoopy rod and reel compared to a Stradic on a Loomis.... there is no comparison, they are not similar. Don't get me started, I love good cigars. Paul
  19. Thanks for the heads up, I'm curious what your total will be. Paul
  20. Nice buckets! Good work.
  21. Yes, the Nine Mile river has healthy Steelhead and Salmon runs. Not many secret spots and a lot of angling pressure in the Spring and Fall! Beautiful scenery. Paul
  22. I have used Gulp Leeches several times for Smallmouth in rivers without any luck. How do you guys rig them and present them for SMB??? Thanks Paul
  23. Just got back from the Grand River and NO NEED to pause for the fish to turn tonight No hits on a jointed Rap so I switched to a Jitterbug and soon a tank smashed it and sent my drag whizzing. Fish was 19" plus. No more takers on the J bug so I switched to a white Hoola Popper with white body and white skirt. Second Smallie smashed the popper and at 17" fought harder the bigger fish. I think I know where I'm going to fish for next year's derby!!! I will get a camera and get some proof; I wrecked my last one Steelheading this Spring and can't risk taking the new one out. Paul Sorry Taz4432, we'll get out, this trip came up last minute.
  24. Smallies tend to turn once thy have inhaled prey so you need to give them a second or you'll pull it right out of their yap. P.
  25. I get out usually once a week in the evening after the kids are in bed. I hit the Grand in Kitchener and I did well tonight. I was in the river at 7:45 and I caught 5 Smallies before 9:00, the biggest was 17". What a blast, I even saw a doe and two fawns walking along the river! Well worth the mosquito bites and brushes with Stinging Nettle. Paul
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