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Everything posted by fish-miester

  1. Causeway Live Bait Port Perry ont 905-985-0707 good set of guys that run the shop and normally full of information!
  2. haha ya, it was a good time but i think i would have done better if i did more paying attention haha perfect flip or pitch under a dock.. start talking then realise my line is dancing .. then set the hook.. and nuthing.. well thats how the day went for me.. but all in all it was a good time, normally i would have went solo there.. wich isnt all that bad.. but its good to get out on the water and not have to talk to yourself.. lol
  3. haha well i started off just asking if we could go for a walk down to the lake, hmm sounds good to her.. ok next step.. do you mind if i bring my rod and take a couple casts? .. if that works.. keep on goin ! lol once we get down there take a cast or two.. then i would ask her if she would like to try.. if she says yes thats great.. if she says no.. try again in a few more casts.. if nothings workin .. then continue on ur walk.. if she does take the bait, make sure she enjoys it but dont expect her to stay out for hours.. or even an hour.. but if ur able to get her hooked.. its smooth sailing from there out, thats how i got my girl friend to fish with me any ways.. started off with little fish.. and then the next day i caught a 3.5lb largie infront of her and that was kind of a make or break.. she started off saying she never wanted to catch a giant like that and she would stick to her little rockies and panfish, but a few mounths later that changed after we went out in the boat for walleye.. caught a few and asked her if we should keep one and take it home and fry it up.. she was all for it.. ever since she is hooked on walleye fishing .. and about a month ago..her and i went fishing for "walleye" aka she wanted to catch walleye i wanted to catch some smallies, both got what we wanted and well here is her first big walleye.. but the only real advise i can give you is that you dont wanna pressure her or make her fish for too long .. just try the.. "oh hey lets go for a walk.. maybe cast a line or two" phrase .. works for me.. but trust me they will catch on .. and as soon as they start getting bored.. u better start talking about sumthing amusing to her.. or start packin up.. or else they get grumpy on you lol thats just my two cents.
  4. looks like scugog to me? were you and and another guy out on the ceserea side trolling ? / were you who i was yellin at the other day from my boat while i was flippin docks?
  5. lol man , i got the boat on the water 24/7 most of the time.. and il be moving up there around nov 7th..
  6. wow, beauty report, i am major jealous !
  7. chemong's not a bad lake at all , went there in really crummy weather and was still able to land a few decent fish
  8. ps mike. when we goin fishin ?
  9. hey mike.. honestly i dont mind at all.. um and as for reels i had some good ones for sale.. but litteraly sold them probably 3 days ago.. had a rick clunn combo for 50$ but shes gone now. as well as a pfluger president for pretty cheap.. but that was the past .. as of right now i dont have anything .. but i will ask my buddies.. cuz well why pay full price when u can pay about half ? lol Are you a righty or a lefty ?
  10. yeah , i ended up buying the 7'2 R-type for flippin light jigs.. as of right now im liking it
  11. awesome sounds good
  12. Hey guys and gals, me and my buddy once again are planning on a little road trip.. and are heading up to Seymour Lake to do some bass fishing and what ever else we come across, is it worth the trip ? how has the fishing been around there? whats the lake like? as well as fees for boat launch / its condition? any input would be appreciated Thanks again ! a fellow angler
  13. where r u going ?
  14. that was me last night flippin jigs, and some how i ended up with my Punisher jig's Huge Owner hook through my middle finger! at first i was like where is my jig? and why do i have this huge birds nest.. and then i realised.. lets just say i was not a happy camper.. + the sun was just going down, but i didnt exactly want to rip it out .. so what i did was took my fillet knife, cut a little slit in the skin then removed it how it says to... as i really didnt wanna ruin my new punisher jig that i bought yesterday.. haha i just wish i had pictures
  15. i was going to originaly build the boat out of 3/4 and suport it properly, but we had all the wood left over so we cut them all to size and put it in, sure its a tonn of weight but hey if its just me in the boat its perfect, and well i was thinking if i some how leveld the boards and filled the "grooves" then would that work ? cuz i was just thinking if i put a hole new piece of wood in (which covers half of my boat) thats going to add alot more weight, and yes i do want this to be a decent looking boat at the end of the day .. but after college im gunna be getting myself somthin a little nicer. tho that means it has to last me about 4 years..
  16. as of right nowi have a 14' aluminum and 2'' deck boards because i bought them off of my gfs dad after he built his fence.. i fibre glass resin'd them, and well its solid.. a little heavy but not complaining as i have had 3 people standing on the deck.. so you think my best bet would be to lay a 1/4 sheet over top? i was just worried about gaps below.. aka inbetween the two different surfaces.. aka room for mold? or anything ?
  17. so heres the story.. i put a casting"deck" into my aluminum boat early this season.. and well its exactly that .. a Deck, as i used deck boards.. and well its deffenetly strong enough for 2 ppl plus my pedestal seat.. but was wondering how i should carpet the deck now as i dont really want it to be uneven or wavey / with the grooves of the boards showing.. and ideally i would like it to be nice and flat and well look good... any ideas?.. what are your thoughts ? i am no carpenter and any ideas, tips or hints would greatly be appreciated i was thinking if i was to sand each board down flat and level with each other , then coat the wood in fibre glass resin ? or add a thin layer of plywood ontop of the already in place deck boards.. and then add the carpet ontop of that ? or maybe sand and fill the grooves in between the boards? thanks again a fellow angler.
  18. cumara = a beautiful rod, 2 of my good friends / fishing buddies have them spinning and bait cast .. and let me say.. WOW the things are nice and light and will defenetly do the trick
  19. good stuff buddy, i have started to do alot more flippin and pitchin around docks and structure , and man its workin great, have caught some nice fish doing it ! for sure keep up the great work ! ps what kind of jig ?
  20. haha well there woulda been a picture of the musky.. if we got it into the boat... and the pike we didnt even think to of taken a picture.. untill i tossed it back..
  21. very tru , and honestly that was a huge toss up in my mind , im liking the R-type for its weight and its almost perfect , tho im not sure if its got ALL the backbone i need, where as the mojo is nice , but im really looking for somthin really light .. as realisticly i have heavy cover rods, aka 7'6 H crucial , and 7' xh carrot stik
  22. heres a couple of the bigger bass we caught up on canal lake last friday one just around 3 , the middle one was 3.5 and the smallie weighed 4.1
  23. hey did it last week, went to Canal lake..and parked and slept in the drivers seat all night.. wasnt the worst..nor the best.. but the back of the sante fe was full with gear.. so it was the only place to sleep.. tho I have done that before many times.. or even when ever i go out and if im to tired or.. "unable" to drive home i lay the seats down.. pillow cusions / foam mattresses are recomended.. and defenetly bring a sleeping bag.. little blankets will not do the trick lol
  24. ps how big is the rod sock ? can you cover the whole rod? or rod and reel , or multiple rods.. no reels?
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