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Everything posted by NAC

  1. a spectacle to behold, it will be!
  2. Those chunks you see are actually mini bergs, mixed with lots of slush. We knew the conditions when we looked from above, but gave a good effort anyway. Was a decent day to get out as Joonmoon said.
  3. I'm sure many of you power-boaters just sighed after reading the description. I tried in 2007 to make something happen, but being one of very few in Ontario who used a kayak as their primary mode of fishing.... and then again last year(some of you may remember my post), I was so hopeful of making it happen only to have it dashed by too few anglers willing to commit. Now in 2009 with the population of yakfishers doubling and tripling the past few years, it is going to happen and it's gonna be BIG! Please see Announcements and Contests for details.
  4. Self employed or I wouldn't be on here at 2 in the afternoon.... My serious job is operating a project management service company for marine, petrochemical and power generation industries. My fun job is running a seasonal eco-adventure guiding and rental business.
  5. NAC


    The wife had messed hers up real good and not being any kind of techie, I just did what douG said minus the re-install of windows and got free AVG. Haven't had a single problem since and that was 2 months ago.
  6. They are an excellent reel for the money Kemper. I specifically bought mine for the weight because I have a superlight old 13' GL2 that I use it with. No disappointment whatsoever, even after I bounced it off the rocks once! Bought new bearings immediately after, but haven't needed to replace them because it still spins like a top. I've only used an Aventa and Islander in the past and am still partial to this one. Fall spawner.
  7. snell knot for octopus hooks will get you way less missed hooksets.
  8. I kept waiting for something big to come and slam those small fish as they reeled them in... Good to see more exposure for the sport! I heard there's a kayak fishing movie going to be released soon and that there's an Ontario pro involved in it. Also heard of some kayak fishing events in Ontario this summer.
  9. gotta love BC! Nice fish too!
  10. I found that amusing. There are some valid points. However, for the most part it is a bunch of bunk and it seems that the fellow who wrote the article had very little success with his centrepin or never really spend enough time using one. back-off Professor Bumblebee! with a name like that, maybe he should have taken up flyfishing intsead.
  11. As mentioned, it is very dependant on what it is being used for. The Oregon is a high end handheld model. I've been using a Garmin Vista Cx since 2003 for eveything from climbing to fishing to adventure racing. Cost $400 back then and I'm sure they are much cheaper by now. You definitely have the right brand and retailer.
  12. Kemper, $75+tx will get you a brand new 12'6" Shimano convergence, w/ Fuji guides and a lifetime warranty. I just picked one up before Xmas for chuckin bigger floats with bulk shot. There not pretty, but very functional. ____________ I'll probably spend just under $1000 before season opener and about that much again before the end of the year. $250 has come my way via BPS gift cards. Part of that will include a new fish finder and the rest will be drop-shot rod, jigging rod, a pair of baitcasters for them and of course a bit of tackle.
  13. I'll check it out provided that you don't totally sensationalize all the Southern Ontario rivers that are already getting slammed on a weekly basis?? I've chosen to fish on weekdays for the past two years rather than weekends just for that reason.
  14. Now that is some insight Roy! and a bit funny too. I use power pro for all my warm water fishing as well.
  15. good news! Unfortunately, my camping trailer already knows of one Great Lakes trib that has been much higher than normal in '09.
  16. killer report Ramble On! I was in Haliburton from Dec 26-29 with the intent of doing similar to you in Bancroft. After seeing it rain non-stop for the first three days, I called it off and headed back to Waterloo. Apparently I made a mistake. You have now renewed my quest to go back and try for some specks and/or splake. Thanks for pointing out the snow depth, I'll bring snowshoes for sure.
  17. Factory made! Lots of people have probably seen this before, but I hadn't and thought I'd share it. G loomis rods It is still fairly impressive.
  18. I think that's bigger than any pike I've caught on open water!
  19. Just got off the phone with Kashaga Ken and he reports plenty of ice for fishing and that there has been sleds out on the lake all week.
  20. Just looking to see if anyone has any updates for that area? Bancroft would be nice to hear from as well. I'll be up for a couple days over the holiday on Kashagawigamog. Thanks.
  21. Awe man, now everybody knows!! nice outing Mike!
  22. good job and nice to see reports from across the ditch!
  23. I'll never change the black ones on mine, for fear I'll get skunked! Have success on all five outings since I started using it. Here's today..
  24. well chicks really dig those wooden handles.... I'd just by buy a pc of wooden doweling, cut it to size, drill a hole in the centre and then sand it to shape. Could always stain it too. I've got the SST3 too and have been satisfied with its performance... even after bouncing it off a rock from 4ft in the air. You'll have to show us a pic of the final product.
  25. some beauties there Dobee! I'm just waiting for the snow to stop and then may head down for a few hours. I have to go now after seeing your report, even though it was last weekend.
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