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Everything posted by NAC

  1. I'll be heading there from Bridgeport/Bluevale... but I'm not driving myself becuase Chief Wigam is gonna be there!
  2. Thanks all! I was fairly certain I'd buy one but have now been swayed. It's probably not the best idea to post everything on your wish list, or you may soon end up with lots of toys but no gas money to go out and play!?
  3. works for me too. is the location set?
  4. anyone have experience with one of these? http://www.kayakfishinggear.com/index.asp?...D&ProdID=43 ad says it's great for running electronics?? I want to use it in my kayak for my fish finder, but know nothing about them. trying to cut down on weight and make space.
  5. hopefully the near record snowfalls of 07/08 will help off-set some of that!! a nice wet Spring and normal summer would would also be a welcomed change to the recent drought conditions
  6. I'd be in for K or W... let me know when and where. Filthy's or the 'Hooter' sound good
  7. I'm envious!! was supposed to go this year but the budget wouldn't allow it... again. next year is for certain. any tips for people whom want to travel and fish the area? I'm personally more interested in the deep water stuff for billfish but I would like to get exposed to all the available fishing in CR. I heard there are bonefish there as well. can you confirm?
  8. The intent of the tourney is for it to be fished at the river mouths and outflow/wash areas. I wouldn't want to attempt to fish upstream.... on the Maitland that is. aside from obvious depth issues, there would some nasty scowls from the shore and wading fishermen...not that have exclusive rights to the river, but we want it to be a positive thing for everyone We are not bound by any one location to host the tourney but there appears to be some positive views from the town council in Goderich. Southhampton and Kincardine were considerations as well and never out of the equation. We're just trying to feel things out right now and there can be many changes before anything is determined. The big thing is to get everyone interested to talk it up and come up with the best possible scenarios, then put it into action. It is a new concept for everyone. so please feel free to give your input. thanks
  9. Salmon run used to take place from mid Aug to mid Oct... it appears to be about a month later in the last couple years due to very low river levels. I don't think that will be the case this year with the snow we've had unless it is another drought summer and dry early fall
  10. I like your enthusiasm SD! was not aware of the tourney you spoke about above.... sounds like it would have been fun with the whitewater thrown in!!
  11. I'm new to using hair jigs for anything other than bass. but they do work real good for that! I am defintely interested in what I have have seen above, being a fly tier. Singing Dog, may I ask where you get those walleye jig heads?... nice job BTW.
  12. nice job!! gives me the itch seein that.
  13. there is a good chance it would be Goderich as the headquarters with possibilites for Bayfield and Grand Bend included depending on the number interested.
  14. it shouldn't, you would only be fishing within a 1000yds or so of the river mouth and people all around you, a life jacket and the best part is.... if you fall out or capsize (never happens) they are very simple to get back into. I don't recommend heading way out on the Great Lakes by yourself without a VHF or checking the marine forcast. same as in a motor boat with a lot of fishing kayaks, you can stand up and fly cast from most them if you wish! there are very stable and the good ones cut thru water like a knife... very easy to paddle hope that eases your mind! the above pic is a fellow whom fishes the lower Huron and Michigan area
  15. Definitely in the outflows.... it's the only way to go for such an event that's why it woould be held during the run because the salmon tend to stack in the mouth then
  16. If there were such an event, how many conventional fisherman would be interested if the boats were provided? what would be your choice of species to fish for? How far would you be willing to travel to do it? Whom out there is a kayak fisherman with the boat and gear would be interested? I am looking into organizing such an event next fall in the lower Lake Huron area when the Chinook run is on and am just looking for a little feedback and any suggestions. Thanks. _________________________________________________________________ glad to see so many interested people out there! let me give a little more insight for those whom are not familiar with kayak fishing. There is currently on one tourney in Canada and it is held on Vancouver Island.... Moutcha Bay Tyee Kayak fishing Derby Tyee being chinook over 30lbs the next closest would be either Jamaica Bay, New York or Racine, Wisconsin..... all are very big tourneys' in the world of yakfishin' It is definitely becoming a popular activity! with all our resources around here, there is no way we should not be major players in the sport. It is the stealth method of fishing. Think of how many areas you can just go and drop on in and start fishing. How many times in the Spring or Fall have you wanted to quietly sneak up to a shoreline where you know the fish are and take a few casts?? with kayak fishing you can quietly troll them instead of trying to get close enough with a motor boat to lure them out of cover Rigged Kayaks these are definitely the elite models of the sport. here is a site with a lot of props relating to the sport of Kayak Fishing please feel free to ask any questions and I'll do my best to answer all of them! There is another potential tournament in the works for Central Ontario, this coming season.... it appears bass will be the targeted species.
  17. anyone ever try this behind a kayak or canoe? what types of problems did you have and how or did you overcome it/them? I tried last fall with some success but would like it if it would troll deeper the mini diver went about 20-25ft and the next size 30-40ft, I think.. that was with about 200yds of line out I caught fish on the deeper troll I think because I was down into the thermocline?? but can't be sure, it was the second time I tried will try it again this spring and hopefully figure out how to get to 60ft is that possible without downriggers? any info appreciated
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