If there were such an event, how many conventional fisherman would be interested if the boats were provided?
what would be your choice of species to fish for?
How far would you be willing to travel to do it?
Whom out there is a kayak fisherman with the boat and gear would be interested?
I am looking into organizing such an event next fall in the lower Lake Huron area when the Chinook run is on and am just looking for a little feedback and any suggestions.
glad to see so many interested people out there!
let me give a little more insight for those whom are not familiar with kayak fishing.
There is currently on one tourney in Canada and it is held on Vancouver Island.... Moutcha Bay Tyee Kayak fishing Derby
Tyee being chinook over 30lbs
the next closest would be either Jamaica Bay, New York or Racine, Wisconsin..... all are very big tourneys' in the world of yakfishin'
It is definitely becoming a popular activity! with all our resources around here, there is no way we should not be major players in the sport.
It is the stealth method of fishing. Think of how many areas you can just go and drop on in and start fishing.
How many times in the Spring or Fall have you wanted to quietly sneak up to a shoreline where you know the fish are and take a few casts??
with kayak fishing you can quietly troll them instead of trying to get close enough with a motor boat to lure them out of cover
Rigged Kayaks
these are definitely the elite models of the sport.
here is a site with a lot of props relating to the sport of Kayak Fishing
please feel free to ask any questions and I'll do my best to answer all of them!
There is another potential tournament in the works for Central Ontario, this coming season.... it appears bass will be the targeted species.