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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. My list is too long so i'll stop right here.
  2. lol @ watch out for the rednecks...HAHAHA Welcome to OFC marc your gonna love it here and before long be addicted as much as the rest of us....... Nauti.
  3. Great report, love the photo's......Nothing better than spending a week of ur hols up at the cottage on the lake and catching fish. WTG. Nauti.
  4. Thankyou highdrifter.
  5. Thankyou lundboy. It gets easier as you get to know ur camera. I swear the manual i have for this camera is like 400 pages long....LOL...Ok sligh exageration a little maybe. But there are alot of pages....lol....Just keep playing with it as i have done. I have different shutter speeds on my camera i am sure you probably do on urs also. Nauti.
  6. Those are great DSN AWESOME JOB LOVE THE Butterfly shots. Insects are not easy to photograpgh thats for sure. I was hopeing to get out fishing this evening and get some fish shots but nope instead it decided to team it down with rain big time. But Ahhh well forcast for a beautiful weekend ahead so hopefully i will be out on me boat getting some more shots of both fish & wildlife. Again great job on the pictures. Nauti.
  7. Nothing here yesterday, & yes we need this rain bad in our erea.
  8. We have alot of deer in my neck of the woods and i mean alot. I have seen many does and fawns on my travels close to home this year.
  9. Nice job rich.
  10. Tap that? lol
  11. Thankyou fishinsled. Sean i am hopeing later today. Things have just been so crazy busy of late not alot of time for fishing. If i manage to get out later i will be sure to try and get some shots of hopefully some half decent size fish.
  12. Welcome.
  13. yup and a big congrats from me also.....
  14. To be honest i would rather just be out fishing. I am not a tv buff as it is. I am partial to dave mercer mostly because i just love his sence of humour on or by the water. Courtney & shelley how the heck did they even manage to get a show? Talk about put you to sleep. That has to be one of the worst. & these shows where they are fishing in burmuda and the carribian and staying at resorts where i would have to second mortage my house. C'mon now. Those shows do not interest me one iota. Honestly though i like to watch all the real life fishing video's on You tube myself.
  15. Thankyou pam. I do have a tripod but have not yet used it. I guess i am blessed with having a steady hand....lol.....When i finally get around to buying some extra zoom lense attachments i may then start useing my cam with my tripod. Here are a few more shots taken this morning. I was asked to try and take some pictures of dragonf;lies, so i headed down to the grand river and took these. I have to say these insects are not easy to phtograph as they really do not seem to sit for long periods of time and move so fast when in flight. Plus these ones being so small made it even more of a task, But i did manage to snap a few. It was very overcast this morning so the pictures in my oppinion do not look as vibrant. A wild flower shot. A spider resting in my wild flower garden out back taken here at home. & of course a few more butterfly pictures i also took in my garden today. Nauti.
  16. Thankyou badger and look forward to seeing some of ur own pictures. Nauti.
  17. Thankyou DSN and no i did not use a tripod for those shots. Find it easier holding the actual camera. Nauti.
  18. Won't be making it to the swill....Over an hr away by car, but when you all decide on having a different location closer to port dover side of hamilton i will be sure to stop in and say hi to everyone. Hope you all have a great time. Nauti!
  19. Are you sure thats the correct title misfish? Checked out this page and do not see that song listed. http://www.lyricshead.com/songs/bay-city-rollers-lyrics.html
  20. Nice fish MP You should have dropped me a pm cally d is only 25 minutes from me i fish they're mostly in the fall.
  21. lmdao!! Howz it go? B A Y B A Y B A Y C I T I WITH A R O L L E R S baycity rollers are the best!
  22. Well as i have said before, i allways judge a fishes weight by how many bags of sugar it looks like.....LOL! & THATS FOR SURE A 2 BAGS!!!
  23. Gotta love the macro feature Joey! I am still learning with that!.. Last night while out walking with the pups came across to does one was huge too. The sun had set and the light was starting to fade. I tryed and tryed to get a snap shot with different options on my cam but too blooming dark...Would have been great shots. So like i said still learning.
  24. Gotta love mother nature & its power.
  25. Nope UA, I DO! lol
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