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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Yup i would be giving LPB a miss this weekend. Was soppost to be out this morning on LPB but weather not good and some nasty winds for the weekend. Goin to try for early AM Tuesday. What ever you decide to do have fun with the ole man. I may get out and try for some big cats this weekend here in dover. :
  2. Actually had i known u were going i would have asked you to bring me back some Roumalada. Man that stuff is good with fish. Ohhh how i miss holland. Great pictures.
  3. I was actually thinking of putting the tinny in tommorow Dan down at booths. It will be the 1st time she has been in the water this yr. Last yr i had her out on the bay on the 18th of january and the 11th of febuary. I am itching to get out on the boat. You fishing the pike derby in may
  4. Thanx again guy's. Yes xwrap all the snow here had just about vanished. Woke up this morning to that blooming white stuff again i was like Blooming eck! Enough allready.....lol
  5. Awesome Hookset . Absolutley beautiful. Do you have an avian vet? It is very easy to have the larger birds sexed now. They will simply pull a blood feather usually from the tail and send it away. It takes about 4 to 7 day\s before you get the results back & you will also get a certificate saying what sex your fid is. I paid $40.00 for the last one which i thought was pretty reasonable. The B&G In my opinion are the gentlest of the macaws . I hand reared one back in Europe and i could do absolutley anything with her and i mean anything. This is blue also a B&G. The guy you see next is COCO african grey when i adopted this handsome fella he would have tore ya fingers off. He was one mean dude. The people that had him previously had been very cruel which i will not go into because it still upsets me to this day. That picture was taken six months after he had been homed with me. So it just goes to show if you have the lovve, patience and understanding anything is possible.
  6. It sounds like you are referring to the Hyacinth Macaw Twighlight. They are a beautiful deep blue velvet and sometimes can look deep purple in certain light. They have a ring of bright solid yellow around they're eyes. They are the largest of all the macaws and wow they are beautys for sure. You can be sure to set yourseelf back at least 10 thousand dollars or more for a bird like that. Which personally i think is great. This is why you do not see so many as you do with the other macaws up for adoption. All my birds talk minus the two now. That would be keiko and the newest addition. I have never tryed to teach any of my fids to talk they have all basically picked up and learned on there own. When it comes to bedtime in my house it sounds like the waltons....lol..........They all like to say good night to each other and when i say they say Good night i mean they are all like....Good night rock, good night maxy and so on and so on.....lol...It really is quite comical i sopose but i am used to it. DSN Cockatiels are easy to sex. The males will allways have a more vibrant orange on the cheeks you can also tell by the banding underneath their wings.
  7. Sorry for your loss.
  8. Yup they're can be day's like that but honeslty i would not want it any other way. You really have to have a passion for them to have as many as i do because my house on a morning can be some what noisey.......lol
  9. Fids is what us bird people like to call them which basically means out feathered kids. Because trust me when you have macaws and cockatoos its like living with a house full of two yr old children ....lol
  10. Thankyou.
  11. Well every little bit makes a difference i think. If someone else can use what you no longer need and it saves it from going to land fill then i am all for it.
  12. Actually i did know that HF But i was sure SHE was a male.......lol..... To answer your question no the egg will not hatch . I am going to have to keep a close eye on her though now to make sure she does not continue to lay . Birds can become egg bound which can cause death. Sadley we Lost a teil a few yrs back now that would not stop laying. Had her to OUR AVIAN vet several times and they're was nothing that could be done.
  13. Hi Hookset. If i am honest The macaws are my favorite. I am owened by a green winged Autum. This is my baby grl This next picture is Pumpkin my U-TOO on the top left Rock my bareyed on the bottom left and again autum. This next picture is maxy a green quaker but i call her my little green sprout... This next picture is Jazzy I also have another two tiels and am currently babysitting another teil who will be returning home next week after being with us for three months.
  14. Well sadley mike too many are brought in pet stores when they are very young and have been hand fed and tamed. But as a bird ages and they become sexually mature this is when alot of people start to run into problems with there birds. For a few yrs they are great then out of no where they can start to become agressive,bite and so on. They are very social animals they like to be around people and they need alot of play time and interaction not only with people but with other birds is good also. I do get alot of emails from people with problem birds asking for advice. I am no proffesional but i have kept birds for over 25 yrs now and raised a few in the past also. So i do have alot of experience hands on when it comes to the exotic feathered kind. They really can make a vantastic addition to your family but it is also very important to know what it is you are getting into exactly and knowing and understanding your bird. Alot of people don't and this is when alot of the problems start to arise. I was told ringo was a biter he has not bitten me once yet . Thats not saying he won't but he hasen't.
  15. Your not the 1st person to call me that......lol
  16. Well as a few of you know that next to fishing birds are my passion also. I adopt unwanted birds that basically people can no longer take care of or they run into behavioural problems with the bird and choose to discard them. Sadley i see alot of this which just breaks my heart. I am currently owned by nine fids now i had to turn down a lady last yr with a sulphar crested and i felt bad that i had too but this guy needed to be placed in a home with an expereinced person and have one to one. Having nine fids takes up alot of my time now had i had less i would have taken him in a heart beat. So i reffered her to someone i knew and he is doing great which is vantastic. Anyway i receieved an email a couple of weeks ago from a lady needed to rehome her Alexandrian as her son was going to college and also working so no longer had the time that was needed to take care of him. So i decided i would take him in and adopt him. They had told me he was nippy and biteing. So they drove through to my place last weekend and dropped him off. I got him all setteled in his new home. He has been with me for six day'sow and is doing fantabulous. I allready have him stepping up onto my hand yesterday he spent the most part of the afternoon sat on my shoulder traveling around the house with me. He is eating good and playing with his toys all which are very good signs. So this is my newest addition to my flock RINGO. Then yesterday morning while doing my daily routine cleaning and feeding all my fids i got a big surprise.....lol This is keiko i adopted this little guy six yrs ago now. He is a total sweetheart and i love him to death. He really is quite the character let me tell ya. So after cleaning and feeding the big guys i get to keikos cages and he pops his head up from underneath the newspaper looks at me and underneath he goes back under the paper. This is not what keiko usually does on a morning he usually is straight out of the cage and on my shoulder. So i coax him out and what do i find. YUP A EGG......LOL.........All this time i for sure thought that he was a he when infact he is a she......lol.......
  17. Well with winter over APPARENTLY....LOL...... I thought i would share a couple of pictures. Wednesday evening was such a glorias evening i decided to take a drive over to the LPB Conservation erea. It had been an absolutley beautiful day the bird's were all busy at the feeder's in my back garden. Even had two turkey vultures flying around out back of the house. The geese are flying back and fourth again in large numbers over my home to the lake. Have seen many whistler swans again this year. I wake up this morning and find everything is covered with snow again. Grrr! So i thought i would add just a couple of the many photo's i took the other evening. Won't be long now and we will all be complaining about it being too hot and having the cut crass......lol....
  18. Where was this event held fishfarmer? Looks like it was a great time and i blooming missed it......Nice to see Norv a local port doverite getting an award.
  19. I keep catfish in the spring when the water is still nice and cold and clear. Had a good feed last spring. I don't eat the channel cats though. I don't keep them through the summer months when the water has warmed up. I have baked,smoked, and fried and for me fried catfish is my favorite. This is some i cleaned up and cooked last spring.
  20. This site is basically where people can exchange things for free to try and help the inviroment and save it from going to the land fill. Thought i had best explain what the link was i guess.
  21. Well with all the discusions about the enviroment and global warming ect ect over the winter months i thought i would share this site with you all. It really is a great site so be sure to check it out. http://www.freecycle.org/group/Canada/Ontario/Toronto
  22. Wtg Carole a beauty for sure.
  23. Welcome
  24. A member on my site posted this and i wanted to share it with you all as its beautiful. So i hope you will take the time to watch this short video. http://www.dashpoemmovie.com/ Thanx. Nauti.
  25. I know which one u are refering to Evster....lol....Next door to the sandel maker. fatherof3 Thankyou.
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