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Everything posted by richyb

  1. Hey thanks for the replys guys ... oh and highdrifter ... The 4 pike kept were " bonked" over the head about 1 minute before that pic .... We use an old metal cooler that we put water in to keep the fish alive until we are ready to clean them up ..
  2. Hey thanks for posting that video .... I get a kick out of lake trout and white fish guys saying that pike have too many bones when really they are about the same and I think pike taste better ...
  3. I was in a golf tournament in barrie that got cancelled 1/2 way through because of a bad thunderstorm including hail !!!!!!
  4. I love eating pike .... to me they are as easy as trout or whitefish to clean so no bones in my fish haha ...
  5. Hey very nice muskie ... i bet it put up a good fight !!!!
  6. Hey everyone ... I headed to my grandparents to get my fishing fix since i havent ben able to get out lately. I ended up getting 7 pike with one being about 7 or 8 pounds and the rest about 3 -4lbs. I also hooked 3 bass with one being a nice size ... ( released ofcourse) My brother ended up getting a few pike also but he had a nice big muskie approx 15lbs take a run at it but it missed and i laughed ....... HAHAHA Had a good little trip even though the coons have young ones under the guest house and they kept me up all night playing around and chattering... a srappy little guy mmmmm dinner just a quik pic and bak it went the best pike that i measured for the team
  7. Man did malkin look bad ... With him saying that he wants the big bucks, I say trade him and keep hossa ... I fell asleep at the end of the 2nd OT.. . But i loved that fast paced game .. GO PENS @!!!!!!! Oh and one more thing ... Give Malone a bonus .. I bet his face is sore today !!!!
  8. I like that colour and also silver blade with black .....
  9. a roland martin 12 pounder
  10. I have good luck with pike in little lake ... most only average a couple pounds but are fun to catch ... I'v never had any problem getting a dozen or so in a couple hours in the evening .. There are also walleye in there, I have never caught any but i have seen people catch them ..
  11. Hey my buddy just moved and his closest fishing hole is the St Clair River.. He doesnt have a boat and cant seem to catch very much .. any tips or even an idea of what kind of fish can be caught from shore? thanks guys ..
  12. canal is loaded with pike and has a fair amount of musky also
  13. Spinner baits ROCK !!! i dont think i have ever went out and said ok today i am going to target bass... I always just head out onto the lake and start chucking my spinnerbaits and i catch my share of bass pike and muskie.
  14. Hey .. i have never fished either but i have a few friends that fish the french and they always do pretty well .. I havent heard anything about the pickeral tho ... There was a post on here a while ago about the french and people were sharing info about fishing areas ..
  15. I have used every type of lure on every action and length of rod ... you dont need a million rods to catch fish ... When i go out in the boat after bass and pike i take 2 .. a spining rod (med) and a baitcaster (med/heavy) . I use the spining for unweigted soft plastics and the baitcaster for throwing everything else... Man ive even thrown 8 inch rapalas on my 5'6 ultralite ... or ive got perch on my med/heavy caster with a chunk of dew worm ... unless you want a new rod you pretty much have the same set up as i do and i outfish all my friends so GO KICK SOME BASS !!!
  16. I have got carp well over 10 pounds on a ultralite rod so it shouldnt break ... if your going after big bass with it i would go with the 6lb test line. The 4 would be great for panfish but might be a little light to land a nice bass. Handy rod to have ...
  17. Id have a beetle spin in there for sure with a few different sized twister tails and jig heads. Can use small twisters and jigs for smaller fish and just change it to a big twister and bigger jig head for bass and pike. Couple crank baits and some hooks and sinkers..
  18. I love my ul lightning rod .. even got a 15 pound carp on it, now that wat a blast and the rod held together ..
  19. Looks like your ready for the big ones now
  20. man those cats are tasty .. One of my best fishing momories is sitting out all night with my grandpa catching them and cleaning a few to eat.
  21. i have heard people talking about using big stinky minows for channel cats. i was out shopping today and seen a big bag of frozen smelts . Then i got thinking ... Is it legal to use dead smelts for channel cats ? and would they work ? thanks guys.
  22. A beavers house is called a lodge ... a dam is what they build to hold back the water ... Beaver are very active all winter they dont hibernate. My dad has skinned thousands of beavers and has never got sick and if anyone knows how to skin one you know that you touch the feces every time with your knife.. A .410 makes a mess of the hide .... use a .22 mag very nice pics ... the one with the tower in the background is wicked ..
  23. I like watching exotic destinations. I dont like watching bass show after bass show then a walleye show then another bass show .... I only have basic cable so i guess right now a bass show would have to work ..
  24. COLD .... im a canadian , carling guy myself.
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