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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Kelvin I am sorry to here this I hope she can kick it again we will be thinking of her.
  2. for anyone who has not used sail flow check this link out and look how the WIND is coming across lake Erie https://www.sailflow.com/windandwhere.iws?regionID=96&regionProductID=3&timeoffset=0
  3. Been nothing but lightning here in Chatham since 9pm or earlier now they just said take cover so I had to check OFC LOL we are watching BB13 and hope that the roof stays on the house. the thunder just got the dog off the couch so he is making his rounds of the house to be sure things are OK. Hope everyone makes it through this storm system tonight.
  4. Well the cat scan was not to good the cancer has moved into his bones and also his spine so were into bone tests of some sort tomorrow at 10:30 am it does not sound good but will see what tomorrow brings. Tonight Dad was happy to see his grandchildren and get some Lasagna that Da wife made it sure beat the old ham they tried to serve him. Well time to watch the storm major lighting storm right now then watch BB3 with Da wife and daughter then bed time.
  5. Congrats Ronnie that picture is pricless
  6. Thank you everyone I just got back from the hospital where they told us that they would not do the bioscopy? or how ever they call it. but they did get a cat scan ordered from the cancer doc so dad chugged down 1 2/3 bottles of juice and is napping now so I headed home for a couple hours until the scan. Good news is his heart is where it belongs now they could not explain why it moved and then back but I am glad its where it needs to be. Will give a up date when we know more thanks again for all the kind words everyone.
  7. Well last Friday I was excited that dad and I got to spend the day fishing well today we had the day to ourselves again but we were at the hospital all day and night he is still there waiting for the morning tests to see what they can do for him. Long story short has has been doing the cancer battle for years now many of them with lung cancer in his left lung well his left lung has collapsed and his heart shifted??? yep they don't really know but are holding him for the morning when they can do some more tests to see what they can do to either remove the lung or fix it up with doing damage to his heart. I thought that they would do something tonight but they are the docks and I guess we are supposed to trust them. His cancer has also spread again into his bones they found this after checking his blood work and looking at his newest Xrays. Just had to tell some one also looking for some extra thoughts for him.
  8. Congrats again Ronnie you sure do a lot of great things for everyone else.
  9. Good luck Ronnie if ya need it I will have the wife send over a hacksaw cake for ya
  10. Lew Great report well wroth the three year wait for it. Some very nice slime there congrats to a amazing trip with the family
  11. Thanks everyone I know how these days mean more then the ones from years ago I am just lucky to have him here still, we want to get out a bunch more it all depends on the weather but with the fall approaching the fish will be moving in closer so we can get out more with out all the running like we did today we put on about 18 miles running and gunning from spot to spot to get something to go. For the ones who lost there fathers I can not imagine how that feels and for the ones who still have them pleas take the time with them. Short story (Ok for me any way) It was kinda nice today when we were heading up the river today on our way home there was a father about my age that lives on the river he was on there riding mower with his 6-8 year old son that was sitting in front of him driving. our eyes met and we both smiled it was very cool I bet he was thinking the same thing I was how cool it is that with the years of difference in age but we were both doing the same thing father/son bonding time. Hears to good fishing everyone
  12. Well dad got a break from his chemo for the summer and into October so we finally had some time on the water. Last year we did not get out at all as he was on Chemo for 9 months then went into the hospital for September and some of October so this trip was long over due. We did not head out early he was here around 5:45 and we hit the water around 6:30 we went after some eye's with no luck I had two follow to the boat as well as a smallie we had alot of fish hitting but could not get the hookups. Dad also wanted to get some musky time in I did everything I could to get a fish then I pulled my hail marry and it worked even though it was small maybe 30" it was a musky. I like the hail marry it has put some nice fish in the boat but I think this little guy was my second favorite as it might be the last time dad and I get out musky fishing even this little guy took some work for dad to get in but it was a great day for us both. here is dad getting some weeds off his line Dad looking at his little guy Dad and I with is little guy I had forgotten my large tri pod but always have a extra small one in my supply bag.
  13. he can still use some votes for this cause. I have posted twice on the site and both times it has been removed kinda weird. Any way hope we can get some more votes.
  14. Call Sunny Achers resort tell them Mike from Handlebarz lures told to call they should hook you up I saw some sites that were open two weeks ago I dont know if they are taken for next year or not. Talk to Marry 705-887-3416 For fishing there you have very good pan fish,bass Walleye and musky
  15. Well he is at 970 today I hope a lot of the support if from OFC I know not many are posting here but I hope your the ones voting for him. Keep up the votes if you are.
  16. Great report as always Rich it was nice meeting you at the Fish-A-thon all though I dont remember you making it back for dinner and prizes??? I guess you were still out fishing.
  17. Dang over 780 now that is amazing I know not a lot of people are replying here but it seems as they are voting thanks for helping this great cause out. Chance I had the same problem at first but then tried again and it worked. I did also comment on his video yesterday and see it is gone now???
  18. I have heard of a Beardwig before but this is a PG place so I better leave it there. Hope ya get out of there soon Richard and on the right track home heck fall is just around the corner so that good fishing and cool weather is calling you. Good Luck were thinking of ya
  19. Dang 553 that's 100 votes in less then 9 hours and all over night keep it going lets put Ted so far out front he can not be caught.
  20. WOW less then 50 votes to go and he is in first place I think the OFC family is showing the strength we have thanks for the help I hope tomorrow we smash past 1st place on the 12th when I first voted he had 233 votes now he has 453 very cool the burned kids will love this for sure.
  21. I would say the OFC factor is working as he has gained a lot over the last day or so since we have started to help out keep him going as he is still way over 100 votes behind
  22. Great report Paul congrats to you and Mike for another great day on the water
  23. the MCI membership is $50 per year your get access to the MCI members only web site 6 issues of the MCI release journal the proceeds go back into the fishing world through research and other programs have a look at the MCI site to see some of the other programs that we have going. There are alot of members that will share some very specific info if your heading into there area just ask on the site. I love OFC this is where I first learned to refine my musky fishing skills I was also directed to MCI from members here of the OFC family there are alot of us here.There is not a chapter in Belleville but there is one in Gananoque just down the road. Good luck out there and keep at it.
  24. Come on OFC we can get a lot more votes for Ted on this heck its only gone up by 40 votes since yesterday I hope by Monday when everyone is back from the weekend we can push him into the lead this is a great cause
  25. Jim I cant wait for you guys to get down here I just hope this fall is better then last one for fishing. Ryan it sure is all about the kids and what they enjoy. Rizzo before we had two lines here on LSC I would ask the family if they wanted to go musky fishing and there nick names were MY LITTLE EXTRA LINES the wife would just laugh at me. Thanks Carl we always seem to have a good time no matter if were catching or not.
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