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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Thanks for all the bids OFC family the auctions are climbing and the fish-a-thon will be getting another great check this year. I will update the bids soon
  2. Raf I saw a video of it today it's 8 min long but still was cool to watch. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=HsG-Pe4nfMk&a=&feature=youtu.be&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DHsG-Pe4nfMk%26feature%3Dyoutu.be%26a
  3. I have donated 5 brand new musky DVD's they are all awesome and you will learn from them. Bid was $25 at 4:30pm June 2nd Auction ends June 9th at 6pm
  4. 2 pcs quantum energy PT rod and QVex QV20 spinning reel. Value $150 Donated by Ed's baits in wallaceburg Bid is at $60 as of 2:15pm June 2nd Auction ends June 9th at 6pm
  5. Thanks Kevin you beat me to it. I was waiting to get a picture up Lakair trip described above by Kevin The bids have already gone to $400 as of 6pm June 3rd This item ends June 9th at 6pm
  6. Will be updating with lakair lodge package and rod/reel combo
  7. Fishing charter with will Hearn on Lake O Ends June 8th 6pm Bid is at $160 June 3rd 6pm
  8. Well opener here was a BIG BLOW I hit the water before 6am the winds were SW 20+mph with gusts over 30. It was a bumpy ride out to the area I was to fish ( not my first choice but where the wind would let me go) By 7:30 I had a sheep head follow my double ten to the boat WTH was he thinking? Then I had a perch and another sheep head follow. By this time the wind had switched to the south which made it easier as the waves were less then a foot for 1 1/2 hours until she blew again around 9:30. I had my only musky on and off around then it hit my sledge gave me a few second battle before tossing the hooks during a small jump. I was glad to get out and wet a line lets hope there is better wind tomorrow or next weekend. Hope everyone is having a great opener.
  9. Thanks all I'm still not sure what I'm going to get I just want to have dry feet on them down pour days. The way my decision making is going I bet I'm bare feet again as always
  10. As of 9am June 2nd Spiel rod is at $200 ends June 5th Live target $50 ends June 3rd All auctions end a 6pm Chatham time lol
  11. Yes you can bid here or pm me but I can not do last min bids from here only on Facebook. Thanks again for the bids and donations.
  12. I am a barefoot fisherman but when it's raining I don't want to have soaked feet this year. What do you all use for keeping your feet dry when fishing in the rain. I don't mean waders or just rubber boots I will be in the boat and need to be comfortable.
  13. We just got another great fishing donation in that will be awesome will give details tomorrow.
  14. See Chris I can remember to bad this was 49" or so not my 52".
  15. I bet these monster musky will look huge in your arms this year Pete.
  16. Oh Chris I usually have the sign but forget to use it. There is a 2013 sign in the boat already lets hope I can put it to use.
  17. These all ended thanks to all for your bids look below for more items
  18. Hey all the auction has started we dont have alot up but we have a few new things coming here is the link for the facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/368150206543129/594334723924675/?notif_t=group_activity For all you that dont know about this its just a auction my wife and I started last year to help raise money for teh Fish-A-thon for a cure. We had trouble getting people to just donate cash so we thought we would try this last year was a crazy over whelming auction we started with two or three thigns and it went crazy. This year we are late with all our crazy family life taking place but we have got it going now. Please check it out and feel free to bid or donate if you have something there is no such thing as a small donation as 100% goes to the Fish-A-Thon. I will try and get up all the p[ictures and update the prices here like I did last year. Thanks for all the support that the OFC comunity has given to Fish-A-Thon for a cure. Big thanks to all that run it there is a long list so im not going to start to name names just show up and see for your self its a great time.
  19. At least you had winter we have not had enough safe ice on the Thames river to get out in three seasons. My daughter is not impressed I would like to get out but 2-3" of uneven ice is not good for me.
  20. We had a great day in Windsor at the bass and musky show today getting excited about the 2013 season. I was lucky enough to meet a lot of the next generation of musky anglers they were full of questions and I was happy to answer them all. This season is looking to be a great one just by all the good karma that is coming. Good luck to all the musky nuts ready to get going.
  21. Dang sorry to hear this we will be thinking of you guys.
  22. Pete as you know I'm so happy and proud of what you have done you are killer at sticking this out congrats. I'm looking forward to next Saturday to see what is left of you
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