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Everything posted by purekgw

  1. we have a sony vega 62' and hasnt gone wrong yet
  2. ......... no ones foolish
  3. well we went and well only thing i got was frost bite the wind was deadly and wouldnt let up so we went to a small creek near by and managed to get 1 small rainbow
  4. im not going to be out in the open lake ill be in the shelter of a marina and very close to shore and i have never come close to flipping my kayak i have handled musky at the side of it and never came close but do i wonna risk freezing
  5. ok thanks for your reply's im just going to stick to shore
  6. lol forrest just threw my idea down and walked all over it
  7. well i dont have any float suit or any thing but i wont be that far from shore and sadly none of my fishing buddy's have a kayak
  8. i wonna get my kayak out one last time i wonna go to a marina on erie to fish for some pike. But is it to cold what do u guys think?
  9. see if you can get mountain cable vision its like $100 a month for tv, digital phone and internet
  10. i dont see why not u would just need ice fishing line
  11. jedi made a good point lol when you hook into one in kayak hold on ur going for a ride lol
  12. when you catch a fishing in a boat or on land in person its looks to be bigger then it is but after taking pic and looking at it you see that its not all as big as u thought. I thought my first musky was like 25lb but after looking at it in a pic its probably only 10-15.
  13. o yah i remember watching that at work one day dont they use big eel things?
  14. i do have the use of a kayak so aslong ans i meet them half way i should be ok and we ushally just using jigging spoons or u can set up like 3 on one rig thats run lol
  15. lucky u got a lake like 10 feet from front door
  16. ok so im outa luck for stipers. i have been mackerel fishing but when we went it was a ways out how close do they come to shore? And does any one know how big gaspereau get i have got little ones but nothing huge.
  17. just grab a stick next time and throw it they probably just wanted to play dont be scared until they start biting :P
  18. ok well im heading down to P.E.I for the summer for work and want to do some fishing the last time i was down there i was catching ghaspero (weird little things look like bass but teeth like piranhas) , mackerel and brook trout. But i was talking to some one that said there where striped bass out there but he never really said where to catch them. Im only going to have a kayak to fish out of and dont want to be paddling into the middle of the ocean for mackerel. So has any one fished for them if so can u lend some advise do they stay close to shore, what do the eat?
  19. they where just looking for the local indoor swimming pool and got lost.
  20. Paintballs dont hurt that much but they are harder in the winter and if i where to go hunting with my gun the animal might be all yellow before it walks/ runs away my gun shoot 21 balls per second
  21. My question is how would you move something that big....
  22. nice fish man i wish i could get one that big out of my kayak
  23. man that birds awsome lol good report
  24. o i just noticed theres two deer
  25. WOW lol i woulda ran before i got that close
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