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Everything posted by purekgw

  1. LOL basshole nice man nice but no matter what you get tiller or console you will love it
  2. it protects you to at night when you running across lake at 50mph with all the bugs
  3. consoles are good because you can hid behind the windsheild in the cold mornings and like Greencoachdog said they look sexy
  4. most prices start to drop right before winter
  5. ahh man that sucks we are only going once and now i guess never
  6. o umm lol wht they cost????
  7. can some one point me in the right direction to find a good boat launch by Toronto islands
  8. caledonia dam there in there good cought 30lb like a week ago
  9. keep buggin it will hit it out of rage
  10. well we fished the same marina we did before today and well i wish bass was open cause i seen one beast of a large mouth follow my spinner i seen him come for it and pulled it away as fast as i could o well mabye next weekend
  11. Jwl i know what you mean about hittin boats and crap but we fish around them i dont cast right at them i try to avoid gettin in any ones way so i dunno we goin again tomorow tho )
  12. ahhh summer let the endless days at the river begin
  13. i live on scott st we take the boat out like every weekend so you might have seen us its a 02 crestliner fishhawk
  14. thnx man thats awsome
  15. nice man i cought a 30lb 1 in the river they put a really good fight
  16. of course they do it when we go up to stoney
  18. lol im from Caledonia (right out side of hamilton) ands its just they way i talk because of msn lol
  19. lol i dunno about gun but next time we go ima ask them if they have owner ship of it i dout they do
  20. but we bout a season pass could they revoke it?
  21. ahh i got some research to do
  22. lol but if you skip ur bait under the dock and bring it off the bow of boat or the stern i dont cast right at the sides of the boats
  23. yah i try to avoid goin right for boats i aim more for the docks
  24. ya we have a boat i can under stand if some one was hitting the boats or something
  25. you see it all the time on fishing shows but is this aloud when we were fishing a marina for pike a guy who works there told us we couldn't fish in there so is it aloud and can they do any thing?
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