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Everything posted by MuddyWater

  1. ive been hitting alot of streams this week and ive not seen one elusive brookie. maybe this will change this coming days.
  2. im going to camp in bancroft on a stream full of wonderful brookies :)
  3. is that one a sauger? cool fish down their
  4. so if your fishing roe bags you line them as well? whatever go fishing or something....
  5. marshmallows are not illegal and they work good for salmon especially fire them off a peir around even in green colours and hold on. ive caught even big ass browns off a pier. salmon and trout like bright round objects and they always will try them out.
  6. good day lots of bows and browns no elusive brookies YET!!!
  7. 4wt had no problem landing it. and the fish just took off when it was released
  8. well after lots of tying and missing lots of fish i landed this nice one on saturday. trying to see a bite with rainbows on a fly is freakin hard! when you do notice you got one its to late and they spit the hook!! oh well ill be posting some nice dry fly browns once the weather gets nice and warm.
  9. do what my uncle did. he went to the boat show and told the guys. well i have this much money and im not leaving here without a boat and 3 big brands competed with the sale. he ended up with a starcraft and a free kicker thats how you do it lol!!!
  10. LOL thats a good one cool mmmmmmm matukas discoverd those last year great fly
  11. Finally trout opener is just about here this has been the freakin longest week ever. i swear my clocks are broken i need a tear in the fabric of time or something its like when i was 5 years old waiting for christmas I CANT TAKE IT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i need to catch trout!!!!!! *shakes violently and falls on ground*
  12. if i was in north bay i think i would have my hands full with other fish rather then crappies
  13. the lighter the line usually the more fish you catch "usually"
  14. my fillet knife is old and cant hold a edge worth crap and with walleye season coming up combined with the amount of fish i consume i need a good knife. something that can handle a perch or crappie but still be able to fillet good size walleye and trout thanks!!
  15. thats a big one for sure but your elbows are pretty straight meaning your pushing that fish in the cameras face nice one though i got a 26lb way upstream in ganny land. my cousin a couple years ago got about a 25lb out of b-ville took forever on 4lb line lol!
  16. Gold blades are a must
  17. caught this nice brownie on this glorius day. also caught a smallie that i let go quickly.
  18. nice ones watch those fish lungs tho lo
  19. do rainbows spawn in the niagara river or are they stocked?
  20. ive caught fallfish on the eastern tribs about when the lampreys are spawning they like to use the lamprey nests for something maybe eating the eggs which is good. never any big ones but up north i know a river where i was fishing smallies and i thought i had a smallie but it was a fallfish around 2-3 pounds it was neat!!
  21. nope its a brown if your ever confused this site helps out a bunch on telling the difference from atlantic salmon and a brown trout. http://www.dreamscape.com/flyman/atlantic-salmon-id.htm
  22. went out today on a rainbow/brown adventure only had an hour but i managed this spotted silver fellow. the thing jumped about 5 times and they were nice high jumps it was wicked to see in this sun. i wish i had a video camera it would have looked awsome!!!
  23. after the 26th i will be straight trouting brookies, browns and rainbows OH MY
  24. im waiting till opener so i can quench my thirst for large resident brownies like this wicked one i nailed last year in the ganny
  25. went out to try some bullheads got into alot and my buddy slipped and stepped on one and the spines went through his shoe and into his toe it was HILARIOUS anyways we kept a few to try and eat and i didnt mind them but i think ive been spoiled with wallys, perch, lakers, whiteys and crappies all winter lol oh well
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