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Everything posted by Hotrod2066

  1. The funny thing is the Mayors husband works for the town and parks his plow in the driveway all the time. Some people have nothing better to do than to mind the buisiness of others, what a joke.
  2. For those who question whether a world class musky would make you famous, how many people recognize the name Ken O'brien. Sure there would be money to be made off a record fish if you wanted to and had the right personality for it. I would have no problem keeping a record or even a trophy fish and I have with no guilt. Who is to say that the fish won't die after it was releasd anyway? how much longer would it live if it survived the release? 1 year? 6 months? 5years? would it maybe end up in a gill net somewhere? lots of variables involved. I've always wondered why people hunt for the biggest bucks and bulls they can shoot, passing up other animals for the trophy and that's okay but when it comes to a fish it's somehow different? I think this is a great topic, many different POV's.
  3. YES!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Hollweg was a repeat offender too, and what did he get the last time he ran someone for the third time? I think the discipline in the NHL is a farce. What hurts more and does more damage, having a good player getting run into the boards and being put out for the season and the perp getting 3 games for doing it or a guy goading people with nasty comments. I think this was a matter for internal punishment from the team, the league should have stayed out of it. The league is boring with all the canned answers the players give, it's no wonder nobody says anything because you get suspended if you do.
  5. 6 games for being an idiot???????????????? how many games did the Montreal guy get for smashing the van ryan kids face into the glass from behind? I think it's crap that a guy can get suspended for being an idiot, he said nothing against officiating or the league, it should have been handled by the team, maybe they should ban Ron Mclean for all his crappy jokes. Is it worth more games if you hurt someones feelings rather than smashing their face in or running a guy from behind? I am by no means an Avery fan but I think this is crap.
  6. I think the recession would end alot sooner if the media would let up on the negativity and the sky is falling crap. The media feeds on negativity and makes things out to be alot worse than they are in reality.
  7. That's a great technique for removing the deep hooks, I've been doing it for a few years and it works well and is alot better than leaving the hook in.
  8. I use the okuma epixor spinning reels and they have been fantastic for the price and I have been using them for years and I fish alot. They have reel rash from the front deck and have NOT been babied one bit and I would recommend them to anyone. Having said that I looked at the baitcasters and line counters and they look like bunk compared to the spinners. After reading this thread I'm glad I never bought any of them. I guess my point is okuma spinning reels are very good, the others not so good.
  9. I have a shakespeare one and I use it to wind the line on my reels so I know how much I'm putting on. I don't troll.
  10. This is just Dalton making another law to smokescreen the fact that he is doing nothing to help the economy but still give the illusion he's doing something in gov't. Pit bull ban, cell phone ban, and now this. Next will be handguns.
  11. I don't see it as American bashing at all, just explaining the differences in our economies and all the "sky is falling" reporting that goes on in the media. If I want to hear American bashing I just turn on anything that the CBC puts out.
  12. You better not let the surf scare you on Nipissing...........or you won't get much fishing in.
  13. It doesn't help when they let the fingerlings go off piers and rivermouths......the cormorants feast before they can disperse. They're bad up here on Nipissing, the ministry should be buying the shells and letting people shoot the damn things. I remember a year or two ago some crackpots down in T.O wanted some special day to "honour" these wonderful birds.
  14. Went our for 3 hours after work last night to chase some smallies. The weather was pretty calm when I first headed out but it was blowing pretty good for the last hour or so with the waves coming over the bow. The wind usually gets them going and last night was no exception. The first fish was a solid 4 and really dug hard after his initial jump. I hooked another around 3 and he came unbuttoned right beside the boat and saved me taking the hook out. The next fish was a 7 pound sheepshead that smoked my lure right beside the boat, man those groaners can pull. I picked up another 3+ before I moved. I dont use trailer hooks on my spinnerbaits when fun fishing so I don't run the risk of a deep hook and killing the fish......however I lose more because of that and last night was no exception as I hooked 2 more 4's but didn't get them in. It was windy but the fish seemed to be on and I wish we had more light. I can't wait for the weekend when me and my buddy go down to Simcoe for some tanks.
  15. There was an article some years ago in OOD I believe and it said there are lots of pickeral in the lake. The problem is they roam around following the schools of baitfish over the deep water and are hard to pattern and they're also well fed making them difficult to catch. It's best to target the other species if you want some action on that lake.
  16. You use a palomar knot to tie the hook and then feed the tag end through the eye again to help it stand out.
  17. LOL...........that makes 2 of us Rich......
  18. I contacted them and this was the reply: Sir, We apologize for delay and have sent the order out. We had to ship it in parts, and the second half is leaving soon. There was a backorder issue for one of the items and it caused problems with the order getting shipped out on time. WE are going to pay for the shipping charges on the second shipment as it was our fault the items were unable to be shipped all together. We apologize, but are apt to run out of any item at any time. Dave I know about the backorders and things causing delay but it said it was in stock when I ordered. I still don't know when I'll get my stuff. I order gear from the states all the time and this is the first delay I've run into of this magnitude.
  19. I ordered some reels from all american outdoors june 26 and have yet to receive anything. I'm all for a good price but the shipping time is way too long. Don't know that I'll order anything else from them.
  20. Take your old jigheads that are rusty and clip the hook off with the wire cutters, you now have a dropshot weight.
  21. I have the exact boat and have had it for amost 10 years. It's much more stable to fish out of than a canoe, and is easy to transport and inflate. As for the hooks, yes you have to watch it but the material is peretty tough and it's easy to patch with the kit they provide ....could even do it on the water. It has 3 different air chambers so evenif you get a hole in 1 the others will keep you afloat. I put a 12v electric trolling motor on mine and it works great. It's fantastic for drifting down rivers that have lots of private property.
  22. Have you considered joining a club? The North Bay Bassmasters has club tournies throughout the summer, and members enter as boaters and non boaters and everybody pays $25 to fish with the money split up to the winners. It's a draw format so you fish with a different partner at each event. The Temiscaming smallmouth anglers have a tournament series also that has events on Trout Lake and Nipissing as well as a bunch of other lakes.
  23. The guy who owns Sam's died last year I believe. He was a nice guy who loved what he did.
  24. I love fishing in the rain as long as it isn't a downpour. The low light conditions make the fish less wary and it's a great time to throw the buzzer. Just don't stay out if the lightning comes around.
  25. Nice bird and good job, that's got to take a bit of the sting out of what happened yesterday.
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