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Everything posted by Hotrod2066

  1. I agree GCD and NBR, he didn't even attemp to use the pliers and I don't know how many shows I see where the host doesn't have them at the ready and tries to use the finger method. I thought it was irresponsible to say on camera that the hook will dissolve, it sends the wrong message. The big problem I could see was that he had waaay too much line out dragging the tube and couldn't feel the fish until it was too late. Going through the gills to get the hook out works wonders and it would give the fish a much better chance to survive, they aren't delicate creatures, they eat all kinds of things with sharp ends ie. crayfish and spiny perch. I realize it does happen where you can't get them all out but releasing a fish with a tube stuck in its belly just sentences it to a slow death, I feel its better just to take it home and eat it.
  2. The hook will fall out where? it's in its stomach. What about the chunk of lead? I don't think the steel they use in the hooks now will rust out very fast if at all. I could be wrong but I think the whole hook rusting out may have been true way back when most used live bait and the hooks were made out of inferior steel compared to today. I caught a bass that had line coming out his .....orifice shall we say and I pulled on it until I could work the hook out (ouch!). The fish was skinny and the hook hadn't dissolved one bit, I couldn't imagine a 3/8 ounce tube head coming out. I bet the fish felt alot better after though...lol
  3. I just finished watching a show where the host had deep hooked some bass with his tube. He didn't attempt to use pliers to get the hook out and just snipped the line off leaving the tube in the fishes mouth. He said that the acid in the fishes stomach would dissolve the hook. I personally don't believe this to be true, if it was a light wire hook I could see it happening but do you think a fish is going to digest 3/8 ounce of lead, a chunk of rubber and a tube jig hook? I don't. I think it was irresponsible and more effort should have been made to remove the hook and I really don't think the fish are likely to survive long with a big hunk of plastic, lead and steel in it's stomach. I personally would have rather seen him keep the fish if it was gut hooked, I was just wondering how others felt about this........
  4. I phoned the GM dealer, he said the towing capacity was 5200 lbs, so I should be more than okay. The boat is a 2001 tr 21dc with a 225 opti, the guy at the marina where I bought it said it was 4500 lbs fully loaded. I know it will suck gas, but I only intend to do a few tournies where I'll have to drive 3-4 hours. Thanks for all the responses.
  5. The boat weighs about 4500 pounds fully loaded, and you're right billybob the brakes on a jimmy are crap.
  6. I'm looking for some opinions as to whether or not my 99 Jimmy will tow my new boat, a 21' triton with a 225. It has a dual axle trailer with brakes.
  7. I had to order the minnows in from the states and I still couldn't get leeches. You get about 50 in a bucket so it's alot cheaper than buying them by the bag. I like the liquid, the biggest complaint I had with gulp was drying out and not lasting very long after you open the bag, the bucket solves those issues. However the buckets tend to leak, I heard they were going to address this issue but I don't know if they have yet.
  8. I grew up in a town with the Hole family, one of the girls was Rosie, and one of the boys was named..............you guessed it..Doug.
  9. Nice report, you guys are hardcore!
  10. The jigworm sure is getting alot of attention these days in the bass mags. It is effective as I witnessed it first hand this summer on nip. It outperformed tubes on a flat calm day, and I agree it's certainly nothing new.
  11. Doesn't she know not to use a verticle hold on those fish?
  12. I agree with the others, dispatch as soon as possible and cool them down. I do this ice fishing also, I see alot of guys just throw them on the ice but if you do that they revive in the sink at home once they warm up sometimes and you can get spiked when you go to clean them------perch especially!
  13. I'm listening to it, it's great. All they have is one guys word against another. I don't see how anyone could go to jail based on that, there's no physical evidence.
  14. There was 17 inches of black ice near iron island where I was yesterday. I agree that the warm water coming out of the treatment plant played a large part.
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