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Posts posted by forrest

  1. If i really like it i'll upgrade after a few times out and use it as a backup.


    Not that I am an expert on bait casters. They are not like cheap spinning outfits.

    I bet if you upgrade to a good baitcaster later you will dread ever having to use that CT bought one again.


    Get used with an externally adjustable magnet feature for the first one.



    For the rod I went with a Heartland $25 dipsy rod for salmon.....it was fun to use on the slamon

    At BPS I got a med/heavy BPS rod at 1/2 price....It is OK, no crying at $20. I will replace with one that is more suited for whipping baits out.



  2. Does your friend also happen to see UFO's, Elvis, and Jim Morrison too?


    .. maybe he could spot Jimmy Hoffa for us?


    Nope and he's not a drinker or a B Ser either. He is a sensible guy.


    Maybe some here on OFC do not know this:

    -until recently Ontario allowed the live sale of this an other carp

    -Toronto has a large Chinese community that sold these fish (maybe still do). Toronto has the 2nd largest China town in NA.

    -The fish were sold for ponds, food and sometimes people release them for good luck. Maybe someone in the know can confirm this last one.


    So it is not unreasonable to suspect that one is in the lake. Maybe reproducing or maybe not.

    It is also possible that he was mistaken and saw an exceptionally large carp. I don't think either of us are experts on what Asian Carp look like.



    PS...a UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object of interest. I have seen plenty of them because I do not bother identifying them. :)

  3. Why did he believe this carp he saw a year & a half ago, was an 'ASIAN' carp? Because it was big? (Not ALL Asian carp are big?) There are common carp down there that likely tip the scales at 60+ pounds. I highly doubt he would be the ONLY one, out of thousands of anglers that continuously fish that area, not to mention hikers, canoeists, kayakers, and boaters, that would spot such a fish? (THE SKY IS FALLING . . . . THE SKY IS FALLING . . . . . ??) Doesn't sound like HE panicked . . . took a year and a half to report the sighting? A few brewskis on a Saturday night have been known to perk up memories of long ago though . . . perhaps?


    He did not report it (I could no figure that out, maybe they would say "OK where is it?"). He was not panicking. Asian carp have been seen elsewhere (read the article in second post). No Beer was involved.

    It could be one lone fish or like you said a 60+ lb carp, he did not catch it so how could he be 100% certain?


    Only wanted to get some feedback here.



  4. Use of artificial light to attract fish was written to stop people from using spot lights into the water to do so.. not a glow jig, lighted jig, spinner, float etc. A "lure" can be anything you've got below the water for angling. Remember you can take 4 hooks..... ANY combination of spinners trinkets and toys to make up said lure. It could be 20 feet long.


    TSOF may have the right idea...who cares, the thing won't work.


    The OP has never stated what the intended (honest) function of the device is. A baseball bat is just a baseball bat when it is being carried down the street unless you tell a cop it is for protection; then it is a criminal (?) charge too.


    For ice fishing the OP (or CO) could be thinking:

    This light is a small generally stationary light source, submerged under the water for the purpose of attracting fish to a specific area for the purpose of angling.


    Like you said, lets see what the MNR states,

    Lets see what the OP states.

    It would be surprise if MNR gave a statement of permission they could be held to.




    PS What is next? Telling the CO that a gaff is merely a boat safety device? How about a spear gun being a fishing rod with a mechanical launcher?

  5. Rub your hands on the stainless steel on your sink.

    Wash your hands with lemon juice.

    Vinegar works ok too.


    I like the smell of whities......kinda like fresh cucumbers.......or smelts :)




    I second the stainless steel thing....thats why fishing stores sell stainless steel soap bars.

    Lemon juice sounds good too.

    Top it off with some vinegar to help with smell.

  6. There will be challenges:


    -read up on pre-launch checklists

    -pick launches with deep water off of them and a dock to tie up to.

    -avoid the busiest launches at first (nothing like the pressure of knowing your holding up the line

    -avoid windy and big wave days if you can at first.

    -be safe when launching (no balancing acts if you are alone)



  7. Good stuff. Yeah, good feeling and karma go with good deeds.

    20 minutes of free time spent relieved someone else of a lot of aggravation. They may have felt good about it too.


    Some stick their necks out too far. Anyone sink a vehicle trying to help someone else with a sunken object on the ice?



  8. Generally unqualified opinion:

    Sure, the paint jobs will often be low grade, the sub-floors are not as good as they used to be and carpet has always been cheap.

    Houses may be made differently now but at their core, when built right, they are good and sound at their core and will last. A fix or upgrade hear and there and your good to go.


    Me, a brand new home did not suit me. Neither did one that was too old.


    A lot of people are saying new subdivision homes are garbage. This sounds like a stereotype.



  9. Llet me ask this of the OP. What is the item being used for? Be honest and your chances of there being trouble are all but zero.


    If you think fish might be attracted to the light and go for your lure then it is illegal.

    If you think it might attract smaller baitfish it is illegal.


    If you intend that the fish bite down on it then it is legal.

    If is the only lure on your line it is legal.


    Act honestly and you won't have a problem explaining to a CO or judge (if you don't convince the CO).

    If you want to be extra cautious (that is what I would do) make it the only lure on your line.



  10. Is it not a lure body.. or is it a slip float. Either way no different than the floats with the light on top.


    If it was a slip float the light would be on top of the water....is this why the COs visit you so often IF? :P


    The device is not legal. You can try and dress it up like a lure put your real lure lower on the line and say it is legal, then the CO can say you are full of it and send you to court for the day.



  11. Here is another things to look for.....


    My first vote is for charred ground connector scrub it or use a set of gator clips to connect the harnesses.


    You may have had an amperage surge and melted the wire covering....so now it is shorting or you have opened up the ground by burning a wire (more likely). This could also happen to the light hardware.

    Check your truck fuses now too....it is possible that the trailer will blow a fuse in every truck you hook it up to.



    If a visual inspection does nothing start with a DMMs connectivity setting and start by testing your ground then testing each connector for short to ground. Removing the hardware and testing would be my next step.




  12. I am by no means an automotive guy.


    You tested 2 trucks so I would say that the trailer is the issue. Princess Auto has a tester for the trucks wire harness, $5-$10


    -Did you try brake, signal lights and running lights?


    some ideas:

    -Maybe you blew the other lights too?

    -Clean the connector

    -look for a fuse on the trailer wiring.



  13. For driving the Oregon will not do as well as the road GPSs.

    The road GPSs can load blue charts but will not allow zooming in (the depth markers disappear.


    'But you can't have everything' you say. Maybe you can:





    Garmin site:



    It is about the same prce, water resistant/proof, 8 hour battery. It will not do the barometric readings like the Oregon. It has basic voice for the driving stuff.


    I own an eTrex right now. The big downfalls are screen size and no automotive voice for turns. The Oregon does not overcome those 2 pitfalls either.




  14. By too large a size I am thinking you mean too large a file size.

    A lot of picture programs will ask if you want to change the quality of your picture when you save it as a jpg file.


    People have said MS paint does this (not on windows here).


    I remember that Irfanview will allow you to change bot the viewing size and the file quality (so file size).

    I use Gimp.



  15. Well, I have not been buying fishing stuff for all that long so my number would be off....I think I will spend $300, if I get the reel I need.


    In a couple of years I hope the number to level off at $50 max per year and work with the tackle I have and still be prepared for everything.


    It is disappointing to look at some of the items I have and realise that I have never caught a fish on them. When I was a kid I had tons of fun on $200 worth of tackle total and that includes a rod/reel! All the terminal tackle I needed could fit into my pocket. Having all this extra tackle is a luxury, sometimes a burden.


    I like this thread.



  16. I knew short trips were bad but that new to me.


    So my wife drives 10 minutes to work and we are about 10 minutes from everywhere.


    Aside from letting it idle for 10 minutes in the driveway EVERYDAY what is the alternative? Yes, yes...I cold check the oil :P


    (it was said some cars are bad for this so my vehicle is a 2000 honda civic)




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