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Everything posted by kemper

  1. agreed. The only thing I have ever managed to do there is swim.
  2. theres at least one more lock up brewing as we speak
  3. I have two.... First real steelhead I ever hooked by myself, out fishing with my dad in March when there was still sheet ice at the sides of the river. I get the most colourful make I have seen to this day right up to the side of the ice, but with no net it was a struggle. Dad reaches for the lead to see if he can bring the fishes head up onto the ice and as soon as he touches the line its gone. Ice must have nicked it. I think he still blames himself for losing that one haha Close second was three years ago on oshawa creek in march also when I hooked and battled a huge female (15 pound class) all alone and it worked me downstream a couple hundred meters. I asked if another guy could help me out and he reached down, grabbed the fish and then promptly fell on his ass with the fish going up in the air then down into the water with a splash and snap of my line. Really wish I could have landed that f ish, but also really glad the dude that helped me didnt drown in the process.
  4. Post of the year! Stock me some steelies
  5. The Canadian Tire near my house had it on clear out last weekend at 1.99! I bought them all.
  6. Hey man if it works for you then thats what counts! Personally I dont think I could land a sunfish on a 2 lb lead with my fishing style
  7. I, and you can quote me on this, will NEVER drop to a 2 lb lead. Completely unnessecary ( I cant spell that word)
  8. nice fish but a 2 lb leader..why oh why?
  9. NOPE I use good old 4 pound test Maxima ultragreen and hardly ever break off (1 fish this season, and it was my fault) Aside from the non breaking, I also catch a good number of fish all sans flouro
  10. I bet he wouldnt have been skunked if he fished with us Just kiddin MJL
  11. ZING mine comes fishing with me Steelheading emergency eh? Where, Im on it! nice fish bud
  12. You arent kidding...I have spotted steel in some strange places! One being in TINY little creek near my house (when I say tiny I mean at the widest 4 feet across and two feet deep) Also spotted a chinny (full grown, were talking 15 pounds here) trying to run up the same little creek except behind the Loblaws (superstore now) on gibb street in Oshawa. The only way it got there was by human interference, that creek connects to Oshawa creek but there its a grate. I guess someone did the 100 yard dash across the field at central high school and dumped it in, and the bugger still managed to go kilometers upstream Sorry for the Hijack... Ya it probably does hold fish, but it would be a small run and they would likely be VERY skittish
  13. I never thought it was a big deal to scoop someones fish? Same as when Im in the river and someone who is alone hooks a fish near me...I always offer to land it for them. Sometimes you get a no thanks I got it, sometimes you make a fishin buddy seems like a simple thing to do to me
  14. What can I say, its what I do You owe me a day of slamming on Duffins, that flow is beyond me... Great weekend dude
  15. good fishin I knew it was gonna get tough, it had to sooner or later because everything was on fire and getting smashed for so long. Although I love the prime conditions, ya gotta wonder what it does to the run...
  16. There is at least one family I know of on Upper Buck. Same place every year, cool to see
  17. SHIMANO. I have a collection of bait casters, and I never touch anything but my shimanos. I had two okumas and they both blew up in the first week, I had a diawa (albeit a cheaper one) and it blew up, I had a quantum and it also blew up. Shimanos keep on tickin though
  18. I bashed the water alongside my dad for years before I ever got a hookup watching him land steelies (actually most of the time he would do the hooking and I the battling) and it drove me nuts because it seemed like I was doing the same things in the same places! I was probably 13 when I started hooking my own, which was probably right about the time I started to understand how to read the current. Once you get that part of it down, the rest is easy. That said, I still get skunked... more often than you would think. Timing, timing timing
  19. Nothin on my camera dude, just one pathetic blurred out pic of a hen I landed when you were downstream.
  20. Ha, Looking back at the pics we rocked em pretty good today! Thanks for the report bud, good fishin lets do it again next weekend.
  21. Easy guys, I shared a drift or two with this dude during the week and he was careful with the fish. Gill holds aside (lets not get carried away there) I never saw him hurt any fish. Suit yourself if you want to dunk your hands while its minus 5 be my guest, ill stick with the net. I would have been more careful to keep that bridge out of the pictures, but I was there before this report was posted and there was 20 cars on a week day so give it a rest he didnt single handedly ruin the river. Do I think the internet spoiled this river? Yep. Do I think that this one guy did it? No chance, it was a mess the last two seasons as well
  22. Figured the backgrouds might have caused a stir...but without showing anything obvious that could look like 8 other rivers around here. The guys that get out alot can pick out a river from a picture like that, but most cant.
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