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Everything posted by kemper

  1. I havent seen them on the water in a while, Cliff was by the house the other day buyin some new ammo for the steelhead arsenal though... It was a lamprey scar that never really sealed up, there was two on that fish, and one on both the others as well Thanks guys, it was a great day
  2. every time I look at that picture the thing seems to get bigger thanks guys
  3. Headed out today for some droppies on the lower end of an east trib. Got a couple yesterday so I figured I would give it another shot. Went 3/4 and my buddy was 0/1, all fish on roe. First fish was an absolute HOG, I can only imagine what a fish this size would look like pre spawn...probably would push the 16-17 pound mark full of eggs. She kicked my ars up and down but I managed to beach her 40 M down from where the battle started. Here she is and back she goes Next up was another feisty dropback hen, also smashed a roe bag right in the wood and I had a hell of a time keepin her out of the wood the entire battle. In the end I had to just lock it down and hope the lead held... and a little male was the last fish interested. Good couple hours, now bring on opener!
  4. Dmasse, that fish is a beauty Bill...that picture gives me nightmares
  5. I have fished out of several princecrafts, and without a doubt they are fine boats. The others I cant speak for
  6. Ross World Industries has a new series out in the (semi) budget category. I picked up an 8 wt on sale and man is it ever a nice rod. I wouldnt worry about spending coin on a reel for a 5 wt. Really all it does at that state is hold the line. Okuma makes a line of budget reels, and I havent had any trouble with mine.
  7. Thanks Mike, I have one from a similar year but it is the 7G. I was interested because I have never seen the box for one.
  8. If there was a tornado, there would still be people fishing off that damn bridge
  9. It was a male with a bulging gut like that? Impressive, solid healthy fish.
  10. lots o' troots down der at the big river!
  11. Yep. I have lots of tackle from the early 1900s onward, including two old steel rods with wooden handles and two old johnson? reels that I found in my great grandmother's basement when she passed. She was 93, and the gear was her fathers, so needless to say its old stuff.
  12. Mike is it the 7G...Finland stamped on the belly?
  13. I agree Dan, but I think that some of our fisheries are too far gone to not resort to stocking. Barring a total ban on fishing (lake charters included) I don't that that the steelhead population would be fishable in ten years (5 years) without any stocking. Conservation of wild strains is always better, but sometimes stocking may be the only answer?
  14. Stocking/enforcement of regulations on the N shore rivers. Its a complete joke, the only thing stopping me from heading up to the headwaters and slamming trout all day in a closed season is my own conscience and we all know that lots of people don't have one. Would be nice to see a rotating patrol on weekends of the headwaters of the N shore tribs. One guy even doing the best he could would make me happy. I have said it before and Ill say it again, I would gladly pay and extra 50 bucks a year for my license if they could show that the money was going to improve our fisheries
  15. Never while fishing, I get off the water FAST if there is any chance I think a storm is coming. It just doesnt seem safe to me, not worth it. While golfing I almost got toasted once, felt the electricity in the air and there is nothing that has ever made me hair stand up like that again. For some reason the instinct from me and the 3 guys I was golfing with was to run...probably better to just drop to the ground but hey we made it...the tree beside us however didnt fare so well
  16. Never really thought about it...that said I did well in the fall on a rusty red brown with a gold bead jig....hmm
  17. I hope no one tries to dispute THIS one. Full of eggs? nice fish
  18. I just noticed that crayfish jig...i will DEFINITELY be tying some of them up for opener
  19. kemper

    Got it!

    Thats how i read it too
  20. You could toss everything in the book at those two fish and you likely wont get a sniff. Unless you can get to them in the near dark, and toss something like a fresh worm upstream at them you are probably out of luck. They would be spooked like crazy. After hearing that they are in 2 feet of water in a riffle I would leave them be, they were probably a male and a female spawning.
  21. Should have asked them! They will likely be around next weekend...or they may have been caught and slain by the 400 meat hunters that will be on your river on saturday
  22. The horizontal band gives it away. They were steelies, but after they have been in the river for a while they lose the silver colour and turn a darker colour with reds and greens. The fish you saw were likely larger males
  23. id jump too if i had a hook in my skull! nice trout...and whistlin troot too
  24. A couple of them are mirror carp look a little different, same slime and smell though.
  25. Usually enough like a trout for the first ten seconds to get you excited, then generally like a wet towel for the next minute
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