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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Buffalo is going to be in a sorry state after this is all over, lol.
  2. You've got issues with your Calais if your BPS Johnny Morris can out distance it, lol.
  3. Wow, that's crazy... Glad she was pulled out.
  4. You're fishing the wrong part of the French if you are seeing more then 2-3 boats in a single day....
  5. I only toss them on if the visibility is almost zero.. I can't stand when people turn them on and it's really not all that bad out. All it does is distract already distracted drivers.
  6. New Grand Cherokees are nice looking rigs! Congrats!
  7. 500 hockey so far.. It's not great, but it's better then 0 points in 2 games.
  8. I guess the board didn't like the word I used to describe my distaste at how far away the bird was!!!
  9. Who's talking about driving in blizzard like conditions? Of course you slow down and proceed with caution. The ones I'm complaining about are the people who are terrified to be driving on anything but bare, dry pavement. Rain, snow, whatever it doesn't make a difference. Those people are a danger to everyone else on the highway and should stay home. If you want to sit in the middle of the pack with the rest of the lemmings and crawl along, then so be it, why do I care? I'll drive according to the conditions that I feel comfortable in. If you want to keep wasting your breath trying to convince me that I'm wrong, by all means keep at it, lol.
  10. Jim, if you can type on a keyboard you can do this maintenance. It's dead easy.
  11. Veracruz is more minivan then anything else.
  12. Dan, the next time give one of those magic erasers a try... I couldn't believe how well they worked. I usually just took a sponge and some soap/water but this works so much better.
  13. People make mistakes and I think that's exactly what this guy did. Do I think you should string up beside the guys filling white buckets and fishing out of season? No.. Do I think he should be fined? Yes..
  14. Awesome photos as usual.. I did see a Snowy, but it was out in the middle of a wrong word field. Even with the Canon 100-400 on a crop, the pics are laughable, lol!!!
  15. There isn't much you can do in a whiteout.. Slow down, toss the 4 ways on and hope someone doesn't slam into the back of you.. If you can get off the highway, even better.
  16. Yuck, dirty cork is like a dirty toilet! LOL!
  17. Ah ok, I didn't realize that. Ignore my previous reply
  18. 10 times a year doesn't require a dedicated tow vehicle, you could do that with a Caravan.. I'd definitely put 'towing' on the lower part of your 'required' scale.
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