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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Yup, either thinking he'll stop and you'll go around or target fixation.. Can't blame the guy driving, he was screwed either left or right.. No way I would have taken it head on into that trailer..
  2. brb catching 15lb steelhead every drift.
  3. That's crazy.... You can also tell he was fixed on the truck as he turned into him before the crash. Glad no one was killed.
  4. Let's hope it never gets to manslaughter charges... That would mean someone has died because of this crap.
  5. People that think they have more rights to public land then others.
  6. Do I need to bring a spey rod in order to be allowed in?
  7. Blasphemy! You can't complain about cheap Coors light and service with a smile
  8. Is that the place with the wicked hot french chicks? DEER GOD I need to go back there!
  9. Or at least do something! Well ok... don't do what Ottawa did lastnight.
  10. Does the ice look like it just went through a nuclear event for anyone else on the feed from Sportsnet? Holy bright batman!!!!
  11. Nah, no way to keep them cold other then to drop them to the bottom of the lake.
  12. The extra weight is well worth the trade off. If I was that worried about weight, the Core would have been an easy choice.
  13. Those beers were hid in 50ft of water!
  14. Porters are good as well, I've had some good ones while scouring the shelves of the LCBO for beers I haven't tried before
  15. Not a huge fan of Imperial stouts...Dry/Irish for me.
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