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Everything posted by PBenson

  1. This fall has been pretty good for me for musky fishing. There have been a few days where I've been skunked but there have also been a few days where the bite has been crazy, in short feeding windows. Fish surfacing every minute, it's as exciting as it gets. I made a video of some of the action yesterday morning, check it out!
  2. I have the Calcutta B I love it. That power handle looks sweet though, going to have to get one.
  3. Waters definitely not cool enough yet to get large numbers in the rivers. Probably better off trolling (coming from a guy who doesn't troll)
  4. If anyone wants to learn more about jigging for muskies check out this months edition of Musky Hunter Magazine, which features an article from John Bondy, the maker of the baits I use in this video.
  5. Totally agree haha. Probably going to get the Frabill Big Kahuna.
  6. Might have to do something like that. As you can see in the video my musky net is a POS, I need to get a new one anyway.
  7. You guys have some giants up there, it would be epic to get one of them jigging haha
  8. I filmed some of the Muskie jigging I did over this past summer, check it out & tight lines!
  9. Both would be ideal if you are serious about making films
  10. 5/8oz minimum but usually 3/4oz. Some guys use 1oz but I think that's a bit big.
  11. Lmao yeah definitely don't leave your boat outside downtown windsor at night it's sketchy as hell. Lasalle is your best bet to be honest.
  12. Here's a video I made from this years walleye run. One of the best times of the year to fish around here!
  13. 50+ inch musky on LSC, catch a species of shark that I have not got yet (Bull, Hammer, Tiger, or Spinner), and to catch a big pike.
  14. https://youtu.be/0vwqJlAp4a0 That is my latest video but if you look at my channel all but 2 videos are recorded on GoPro. I use a GoPro Hero 4 Silver. I recommend it for fishing because of the touch screen feature. If you fish for a while and it is filming with no fish, you can use the touch screen to delete the unwanted footage right out on the water. You can Also quickly view footage to make sure your camera angles are right. I film on 1080/60, although I noticed YouTube is now supporting 4K so I may change to that in the future. All of my videos have the head mount which gets great POV shots, however I recently purchased the suction cup mount made by GoPro and it's pretty awesome. It allows me to mount it anywhere I want or bring it if I am on a friends boat. I don't have any videos out with it yet but I have filmed with it and I will be posting the video in a month when the Detroit River Walleye run is finished, it's a compilation video. Other than that have fun, it adds a whole new dynamic to fishing!
  15. The Detroit River Walleye fishing has been crazy lately but I planned a trip to Florida a month ago so I had to take a break from the walleye fishing. Below is a video of the Blacktip I caught. If anyone ever has the chance to fish for these things I highly recommend it. Their power is incredible!
  16. Are you sure that's for all piers? I know it's right for Naples pier but I didn't know every pier does that.
  17. No a saltwater liscence covers the surf.
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