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Everything posted by PBenson

  1. Thanks, completely agree. Something about the explosions is so addicting. I can't wait to get back out there for more on the yak.
  2. I have an external mic that I use which makes the sound quality much better than the regular GoPro mic. It also has a wind muff that cancels wind noise. I think it got water on it because it started only recording in one speaker, so I went and bought a new one. This only applies though if you don't plan on getting the GoPro wet. If you do, the GoPro mic is really your only option.
  3. Definitely recommend it!
  4. Possibly... I don't do this type of fishing a ton but it would definitely be super helpful.
  5. Got out last week on the kayak and had fun with some smaller bass on the topwater frog at sunset. Hoping to get out for some bigger ones this week. Check out the footage of the blowups!
  6. Headed down to Florida for the weekend and got into them pretty good! Always sketchy kayaking when you know they're around lol
  7. No, but my parents have a place there so I just find cheap flights and go there for weekends. I leave all of my gear and summer clothes there so I don't even need to check a bag.
  8. Some footage from last week in swfl. Crazy night. We put out a mullet on the surf rod, as I was hoping to get a blacktip for my girlfriend to reel in. The rod goes off and we quickly realized we were not dealing with a blacktip. This shark was taking 150 yard runs 20 minutes into the fight against 30lbs of drag like it was nothing. We got it in after about 40 minutes. The shark was not removed from the water, the hook was cut to keep everything quick, and the shark swam off strong. Epic night, check it out!
  9. Awesome report
  10. Most beaches allow it. The piers not so much because they are owned by the city and can enforce their rules accordingly, but most beaches are owned by the state so they can't really tell you that you can't fish for them. Most of the beaches that try to ban it you wouldn't really want to fish anyway, packed with people, boats, etc.
  11. Thanks. The rod is a 6' Penn International V Rated 50-100lbs. The reel is a Penn Squall 50VSW. It got this shark in rather easily, but there are definitely fish out there capable of spooling it!
  12. So none of my Florida friends wanted to fish cause of sketchy weather. My mom said she'd come to the beach and help me set stuff up and film. It worked out pretty well, as a bait got picked up by a nice lemon shark right after the sun went down. Check out the footage below!
  13. Appreciate it!
  14. Nice! maybe you'll pick up a shark out there
  15. Reeling in one shark... while another is on the sand being dehooked... and then another reel starts screaming. Absolute chaos!
  16. Thanks! Yeah remoras are pretty common on the sharks! Surprising actually that they come right in with them.
  17. Yeah man thats what we figured happened. So frustrating!
  18. Still don't know what happened, but 100lb mono broke after about 5 seconds of pulling. Always something new in Florida.
  19. Depends on the species, but but these blacktips aren't protected, although all of my fishing is catch and release.
  20. My biggest fear, especially because we often kayak out at night.
  21. Depends on the sharks you're targeting but anything from an 8000 sized spinning reel to a 80w conventional. The reel in the video was a 50w.
  22. We had an incredible week in Florida, this is just one of three videos ill be releasing of the action. On this night we had 8 runs (where the shark picks up your bait) and landed 5 blacktip sharks. It's mind-blowing how many of them there are out there at certain times of the year. My guess is they were migrating south in search of warmer waters. Check it out!
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