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Everything posted by bushart

  1. Now your in trouble-------your hooked---you'll be dreamin for tenderloins next year come the first red leaf Congrats Bushart
  2. I just completed this recently. It was a fool around piece between some of my larger involved projects---actually I had no idea where it was going when I started but one thing leads to another. Think I'll call it "Forest Dreamer"---Kinda reminds me of times I've sat in the bush---no phones/TV'S/Computers just wind. I see I need to sign it. Bushart
  3. Oh My the graphic nature of those pictures has scarred me now. It may be hours (Well days cause season aint open yet) before I'm able to put the cross hairs on a deer I may have just called out. I may have nightmares now seeing the graphic nature of that gut pile (or maybe it was buddy there shirtless) Kudos though for giving the general public a warning of something this terrible.....gotta go now and play "Grand Theft Auto III" I'll put the tongue in the other cheek now PS Good Goin
  4. Someone needs to remove 4 of his front teeth and blacken both of his eyes---even if they take a 5 game suspension. This is not roller derby!! Hard to believe I'm a pacifist. Thanks now I have to go to confession. Bushart
  5. OK take it from an old timer here who knows all about deer,beer & Bass It was a BRONTE--SAURAUS---Thought to be extinct Bushart
  6. That picture looks like you could use your BBQ for a shooting rest overlooking that field. Pull the hammer/gut/skin and badda boom/badda bing---tenderloin on the Que Bushart
  7. Finding a book would help but this is all common sense. Muzzle control is highest importance---do not point at anything you do not wish to shoot the rest is rules--no loaded guns on roadways---in vehicles--motorized boats Unload your gun when crossing a fence, creek, ditch etc. where you may slip Know your big game animals and migratory birds Unload and open your gun if handing your weapon to anyone Now these are the rules for us---I beleive the streets of Toronto has it's own set. Be safe and SMART and one day you will have a photo album of these
  8. No offence to the carp guys but this "Fish -O-Mania" show should have the suicide hot line # scrolling along the bottom. And I agree bring back Fish Fishburne and team Gramma---there's a guy who did'nt take the show too seriously---a lot of these TV "Experts probably just learned the technique the day before---but it's important to the ego to be the Giver of Knowledge. At least Chronzy I can laugh at---you never know who he wants to push off the end of the dock in one of his fireside chats---Hey Darrell---how many sheep did you have to shear to get that sweater? OK I'll Stop now...... Bushart
  9. Thanks for the invite---I've also got some boys from Florida that I guided for deer wanting me to come down---I may make it some year. Actually if your on one of those Lakair Pilgramages you could travel a little east and I could take you out on some different water (Ottawa Valley). These fish did not come from Lake Simcoe, Couch, Erie, or the other bodies most connect with big smallies but from right near my home. Also if you guys get together around this time of year--Huge Smallies are extremely predictable and easy to catch---This picture was only 2 fish we photo'd most we caught were in this size class and one hawger in the 5 plus class. Bushart
  10. It's a sad day around the Bush Guys' place as the fuel conditioner went in for the last fishin trip of the season. went out for smallies with my son-----beauty day---finally got a drop shot rig to work for me. Gotta go cry in my beer now---(PS remember to vote) Here he is with a couple from today---Happy Thanksgiving Bushart
  11. steep breaks from shore---over 20 ft of water----Big minnows--carolina rigged is good option.
  12. This reply is somewhat directed towards the new/novice deer hunters. I've hunted them for over thirty years and guided hunters for several as well, so I may not be Jim Shockey but I've got a pretty good idea whats going on. Now if success is measured in"racks" yeah I've got a shed full that I seldom look at but it's a whole lot more. Taking your PAL course is just a start----you really need to hunt for a while with an experienced hunter to learn the rest---I know WFN makes it look easy but it is a little more involved---I've had some hunters up from the US that told me of selective harvest game farms in Texas and Alabama where someone points at the one you can shoot---not Canadian reality. My concern about new hunters fresh out of the PAL course is the extras about deer or moose hunting. way too many times I've seen excited hunters unloading at a deer ---walk up and in 2 seconds assume they've missed and are ready to walk away ---only upon closer searching to have the animal dead 50 yds away. Or here's the most common---fire at a deer and immediately run up to it for photo's----wrong/wrong/wrong---too many times that deer pumped on adrenaline jumps up and the search is always long. I won't make this into a novel and will answer questions if you wish but I believe it is in everyones best interest to learn from those that have done it (now some never learn--that's your judgement). I was fortunate and got to learn from the best at a young age---I think you'll find hunters in the field are a great bunch and are usually more than willing to assist. Here's one some guys I guided got a few years back. His 1st deer. Bushart
  13. Fear not young Skywalker widom still walks the halls at the OFC---but it is true many have gone to the dark side--you can tell these people by seeing them on the riverbanks using Quantum products and having a Loblaws receipts for Stay puffs hanging outta their pockets. And in conclusion I leave you with advice to go forth with---Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff. AAAH I'm just goofin around that's all.....
  14. Terrific job--I admire those that have musical ability--great guitar work Now I'm a Neil fan----he did a duet with Emmy Lou Harris --"Wrecking Ball"---No expert but it may play into that style you guys got going there. Bushart
  15. I recall a few years back --my nephew (adult) was in the Burlington area and there was a group catching out of season steelhead directly below the sanctuary sign---when he indicated their mistake ---funny they could'nt speak english. So if the MNR reads this site---next spring maybe something to check on. Now we are all descendents of people from elsewhere but claiming that you do not speak english is like a blank cheque to do whatever you wish with zero penalties. Kudos that abide by the rules but really ignorance of the law is no excuse and makes for hard feelings between the various groups.
  16. Sounds like these boys were suffering from the dreaded "moronic plague" I've seen this illness strike before, it actually is eating at that last brain cell ponging around in that empty cavern on their shoulders. The "Dog" is right ---best just walk away and find another spot---maybe Karma will kick in. One of the reasons I left Southern Ontario years ago. I've actually heard of knives being pulled on each other on these creeks back in the 70's---oh well "You can take the boy outta the trailer park........But.....
  17. No actually there,s not really enough water for that and the countdown sinks and dives pretty well on it's own.
  18. Ok back when dinosaurs roamed the earth I received two seperate lessons on Bronte Creek. In the lower slow moving section I watched a guy spank salmon on a skunk coloured flatfish 2nd Later on in the cold weather up higher I received another lesson from a fella I met on the creek---he was drifting a perch coloured countdown rapala into the deeper holes (tried blue later--worked). It was impressive. Trust this is non-confrontational enough. Bushart
  19. Ok I'll weigh in again... To al the nay-sayers ask yourself the simplest of questions----what do you think is happening to all the crap that is being emitted into our air and water---producing daisies and puppy dogs?? "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"---so a couple billion tons of CO2 equals ????? Also remember the earths' population has grown exponentially in the last 125 years. Bushart
  20. In case you thought it was all paintin---and general smarta** outlooks Took my son out on this past weekend to catch some fish to eat---he was giving lessons this day. Bushart
  21. I hear ya---This is what happens when you mix beer--a paintbrush---and way too miles on this carcass. Bushart
  22. Thanks for the link. Unfortunately many will keep their heads buried in their cubicle until such a time this bites them in the backside. I try to make a difference where and when I can. Quote from Pacino---"Gentlemen either we heal as a team or we will die as individuals" I painted this a few years back after watching "An Inconvenient Truth"--little hard to tell on the internet--mother bear is drowned and cub using her for a life raft. Bushart
  23. I think by this---it's soon http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23276 Bushart
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