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Everything posted by bushart

  1. Have I just entered a star trek time warp and gone back to Saturday? This is where Roy shows up and says ok a father got lambasted for this scenario some time back...lock er up Mr Chekov warp 5 and bones I'll need 10 cc's rye and coke stat...
  2. This deserves the official.................ATTABOY--they are a great fish---and best to eat. Bushart
  3. There's many sides to this one.....and the moral high ground is a slippery slope. If you catch a spawning fish on a windy day and during fighting the fish you blow 50-100 yards down the lake--how long will it take to get back to it's nest? about as long as a snapshot? IF we're looking for the moral highground---lets discuss the "Tournament" bass anglers targeting these fish 2-3 weeks prior to opener. I live beside a very popular bass tourney lake and witness this with my own eyes while out for walleyes. Maybe we should all move to northwestern Ontario where the season does'nt close and you can catch spawning bass till your arms fall off. Rules say You can. I wish everyone luck because enforcing ethics is far different than teaching them Bushart
  4. I'm not a pro or even a wannabe--But---My experience has me using smaller baits in spring------a lot of baitfish is still pretty small--match the hatch grasshopper
  5. ground blinds may be harder to work that compound your running. Trees are better if you can swing it---remember that buck will want that cover. Bushart
  6. Being this is only the first part of May---You might drive yourself crazy by November. Take this advice if you wish (or not) --old deer guide here... In the next little while find a good place to put your stand and keep those visits few and far between--maybe leave those dogs at home. When picking out your stand area---try to invision where they may come from--sit in that stand make sure you can shoot comfortably from most angles---hangin out to one side may cause racket. If all you want is to see deer ---there's always going to be some out in those fields-mostly does probably-----but if your hunting bucks---you have to stealth her down. Your time may be best served now looking for old scrapes and rubs-----they will be back and it will give you a starting point for stand locale.---remember the wind---and remember if your stand is on the downside of a hill--he'll be looking at you at eye level if he's on the hilltop. That buck your after is in his living room and not yours---he'll be away from commotion and always leary--put as many odds in your favour as you can---scent/calls/wind so on and so on. One more thing---if your bow hunting---take a few practice rounds outta your treestand----shooting down at a target is different than at a rest in the yard or range. Bushart
  7. I don't mind a feed of perch once a year---but 50! I don't want to clean 50 in a year never mind every day--maybe they're sellin them? Bushart
  8. Sounds bout right to me Although an efficent woman would bring a small cooler with the beer on ice and save herself a few footsteps. See how considerate I am. Bushart
  9. Cool--I've caught a lot of fish on that exact same spinner out in the cricks Bushart
  10. What a way to start the year Bushart
  11. This is just an update---lots to do yet Bushart
  12. Ok Boys it's actually tougher than it looks---stupid moose--why could'nt he have smooth faced antlers Bushart
  13. I would only have to ask myself one question... Would you want to take it to Canadian Tire for service? and have that cracker jack 17 year old learn about 4 stroke outboards on your dime? At 2 G's I think I'd keep shoppin. (And yes I've owned a 4 stroke since 96)
  14. You could almost put in a couple captions in there like... "I've would like to call this meeting to order....minutes from the last meeting...Yes it's true the big black and white fish is not a good thing....and the person with the fish breath please make your way to the back of the flock. Cool pictures though.
  15. Looks great---nothing like a feed of specks--it's what makes us Canadian. Bushart
  16. Pink Gumball 3/8 oz jigs was the ticket--30 fow---tried all the traditional stuff this was the last thing that we attempted. PS... Here ya'll are Dawg
  17. K me and my cousin took on some ice out lakers today---wind and SNOW ---kinda rotten weather But it's no longer just looking at my boat in the driveway Bushart
  18. They probably don't want conflict with Cabela's Canada---formerly S.I.R
  19. This is as close as I get to putting the ole snot rocket in my boat. We have a love hate thing going on---20 lber puts up a good fight (Our subject here is only bout a 10) but I truly believe I've been bitten off a CaJillion Times while fishing for other species. Bushart
  20. K excuse the hokey high school dropout French attempt. I won't keep bothering ya but figured I'd show ya the direction this is headin...Reason is... I figure your a hunter (as am I) I'll stop posting after this one till complete---but can you see your camp setup on the trail on the left antler? and maybe moose steak on the right one Bushart
  21. Surely I can Call you Mister--But I won't call you Shirley. That Pic has to be up to the standards of one like this I've done in the past.. Bushy
  22. Yea little Freudian slip---I'm gettin better though---May have to leave my local chapter of the PPASS Though (Preverted Painters & Anglers Secret Society) Bushart
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