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Everything posted by bushart

  1. How do you like my new painting project I'm workin on?---not exactly stretched canvas but it'll do Just have it underpainted now---only beaned my noodle on a brow tyne once... With a rack this nice that paintin better be darn good... Peace Bush Guy
  2. Seen him last fall in Ottawa---"The Best" Bushart
  3. Ok Cause you wasted your valuable time on this Easter Sunday---All Those that had a guess--pick a fav ptg I've posted over time and I'll send you a high res msg. PM me your e-mail and give me your handle---if you don't know what I've put on here ---just state some landscape type scene you fancy and I'll pick one. Only those that played thx. The Bush Guy
  4. WINNER...WINNER!!! Figured the gray beard would be a give-away PM me your e-mail Bushart
  5. All good guesses but Nyet comrades
  6. Ok Ok Ok.... Here it is...it's way to cold and windy to go anglin so how about a boredom beater... Guess who the paddler may be and I'll send you a high resolution e-mail of the same pic...Painting just finished..so y'all can put a piece of your photo paper in the old Hewllett Packard and have yerself a copy. (higher res is better). Impress your friends...Impress your dog..with this new piece by Canada's 6 fingered wannabe artist... Rules, 1st right answer wins (one only) I'll have to get your e-mail address as this site only carries 250kb and it pushes 4mb in high res. A good Canadian should know this one Go Bushart
  7. A while ago I watched a program on the earliest artwork known to mankind--which was the ones found in the caves in France. Anyway they were done suprisingly well and after much research & debate they appear to depict: The animals they hunted & Dying Anyway not wishing to be outdone by our mastadonian cloaked ancestory--I came up this... People I sent this to I mentioned---If I'm goin--I'm takin my fishin rod..so...I put in my 1st rod (circa 40 plus years ago accompanied with that old Johnson Skipper reel-also same era) __This is why I threw this on this side and not the foto. Bushart
  8. Wabigoon's water clarity fades fish pretty good---definetely a pike Bushart
  9. Years ago I put a casting deck on my 16 ft lund. If your using plywood as I did --get a large piece of cardboard and trace and trim/trim trim the shape of the section of boat your covering. I used aluminum angle for the sides between seats to take the bounce out of it---way above water line---used aluminum hammer rivets. The problem I see with your picture is no storage door cut into to stow stuff in that front area below your floor--battery etc. Bushart
  10. A while ago Dan had posted his border collie on here and I was looking to do something with a country scene I was painting. This is where it went. Bushart
  11. Test Pic Post Thanks IrishField
  12. I see others are able to post pics lately and I used to be able to but the attachment feature says operation failed--too much space was used up (paraphrase) I'm wondering do you think it's my computer or has something changed---these pics are under 250k I was able with no problem up to about the format changeback---anyway I'm stumped I promise to limit my posting of 2 fisted bass or any other big fish that may make others uncomfortable (time limited offer) Bushart
  13. The company I work for is now the Canadian Distributor for "Turkey Skinz" & "Goose Skinz". These are actual feathers to fit over your existing decoys. Ask your local ArcticShield Dealer or participating Canadian Tire Dealer about them or visit www.arcticshield.ca. Tell em the painter sent ya. Bushart
  14. Spring Fishing in your hood is good in several places...they are.. 1. Larson Bay 2. Larson Bay 3. Larson Bay Go around looking for signs of old holes---that'll tell you where you need to be---North and South side Bushart
  15. K' here's all you need to know.... Carbonneau was fired because he tried to take that pride of the team that ran through that locker room for a hundred years with mostly boys from rural Quebec, that this was life...and instill it into paycheck players from overseas..can't do it. the ghost of the Rocket and presence of Jean Beliveau run through the veins of most Habs fans...but I think these boys must have heard the fish were bitin back in Russia and bait goes on sale the end of March. And I'm a Sens Fan. (still a Canadian though) Bushart
  16. I tried uploading a picture in the photo section that is 224 kb--it is telling me that it exceeds the space and it now says max upload at 2mb. Is anyone else having this problem? Bushart
  17. I like the CBC and if it's tax $$$ being wasted that really bothers you there's lots of targets out there. When I was younger & dinosaurs roamed the earth (before satellite TV ) I lived in the far north and CBC was it. It kept you going---but I will say that if it was not there I wonder how long it would be before our youth would believe they're American. Check the stats on our last election and see how many inject US policy into our own---ie believing you vote for Harper as PM and not the party. Think about it---Canadian sports---Nature of Things---Rick Mercer---National News etc, etc... The CBC is more than a typical dollar driven network but is a common voice for all of us from the smallest fishing village in NFLD to the most remote reserve in NWT. Do not Americanize us ---I'm telling you that it would be a great loss to lose the CBC---and in no way am I affiliated with it. Bushart
  18. I was puttin a hurt on some bass on Constant last summer---nice lake
  19. Actually this is not the photo I took at the farm but is my painting and the farm is in the Combermere/Eganville neighborhood. Bushart
  20. I went to my cousin's farm a while ago and took some pictures for my next art piece. This is situated in the Ottawa Valley and actually AJ Casson (Group of 7) painted a barn up the road some years back. Anyway this is a special place where I used to spend my summers in my youth working on the farm and in the bush splitting and piling firewood for winter. The old log barns are really cool---actually the cows were calving when I was there --thus the addition. I usually put these in the foto section but this one is a little different than what I've been doing. Bushart
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