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Everything posted by KLINKER

  1. Again, charge under stunt driving, don't take the phone, take the car and license.
  2. I used to line it up with the side mirror, no problems.
  3. Is $14000 enough for a down payment on a 600 to 800 horse hybrid supercar and how long will I have before they reposes it. No @#$ it I'd still have to deal with Ontario's insurance.
  4. If a lawn mower pollutes more than a car but is = to about 1 to 1.5 K miles a year on a car. A subsidy of $14,000 at 12.5% of cost would get you 272 electric lawn mowers taking about the = of 418K car miles of the road each year at the = of subsidizing one electric car.Ms. Wynne should be subsidizing lawn mowers not cars.
  5. Not that hard to do but....if the gimble bearing is pooched or the motor has settled out of alignment at the mounts you could be into problems beyond a backyard fix.
  6. The thing about lightning is if you can see it ,it can see you. http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2013/20130624_lightningsafety.html


    As a fish is a controlled substance can they seize your house if you have one too many fish in the freezer.
  8. I like Mark Emery's comment, something like, selling pot is not a problem ,we have lots of people that know how to do that.
  9. If you happen to be a Power squadron member you can get a discount on new for old like Drifter through Dalton Timmens. Policy designed by boaters.
  10. No it's not selective breeding, it is DNA from bacteria that found it's way into the sweet potato. when they do a Genone search of DNA, bacteria DNA shows up, and from what they were saying it's in us too. Possibly having something to do with immune system. Look it up, interesting read.
  11. Sweet potatoes have been found to have naturally genetically modified, as more DNA studies are finding genetic modification to be a naturally occurring thing we find people have been eating GMO for thousands of years.......AND THEY ALL DIED.
  12. Go here for list http://bit.ly/1HYtJ2A
  13. The things I don't like about organic growing are the use of the word organic, there are no non organic vegetables, I'm certified organic by the dictionary. And 2 is the marketing that must put down others produce that is exactly the same as dangerous. Now that so many food poisoning is tracing back to organic they might slow down a bit on that.
  14. We used to cut melons in half and sell them before people started dying from organic melons. Can't cut a melon anymore.
  15. Tire noise has become more irritating than just about anything else.
  16. I have a 12' aluminum boat and canoe co. incorporated with serial # 187, so I figure its about a 54 or 55. Doesn't leak a drop.
  17. No kidding whoever OKed that study must have been drinking.
  18. Successfully applied some H2O.
  19. On my way to make an application of the most dangerous chemicals known to man on my strawberries.
  20. I'm more concerned about eating manure and sewage than pesticide residue. Bacteria will kill you in what, 20 days?
  21. Organics will kill you faster. Take a look at the organic related food poisoning and you'll never eat the stuff again. Better to be fed by a poison expert than a poison amateur.
  22. I'm a farmer, that's the same thing as an environmental engineer, take the job.
  23. A Judge might frown on you trying to make a deal with a thief and not order restitution. Call the cops.
  24. I think I've worked for him before.
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