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Status Updates posted by AKRISONER

  1. playing trouble at the hen house and fully completely on repeat

  2. Praying that the cold front that is going to move through this weekend hits later in the weekend!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. grizzlybri


      i like that news brian

    3. BillM


      Warm front perhaps!



      hot saturday, much colder and storming sunday, Saturday might be totally on fire

  3. Pumped, just got added to the OFC tourny...time to do damage

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aplumma


      works for us. good call Chris


    3. misfish


      It,s all in good fun fellas.



      Theres no way in heck im gonna catch you guys on the solo 40+ inch muskies I wish :)

  4. saw my first gar pike on the weekend living in the weeds infront of my cottage...grow baby grow!

  5. saw my first salmon in river yesterday, in about 6 inches of water so cool..now to catch one on the fly

  6. sitting staring at my computer screen dreaming of being on the water

  7. sweet, the russian babes are back for me to date. Where do i put my credit card info?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Acountdeleted


      SFU innovates...... I don't know what that is.

    3. irishfield


      Just remember.. pop ups are based on cookie tracking. I'm looking at car parts from Year One all the time. What sites have you been frequenting?? LOL




      you tell me! im on my work computer any time i access this site lol!!!

  8. t minus 48 hours until my first fly in fishing trip

    1. James77


      Have fun bud!

    2. chris.brock


      whaaat? very cool, looking forward to the report

  9. That water is getting cooolllddddd 50-53 this weekend, might I predict the Ice will be early this year!?

    1. misfish


      Simcoe is still bath water. Shallow lakes north of here are alot colder.

  10. the boys are on the water in PAB reporting 5 inches of ice 100 yards out..lucky dinks!

  11. the mystery of the GB crap...this calls for a sleuthing

  12. the nice mountainbike i use to get to work every day got stolen. Thanks Obama

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. grimsbylander


      good post...thanks Obama. lol

      (old timer)

    3. aplumma


      I wanted to hear the answer tothe joke. Most people spin alie that just gets bigger and bigger like Obama.lol


    4. Pigeontroller


      If Trump gets elected you'll be wishing for the good ol'Obama days!

  13. Took a vaca day friday, look out pickerel here I come

  14. ughhh this cold front is gonna make for a tough go saturday!

  15. well im about 9000 casts deep into my 10000 musky casts...waiting patiently

    1. icedude


      Hang in there bud-worth the wait AKR

  16. well im back in the land of milk and honey...permanently...those GB bass better look out

  17. wont be back on the water until the weekend after the long weekend...how am i going to stay sane?

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