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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. I had not won entry tickets earlier.. I won show bucks during the summer
  2. I was in the truck when she did it LOL! just did not put two and two together till now!... She'll pay.... ohhhh yes she will pay!
  3. Just so happens my girlfriend hit 2 curbs in a Tim Hortons drive through... all in one day! wonder if it is related :wallbash:
  4. TJ, Please give my tickets to RattleTrap, I have already won a prize for this show.. and would not feel right taking free tickets too. Thank you! G
  5. http://www.springfishingandboatshow.com/
  6. This truck has been bullet proof, Ford F150. Today I noticed a shaking in the front end, it is slow and consistant, and I can see the steering wheel move back and forth left to right.. it even seems the front of the trucks is swaying back and forth..(maybe an optical illusion?) it only seems to do this @ slow speeds.. on the Highway it seems to disappear? any thoughts before I take it in fellas? and approx cost to repair? Thanks! G
  7. No need for that monsterman, the proper way to reset a BEV receiver is to pull the card, and reinsert. It does a hard reset on the unit, as opposed to a soft reset like you are suggesting. just a suggestion. G
  8. my guess is he has component cables and the green and blue cables are reversed.
  9. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=49947
  10. I have used General Bandsaw's for years, and they are very nice. I hope you get alot of enjoyment from it. one word of caution.. do not try and move the saw by the table.. I learned that lesson from experience G.
  11. Very nice!, good to know you are kept busy I do have a question, when i am working in schools and hospitals etc. I see you're union stickers attached to ducting.. is this mandated? LOL! (insert my smile and laughter here) for the last 6 months I have been doing mostly residential work, luckily for me everyone needs insurance and in my favour is Hamilton's failing infrastructure time for me to find someone to hire and bring on as an apprentice.. I have been looking for months... it has been difficult to say the least. laziness everywhere.. not to mention finding someone that is willing to go back to school... or those without even grade 12... the guys I think that will be good, cannot enter apprenticeship based upon their lack of grade 12... difficult to say the least... I am not looking for labour... as I can pickup anyone for that purpose anywhere... frustrating to say the least. G
  12. in most cases if you do not act like an idiot, and the fuzz will not treat you like one.. after all they may enjoy fishing too, and for some reason beer and fishing go hand in hand..especially during hard water season. treat the authorities with respect, and in most cases you will receive the same in return. But yes if you are falling down drunk, act like a jerk when checked, or are blatantly disrespecting the law.. (ie.. open alcohol while tending you're lines) then you can expect a ticket.. most officers are decent about this. However, there is an exception to the rule..... The OPP have coffers to fill after all... (I do believe they still have quotas..) G
  13. It needs to be considered a residence.. meaning an attached bathroom.. most homemade huts do not have one.. rentals don't either... but because you're paying they take it in to consideration.. very much the rules as a boat. edited to add.. as Wayne stated while I was doing my post.
  14. agreed Dan, I am billing T&M to the company I am subbing from.. I am loving it. making more then then my ex-union brothers and am my own boss, I know this is the exception to the rule.. but for the time being, I am riding the train. This company is run by good people, I am the only subbie still working because of my work ethic and quality ( jobs are given to me first.. if I want them)... there is something to be said for turning out a quality finished product. You bash tin, I bash wood. Hell for 40 an hour I will bash cow shart. Glad to see you are doing well brother, tell Nita I say Hello. G
  15. I have the option of unlimited OT... but then again I am a small business owner.. so it is part of the norm now.. 14 hours yesterday and 12 today.. Ohh joy..
  16. Gerritt


    http://members.shaw.ca/atunstall/newtv/special I have been using this for a bit now.. and you can even chat with the guy that runs it.. his name in the chat is freedom.. he is the middleman.. and finds the channels broadcasting the fights etc... I am watching the prelims on special channel 24... (green buttons located at the bottom... (different the the main channels.) G
  17. I work the hay fields from the time I was 5 till I was 16. My grandparents had a farm in Picton. let me tell you, farm work turns a boy into a man. it was hard dirty work, but at the end of the day the sense of accomplishment made up for the sore muscles and back. I still remember milk right from the cow (including the "floaties" as I called em) Eating beef that was named after me... (yes there was a cow on the farm named Gerritt) Picking up Metal Muffins... (cow piles...) riding pigs, and culling chickens.. including removing the eggs from the chickens that did not yet have a shell around them.. these are the days I remember.. and I wish I could go back to those much simpler times. Before internet, before cell phones... Alot less stress. G
  18. Thats what I thought too.. Shooting off the Bucks antlers.. perhaps helped them now... but in the weeks to come as he battles other larger bucks? Kudos to the hunters for doing what they thought needed to be done.. and we will never know the end outcome, except that the bucks were unstuck from each other... not sure I would have even ventured that close to two battling bucks! G
  19. <iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3gGhg-tY_is" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe> The hunters did what they could.. but should nature of run it's course? This video is going viral BTW.. G.
  20. Haldimand motors used to have a ton of em.. I know the type you talking about.. this is what a quick google search turned up.. http://www.alcandistributors.com/index.php?option=com_easygallery&act=categories&cid=29&Itemid=91 G
  21. wow... speaking the truth.... censored.... Nice thanks... G
  22. Mind if I ask... what reel?.. and yeah the plastic skimmers will break.. that is why redwolf sells em for 1.99 Wayne offers good advice. Be sure not to leave a warm reel in the snow, as it will freeze, an d try not to get it wet G
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