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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Finally Sweet Success!!! I pulled apart the Power Distribution Box.. and low and behold the problem was evident.. the wire was rubbing on a piece of metal.. wore through the insulation there was no metal left.. just green powder.... Finally that is fixed! then I turn on the lights... only one side is working... dang!!! found the problem.. a quick splice on the trailer and everything is as good as new!! Talk about coming down to the wire!! (Pun intended) Thanks again everyone for you're help, It wont be soon forgotten G
  2. I believe this is the unit you're looking at? http://www.all-americanoutdoors.com/inc/sdetail/486 Come in a lefty and has the flipping switch, 7 bearing, 6.4 $72.00 BPS has em on SALE right now for 59.88.. their reg price is 79.00 Call the link I mentioned.. they will match the BPS Price. Mention you're from OFC (They advertise here) G
  3. Ouch that sucks... did you happen to get their names? Roger perhaps you can look into this??? try www.all-americanoutdoors.com They carry BPS products cheaper then BPS sells em for!..and are easy to deal with and CHEAP! G
  4. http://www.cell-phone-jammers.com/ http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/WolfFi...1589&page=1 G
  5. While I tried my hardest not to comment on this thread... If you had to defend yourself in court the judges will look at the spirit of the law... meaning what did the law intend to enforce.. not semantics. If the OMNR were to publish the RULES.. vs. the summary, you had all be educated in legalize and have days to through through all of them.. That said.. in court you would lose as the spirit of the law is what will prevail in court... Hook them in the mouth and put the rest back.. I dont get what is so hard about this.. We fish for the pleasure of it and because we love it, and yes for the odd meal, I eat fish.. I find more thrill in the fight then on the plate.. 95% of what I catch go back to catch another day.. That said if I caught them within the spirit of the law it is well within my rights to enjoy them for supper. G
  6. Well I let them boil, with Carrot,Onion and Celery etc.. Get creative here.. add Peppercorns etc.. whatever flavour you want infused into the meat (I assume you are talking about my BBQ ribs here) The let them cool this is key.. in the fridge till cold.. I like Mesquite some prefer apple or cherry woods... put your chips in a foil container and poke large holes into it.. if you prefer a more pungent smoke flavour add some water.. get the wood smoking.. add the ribs and bbq on super low using the BBQ sauce recipe I posted as well I promise you the most tender ribs you have ever had... Boiling them throughly and colling them is the key to perfect home cooked ribs.. Enjoy post pictures of the cook!! Mmmm I am drooling here! G.. and thank you for you're post.
  7. Art yes he is.. you have no idea! He puts up with me... thats gotta stand for something! LOL! He helped me heaps.. sent me schematics etc.. gave advice and after doing the physical testing we determined this is the probable problem.. all over the phone. He certainly is a great asset and a good friend. G
  8. Just wondering who else here is always connected? I go to work I have a PC a phone etc..I get constant emails and calls.. When I am in my car or away from my desk (doing take-offs or drawings) I have a Blackberry... (more constant email and calls and DC messages) Then I get home and I am still getting emails but I do turn my phone off... 98% of this is work related.. for example I received the load calculations for Helical Piers, from one of our engineers on a house we are building 3 minutes ago.. I then need to read them, study them to ensure they are correct and do a take off on them to ensure the measurements are correct, I then forward them on to the the firm installing them and CC my boss.. this is a daily thing... It is part of my job.. I know that and am not complaining.. Just wondered if anyone else is always "Connected" to the office. G
  9. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I will be on Nipissing with some good friends G
  10. Nope.. I seem to have isolated the problem to the power distribution box under the hood on the truck.... I have 12v @ the fuse socket (So I know it is getting power), and only 1.3v @ the relay socket so there is a problem between the fuse and the relay... likely corrosion I also have 1.3v @ the back of the truck..) The truck has its own power source for the trailer... So it looks like we have to pull open the Power Distro box.. But I am going to McGyver it for now... I am going to Jump the fuse to the relay with a bit of wire.. it will suffice until I return home and have more time to take my time and fix it properly. Thanks for all you're help folks.. And Bernie thank you for listening to my complaining on the phone while I picked you're brains LOL G
  11. Thank you for the awesome Offer!!!!... but I am short of time.. If I cannot find the problem tonight I will have to follow a suggestion given to me.. Take power directly from the trucks tail lights until I can get this solved. Thanks again I appreciate it! G
  12. Checked the fuses and none of them are blown... Checked the relay, by switching it out with the same type...still nothing.. Only thing I can think of is a busted or corroded wire inside the frame of the truck at this point.... going back out after supper to take another stab at it. G
  13. Steve, I will be on the road @ 5am Have a great time on the French!!! Joe, You know I will! G
  14. Kevin, Cant wait to see her all decked out bud! G
  15. BEER!! They have you on the Oxycontin's? G
  16. Not really sure where that is Mike.. If I had a VHF we could be in contact... (Soon enough I will have one) If you feel like making the trek from Callader Bay Look for a Beige Polar Kraft or a Sea Swirl (Bit of a haul though LOL) we will more then likely be West of the Bumble Bee Channel Marker. Have a great opener Mike! G
  17. Hows you're arm coming Mike?
  18. Silvio just wanted to wish you good luck with you're surgery today. I know you're really apprehensive about it.. No worries once it is done you'll be much better off. One word of advice.. REST and don't over do it. You have the rest of you're life to fish, Now is the time to heal. Good Luck brother, we'll be thinking of ya. G
  19. Is cash is not an option.. Money order or for larger amounts a Bank drafts are pretty legit. G
  20. I too love to eat fish... but I do so in moderation.. not because of my health but for the sake of the fishery.. 3-5 times a year max.. I to have deathly allergy Bill, Bees... I carry my Epipen for them buggers... which I have to purchase yearly But my favorite bit.. is my BIL.. that LOVES to fish but will not touch em... some sort of phobia I guess, he will barely touch a minnow... but is a champ at the worms.. (cuts them with scissors) LOL.. Love the guy to death.. but too fun to watch! great entertainment for sure!!! G
  21. it is fishing related, we have a strong Asian Base.. and members are concerned for their safety... tell me again why it should not be here? It belongs here. as did the original post warning our Asian members of what was happening and to be careful.. Look for the threads titled reports if you're looking for pictures.. This is a VERY important thread to some of our members. G
  22. Not to mention cuter then you LOL!! and she is sporting a PINK BPS hat... you're done for... My bet is she is a shark!!! LOL! Awesome man! G
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