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Everything posted by Cory

  1. Neither, with the bump in extra posts I now have a shot at passing your number of useless posts…..
  2. Check with Tonyb or see if you can dig up one of his old posts. We didn't fish while we were there. Take a trip to Havana while you are there it is worth it for a day trip. US readers should not read anything posted above.
  3. CUC’s are only available for purchase in Cuba, they are not available for sale outside the country. Bring Canadian money, you will be charged extra for US dollars.
  4. Thanks Roy, I'm fine thank you, no different than any other time. Sorry, I'll go change the colour of the lenses in my sunglasses so I see the (OFC) world like you do..... 5821 or so more to go?
  5. Ah yes, Welcome to OFC, get used to it.....once you have 6000 posts your golden. 5822 to more go
  6. True Phil, I know you would give the shirt off your back (hopefully you are wearing two)..... This one.... Or maybe 5823 more to go Soon to be 5824 more to go
  7. The salad sure looked good but Phil wasn't about to share Nice meeting you Peter, even though we didn't get to talk much. 5824 more to go
  8. Memquisit 5826 to go
  9. I'll ask him this weekend for you.
  10. or not.... not so fast Boris
  11. It didn’t have a spedo, but my tricycle sure did pick up speed going down the overpass in North Bay. Was all good until I got that black fly in the eye….ouch. The brakes sucked too.
  12. They didn't want Paul McCartney in Quebec either....
  13. As I watched I couldn't help but think back to the idiot who tried to live with bears, too bad he brought his gf too. What a big big bear...chomp. Dude with the stick at the end got shot by poachers.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Adamson
  14. nope, never...that would be as crazy as fishing for carp.
  15. I just ignore Jeff when we are in camp at the same time, some people just have to make up for certain things by being louder and more in your face than others..... I just wish you wouldn't have shown him my good spots Chris....and keep that lindy to yourself
  16. Spammer...... See you in a few hours, got the beer in the vehicle
  17. Cory

    No Topic

    Dat is gemakkelijk voor u te zeggen
  18. Cory

    No Topic

    le poisson très gentil mon ami, ressembler au JP mange bien
  19. Depends if you are fishing with a guide or not.
  20. Should have kicked it... Karma is a good thing.
  21. so TJ, is that your entry into the pike tourny?
  22. Your right, the mods shoudl ban the Newf..... As for Phil, he is like my half brother or something like that.....
  23. Come August I'm taking your stupid marker buoys..I don't care how loud of a voice you use to yell at me.
  24. can't have it both ways... Safe gone
  25. I finally see the rabbit
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