Pure posturing
Take a look at his track record of getting things done.
He can’t even get the street meat thing done, you think he is going to be able to get this one to pass
Surprised he can tie his own shoes, or maybe he has Velcro laces…
probably not the best idea to mess with a nested duck.
it is illegal to interfere with the nest or eggs or a migratory bird as per the Migratory Birds Convention Act.
sorta like fishing with a marshmellow
There are also limits for trout and salmon for the lake...sure, they have been caught in the past but I wouldn't say there are any numbers.
We catch whitefish in the bay through the ice. Not many target them in the summer, but yes they are there.
Get a few of those bungee cords you can attach to their wrists and they shouldn't wander off to far.....
As for Phil, put something bright and shinny in front of him and he will be entertained for hours, just like my half brother
Good reason to avoid drive thru's.....at least you get to deal with people face to face.
And you can always dump your coffee (tea) on them by mistake if they piss you off.