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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. People said this about the cod on the Grand Banks, the West Coast salmon, moose here in Ontario, caribou in northern Quebec/Labrador, etc. For that matter a decade ago Ontario's biologists allowed up to six deer tags per hunter, and did not turn off the taps when the numbers started to crash. We had two bad winters in a row, and the deer, at least here in Southeastern Ontario, are only now getting back to a normal population. We humans are pretty effective harvesters of fish and game.........and when we KNOW that something is a poor practice conservation-wise, even if it is legal, we should try to help out the species when we can. Just sayin'...........
  2. he's lucky he got a warning and not a hefty fine!!!!!
  3. yes and that is what worries me sick...............?
  4. A buddy of mine was out a few days ago on a local lake, looking for some walleye. He was saying (and I believe him) that the bass were just spawning. It is an early season opener, in fact the earliest possible date for a third Saturday in June, and it is a VERY late spring here in the Kingston area. I do not intend to fish this weekend, but I am guessing that a lot of folks will be pulling bass off their beds. Will it be a massacre? I'm all for opening up new fishing opportunities, but sometimes the biologists have to get out of their offices and raise hell when conservation is at stake. JMOYMV Doug
  5. thanks buddy, much appreciated. You did hear about Gino R? If not shoot me a pm/e-mail Doug
  6. Do you know that part for a certainty? I had intended to get my head into the regulations to be 100% sure I am compliant....... Doug
  7. If the motor is 10 hp or bigger, YES the boat needs to be registered, and it was "probably" done at the time of purchase. My reading of the regulations is that boats registered before 2010 are "grandfathered" for the ten year renewal, but it behooves a boat owner to be certain. Doug
  8. The point being made is the BOAT needs a federal licence (conditions apply, eg motor 10 hp or bigger). Since 2010, boat licences only have a ten year life span, then must be renewed. The operator of the boat needs a PCOC, which is good for life.
  9. The magnetic compass is required: A magnetic compass is not required if the boat is 8 m (26’3”) or less and you operate it within sight of navigation marks. So if you are out on Lake Ontario and can't see the navigation markers, you need the compass even if you are not 8 m or more. I am going to put one in my boat kit............ Doug
  10. I did not know this either. This thread is adding to my knowledge! First about licencing the boat for ten years and now this about a compass. Maybe some of us old farts that have been doing this stuff "FOREVER" need to make sure we do know what we are talking about! ? Doug
  11. I thought you were referring to the PCOC: From the Government of Canada website Proof of Competency for Recreational Boaters: Replacing your Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) A PCOC is issued to a person for life. If the PCOC is lost or destroyed, the individual can request a replacement from the accredited course provider that issued the card. Course providers charge a fee for this service. If the course provider is unknown or no longer exists, the person should contact the Transport Canada Boating Safety Infoline at 1-800-267-6687 or e-mail to: [email protected]. The agent will check the individual's name against a national database of PCOC holders and then provide instructions on how to get a new card. This having been said, one of my hunting and fishing buddies was in his boat near shore on the St Lawrence, was hailed to come to shore by an OPP officer and did so, thinking there must be some issue. The officer checked him for everything including his fishing licence and PCOC. He had recorded his PCOC on his cell phone but could not find it in the phone's memory. He also received a hefty fine. The OPP officer told my buddy that there was "zero tolerance" for any infractions." So the take-away from all of this is know the regs and follow them. And no, there is no expiry date on your PCOC. But (EDIT HERE) I see that pleasure craft licences issued after 2010 are valid for only ten years> Doug
  12. Brian, those chunks look pretty pale in the photos. I would have thought they would be darker? How was the texture? Was it kind of "damp" like not nicely moist but like under-cooker lake trout "damp." I am thinking maybe more time in the smoker (without chips smoking) might improve your results? Doug
  13. That last picture looks kind of like a dish my wife ate in Paris about forty years ago....
  14. I ALWAYS use a wet brine with fish, except for when I make Indian Candy. 12 hours absolute minimum, 24 about right, 36 is going long but I have done it. I NEVER rinse the brine off the fillets and I NEVER pat them dry. I put the fillets (usually, chunks of fillets), skin side down, on the smoker racks that I sprayed first with Pam I was just typing away and a bunch of what I was typing disappeared, what the hell??????? As I was saying, the racks are laid out on newspaper to catch the drips. Leave them to air dry at room temperature, (Pellicle forms in about an hour.) then into the smoker. Don't think I ever put apple juice in a fish brine but it should work just fine. You did not need that much sugar, and if you also added syrup they are going to be some sweet fish. The "standard" brine for fish is a gallon of cold water, a cup of sugar, and a cup of salt. I generally, but not always, add soya sauce, garlic and lemon juice. Brian, you have my e-addy if ever you have a question about smoking with the Luhr-Jensen smoker............ Doug
  15. Some guy left a floating marker out there.............?
  16. You learn well, Grasshopper! ? If you want jerky consistency, you might want to drop the oven to 200 and leave the door open a crack at the top
  17. You will almost certainly need to finish them in the oven. I suggest no more than three pans of wood chips...........and good luck! Doug
  18. This afternoon's snack was venison mennonite sausage patties, yum yum!
  19. You are not alone, sir, in that opinion. In fact I am pretty sure that was what OIM was hinting at............
  20. Sorry for the hijacks, guys...........? ................how about those silver-sided spring kings EH!!!!?
  21. That, and the methane after he made that five fire alarm chili...........
  22. absolutely AWESOME!!! I miss that too......................
  23. There was a restaurant in Halifax (might still be there) called Five Fisherman, or a similar name. They had a mussels bar, all you can eat mussels if you ordered any entree. I believe they may have lost money on me...........<<<<BURP>>>>>?
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