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Everything posted by creditmaster

  1. tthats why you should wear a wading belt
  2. nice fish..................ive always wanted to do some serius bass fising
  3. Wow thats sad
  4. Nice boat man!!
  5. im not ignoring them and im not thinking that im superior i just dont want to have my posts put down cuz im young and dont say that thats not the case beacause some people DO
  6. ACTULY i DONT think i know evreything just stating than im not a total idiot when it comes to fishing...........................no ofence man the amount of negative coments that come out of u are suprising
  7. number one i said in my opinion 2 i like them cuz they are extremely sharp and strong i landend a chinny recently on a size10
  8. just so you know bill i KNOW quality when i see it i grew up fishing in newfoundland my grandfathers were ALL fisherman and first nations just couse im young dosent mean i dont know AND i caugt a chinny on them not te be dissrespectfull
  9. damn ............never herd of that happneng
  10. nice fish man
  11. heheheheh ..................love th vid
  12. i know bill im just jokeing
  13. thanks good tip
  14. location: TO harbour PIC OR IT DIDINT HAPPEN
  15. you dont trust my word ? dude
  16. ok it was crazy 15 foot hole i dropper it in let it sink cranked it to the top and BLAM street fight
  17. nope like a spinner bait
  18. hey guys i was messing around on the credit today and threw i n a simple minnow spinnerbait for fun and instantly got a nice 10 lbs steelhead?????????????????????????????????? what is this common ?
  19. nice lakers man
  20. I posted on my phone origanaly so I could not post link
  21. im actuly NOT Accosiated with them at all i just floored at the quality i will send a sample to the firs 5 peaple theat pm me they want
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