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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Do you have a problem with that?
  2. I would TRIPLE DAWG DARE that fish!!!
  3. I hear ya Bubba 'Bo! ... and the longer it takes you to "lock one up", is the longer it takes them to steal it!!! ... and there's a reason they call dawgs "Mans Best Friend"!!!... the instant someone turns into my driveway, the alarm goes off!!!
  4. This will certainly require exploratory surgery!!!... I could come up and take a look at it for you... but the Cuban Rhum bill would be astronomical!!!
  5. Great suggestions!!! A 12" diameter hole 4' deep with a #6 rebar hairpin puored in concrete and a heavy hardenened chain run thru it and around the axle takes some time to get thru too! ... especially if there's a couple rabid dogs trying to chew your nads off!!!
  6. Maybe not tactful, but honest... yes!
  7. How many dogs do you have in the yard?
  8. You got that right!!!... XT is some tuff stuff!!!... did I mention I LOVE the XT? ... and I've fished it on spinning reels for year with no problems!!!
  9. How much does it pay? What kind of benefits? Why are you looking for help... are you a butthole to work for?
  10. ... are you aware of your dementia?
  11. Yeah... try to get close enough to mine to even THROW her some food!!!... a well trained dog will not take food from strangers, mine won't even eat the food I put down for her until I tell her she can have it!... and it's that way for a reason!
  12. Badgers?... BADGERS???... we don't need no stinking BADGERS!!!
  13. May the noctournal emissions of a thousand poxed Camels fester upon your bedpillow for a fortnight for telling me that!!! I'll be expecting a full report with multiple pics on my desk upon your return!!!
  14. One of these will slow them down: http://www.etrailer.com/pc-L~3774DAT.htm ... but the very best deterrent is one of these! A well trained guard dog is worth it's weight in gold!!!... even little yappy dogs that make a lot of noise will scare off the thieves.
  15. Still cold and rainy???
  16. I use my sonar so much that I feel "blind" without one. I've upgraded several units and have found that big and fancy doesn't necessarily catch more or bigger fish, sometimes it's the opposite. I upgraded from a Humminbird Wide Optic (2400 watts) to a Hummin Bird 747C (4000 watts) last year. I do a lot of Drop-Shotting and have found that I catch a fish any shallower than 25' deep while running the 4000 watt unit, I suspect the high powered unit is spooking the fish in shallower water. I have recently purchased a puck transducer for my trolling motor and will be reinstalling my 2400 watt unit for shallow water fishing. While the 4000 watt unit is real snazzy with the color screen and high definition, it is pretty much useless in shallow water if it's going to spook the fish. I caught a lot of fish with my old 2400 watt unit and look forward to using it again!!!
  17. Target Pike!!! The proper method for setting the drag on a rod and reel combo. 1. Tie a hook to your line 2. Insert the hook into an immovable object (I use and "eye" bracket for my bimini top) 3. "Load" the rod (pulling back on the rod until you have the desired bend without the drag slipping or the line breaking) 4. Back off on the drag until it just begins to slip when the rod is under the desired load!!! If you're using and extra light hook or line, you will set the drag in this manner for the weakest link!!!
  18. Is it just me, or have I seen these fish before?... I think someone has a pond/holding pen in their backyard and these fish are stuffed full of bait daily so they'll grow... and then transported from lake to lake on the weekends in a livewell to be photographed for different reports!!! Bwahahaha!!! Jacques!... congrats on your nickel and some change!!! You and Paul really got into some beauties on that trip! Thanks for taking the time to post that excellent report!!!
  19. Pay no attention to the Musky cry babies Cowanjo, they're just jealous and want to hog all the Muskies to themselves! ... if they were really that concerned aboot them they wouldn't fish for them at all!!!
  20. Just above my avatar, click on my moniker "GCD" then click on "find members topics"... hope you don't suffer from "Fish Envy"!
  21. Nothing wrong with that at all Bubba!!!... that's why God make the little fishies eh! ... but ingesting all that mercury... do you find that you're taller on hot days and shorter on cold days???
  22. Looks like it beats bush wanking a wallaby eh!!! Some nice pics there Cowanjo!!!
  23. Real nice report Stinker... er... uh Sinker!!! Some good looking fish you got there... you fracking meat hunter you! I smirk at your description of hot weather!
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