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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

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  2. Looks like the work of Cajuns to me... they'll eat anything yanno. Joe, Art!... y'all got some 'splainin' to do...
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  4. ... and you call me Strange and Wierd??? ... so all the other Great Lakes drain into Lake O., wouldn't that make Lake O the toilet bowl of the great lakes?... and the St. Lawrence the field line? Mercury is good for ya... it makes your sticker peck out!... ever see one of those old timey thermometers rise in the summer?
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  6. I would try, from the shallowest to the deepest part of the lake near sparse to heavy weed cover near boulders to rocks to gravel to sand to silt bottom. Hope this helps!
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  8. Good Morning Mo, Lew and the rest of the earlybirds! It's gonna be a warm one here, but that's the way I like it!!!!
  9. Excellent report and pics Don!!! It was great to see you and Ruth again, and to meet Tyler. I hope we can get out for a Red Snapper and Grouper trip this October.
  10. Excellent report and pics Don!!! It was great to see you and Ruth again, and to meet Tyler. I hope we can get out for a Red Snapper and Grouper trip this October.
  11. Excellent report and pics Don!!! It was great to see you and Ruth again, and to meet Tyler. I hope we can get out for a Red Snapper and Grouper trip this October.
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  13. I have that same exact motor on my boat. I've found sometimes I press the "ON/OFF" switch and the motor won't respond to the speed button until I press the ON/OFF button again. You can turn the motor off by pressing the "-" on the speed button until the motor quits and then press the "+" button to start again without pressing the ON/OFF button, which is what I usually do. This unit could use some sort of indicator light to tell when the unit is on or off.... but all in all, I love mine!!!
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  15. 4 of my favorites are in there! #20... the Roostertail!!!... when you see the pics of me at that concrete wall at the dam holding up those Spotted Bass, that's what I'm throwing!!! #40... Teeny Torpedo!... is what I throw to the Stripers when they are feeding on Threadfin Shad on the surface... Pink Eyed Ghost is my favorite color pattern. #46... Lunker Lure Buzzbait... I'll throw that dang thing 100 times to get 1 topwater hit, then throw another hundred #47... Culprit Tassel Lizard... I rig it weightless and weedless and throw it into the salad for Largemouths!
  16. Thanks a bunch Mo, Lew, and Roy!!! I've got a nice hunk of beef to do on the grill today, other than that I'm just gonna relax a little. Back to work tomorrow. (sux)
  17. Good mornin' y'all!!!
  18. Practice, practice, practice!!!
  19. It was great to see you and Ruth again and to meet Tyler! Looking forward to maybe gettin' out with ya to do some Red Snapper fishin this fall!!!
  20. Good mornin' Earlybirds!!! Looks like I'm paddin' my post count too Lew!
  21. Great report and pics Mike!!! It's tough to get a day of nude fishin' in up in the GWN.
  22. Very Cool Pics!!! That's a great shot of the Redheaded Peckerwood!!! Those beatles are great catfish bait!... and the little toadie is soooo cute!!! Very nice Pike too!!!
  23. Excellent report and pics Joey!!! ... too hot??? are you sure we were there at the same time??? There are 2 things I hate in this world... wet wood and dry.............. never mind.
  24. ...
  25. Daplumma uses a rod and reel to catch those things with!!! ... what did y'all use?
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