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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I've never seen it, but if it has Jack Lemmon in it... it's gotta be good!!!
  2. To me it's worth it! Especially if you're fishin' "gin"clear water. Fluro leader and mainline are different, the mainline fluro is more supple.
  3. ...
  4. Great report!... and Excellent pic, fish and smile!!! I knew it was only a matter of time before Bly opened up her can of Whoop-Ass! on you in the fishin department Cliff. You get to go fishin' more often when you let her catch the biggest fish... don'tcha?
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  7. I've got an air mattress and like to go for Bluegills!!!
  8. $1.32 to take a whiz in Oslo Norway?
  9. I don't think it's addictive at all and I can stop any time I want... I just don't feel like stopping right now...
  10. I catch myself doing that as well Lew.
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  13. No dang wonder MTP can't catch any fish!!! What other "helpful" hints have you given him?
  14. Is that little black thing they hit with the sticks really a frozen Moose turd?
  15. Schatz... boy I'd hate to have that last name! I can't remember where I read it, but there's a hole somehere in the great lakes that is draining the great lake into the Atlantic ocean... and underground river of some sort. Has anyone else heard of this?
  16. My PDFs auto inflate sometimes.. damn Adobe!
  17. It sounds like they can see your line when they get close to the lure, consider downsizing your lb. test or even going to a flurocarbon... and if you're using braid you may want to consider a leader of changing to mono. Adapt, improvise, and overcome!
  18. Have you decided which electronics you're going to install yet?
  19. I have the 747c as well and will be installing the quadrabeam transducer in a week or two. I'm going to install it with the optional splitter so I can keep the dualbeam hooked up for deeper water and switch to the quadrabeam for shallow water. I'll let you know how it goes.
  20. Jackie Chan can whip Chucks ass and make him like it!!!
  21. Chain, Redfin, or Grass?
  22. There aren't any! What would mak a good show? How about starting off the show with "It took 50 hrs. of hard fishing to make this 20 mins. worth of tape!" The show would also need to be taped on public water, not "no name" private lake with the fish stacked up like cord wood... "and today our guide is..." doesn't cut it either, get your ass out there and find your own fish for a change!!! How about a show that is aired in the same year it was shot in??? All the shows being aired now were shot in 07... old hat and boring if you ask me.
  23. That law is a good law!!! The thing that gets me is the people that get moving violations and piss-n-moan aboot them! DUIs especially!!!... yeah dumbass, you shouldn't have been drinkin and drivin... the same thing with speeding!
  24. Looks like you're gonna have your hands full with the drywall Alex... that hole doesn't look to "square" to me. Great Pics Cliff!... next time make her an Igloo!!!
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