You're right Lew!
Whenever somebody posts a report here I try to be as appreciative as possible! It takes time and effort to post to the board, an effort a lot of people don't want to put forth! If somebody posts a pic of a fish with statistics of such and such weight or inches and it doesn't look like it to me... I'll hold my tongue and just thank them for posting, it doesn't take near as long to give a little compliment as it did to post the report! If I'm going to post a fishes stats, it will be inches only with a measuring device in the pic... hard to dispute that!
As far as the members that have left, I have seen some of these and to tell you the truth find some of it quite ridiculous!!! "He said bad things about my fish! I'm leaving!!!" It is the internet for crying outloud!... take this stuff with a grain of salt and consider the source!!! I know that some folks skin is way to thin... while others can cut their steak with their tongues. Ignore the people that bother you... but stand up for what you feel is right!!!
I don't think it's right for someone to logon to this board and slam/badmouth it!!! If you don't like it here... go away!... far away!!! We really don't need you here!!!
I, like 99% of the people here really enjoy and appreciate your Musky reports Lew, and it kind of saddens me to know that you don't post as much as you would like to because of the rabble rousers... but we'll be more than glad to read one of your reports whenever you feel fit to post one... and I'd like to thank you for your postings past, present, and future!!!