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Everything posted by markiemark70

  1. Thanks for the tip brother. I just booked with Brent for Saturday. Hopefully I will have some good pics to post after the weekend!!
  2. Hey guys, haven't posted in a while mainly because I don't get out much lately. I had a trip planned for this Saturday with a guide on Balsam, with my buddy who is here for a few weeks from Singapore and this is the only weekend we can get out. So the guide just called and said he has to cancel due to a family situation. Which I understand but it really sucks. So I am looking for a guide or just a kind sould wo wants to treat 2 really nice guys to a day of fishing in the Kawarthas (I have a motel booked for 2 nights). We would gladly pay for your services. Fallback plan I guess is to rent a boat and go hunting ourselves, but the last few years since we don't get out often our thinking has been "lets just pay someone to put us on fish" Any help appreciated.
  3. Hey all, my good friend and fishing partner is coming in from Singapore for a couple weeks and I have been tasked with finding us a good day of fishing. Was thinking of doing a Erie Walleye charter. I checked the Classifieds but did not see anything. Can anyone suggest a good one that is affordable for 2? We are in Milton so closer to East is better. Any other suggestions are welcome as well. Would be last week of August and a weekday. Maybe Simcoe would be good too. Not really into Salmon fishing so I would prefer something with the oppurtunity to catch warm water species. I know there are a ton of guides on the web but was hoping for a personal referral or even a board member. Thanks.
  4. Wow I'm jealous. I've had the pleasure of wetting a line with John and you'd be hard pressed to find a better fishin partner. Look forward to the report.
  5. Great read. That's why I don't mind being completely anal about wearing a flotation device. The only time I would ever take mine off is in a small back bay on a quiet lake when not underway. Other than that I would not ever consider being underway or adrift in big water without one. Why take the chance? Glad everyone made it out ok and kudos to this guy for sharing the story. Might actually reach some people and potentially save lives.
  6. Oh great! as if the Carp and Gobies weren't enough, now we are going to be over-run with invasive giant indistinguishable blobs!
  7. Am I outta line in saying that one of the lessons would be to just wear your damn PFD at all times? Especially on the ocean. Maybe it's just me, but the only time I would take mine off is on a small lake when not underway. Other than that why risk it?
  8. Thanks for the info. It's too bad no one made the effort to let you in on an unwritten rule around here: make you first post an introduction rather than a request and you will be welcomed. Thanks for the info re the Niagara river. Now how about you tell us what you are fishing for and maybe show us a pic or two. We like fish porn. Welcome.
  9. That totally sucks. Sorry to hear that. I hope you will make a police report. Even though you are most likely 100% right that it is gone for good, never think that it is not important to report crime. Once that apathy sets in for society, the bad guys always win.
  10. I get the frustration but I think that the problem is that we need more enforcement so more people can be caught. The penalty actually sounds pretty good to me. I would imagine that a $1700 fine and losing all your gear would sting a bit. The thing I hate is that they can probably go right back out fishing the next day and carry on and will probably not see a CO for another 10 years.
  11. Sent you a PM
  12. Look at it this way, that thing just made way for like 6 good eaters. And if like the expert said it may not be reproducing, it really was just taking up space. Sad day perhaps for people who want to hang something on the wall, great day for the ecosystem of GSL.
  13. If it were up to me anyone discharging a firearm in public would be charged with 1 count of attempted murder for every pull of the trigger whether they hit anyone or not, and would result in 10 years behind bars with no chance of parole, no time off for good behavior and none of this 2 for 1 for pre trial custody crap. Courts are backed up? Too bad, wait your turn and your sentence starts when we get around to trying you.
  14. You have a really great talent. Also I am amazed that you got them to sit still for that long!!
  15. Dude that is the best report I have seen in a long time. I have 2 girls a 2 year old and a 4 year old and I can't wait for these times. Thanks for the smile.
  16. I decided tonight to hit up a new place for a bit of evening fishing. Went to Mountsberg since we have the Halton family pass which gets me free admission. Wasn't really sure where to go since I hadn't seen the water before so I just hung out on the dock. This year I have been carrying a small pack of hooks in my pocket, a bag of soft plastics, then usually 3 rods: 1 spinning with a Senko, 1 spinning with a jig and grub, and a baitcaster with a surface frog. Between those 3 I never need to change a lure except to try a different colour once in a while. Caught this little guy on a jig, black & yellow: Was really hoping to see some Largies, but no go. Next time I will walk the shore a bit more.I noticed a lot of people fishing near the train tracks, but somehow I feel like walking along a train track and standing like 10 feet from a few hundred tons of moving machinery is more than I'm willing to do to catch a fish. Maybe I'm getting too cautious in my old age Anyhow, good luck to everyone.
  17. For the sake of passing the info, and to clarify for myself (perhaps someone can verify or refute my info) the reason we are not supposed to fish out of season is that the Bass are protecting their nests/young. So when you do accidently catch one, it is important to get them back in the water ASAP before the Sunfish, Perch etc decimate their offspring. That is what I have been taught and if true would be a pretty strong argument against a picture or two. Not to stress anyone, but just to point out that there is a valid reason for the rule, and it is not just a matter of "oh well I always catch & release so no harm done" Looking forward to opener tomorrow. Got a good feeling about this year!!
  18. Hey I missed the story about the thieves. Did he tell you that before John and I arrived? It was a great day on the water. The company was great, Lloyd is an excellent host, and I caught my new PB: 13 LB Sheepie (pic to follow as soon as Cowanjo sends it). I would definitely love to get together again with you guys to do a fishing trip, and I will definitely be going out with Lloyd again. BTW, regarding the farts and pee, what happens in Quinte stays in Quinte.
  19. OK I feel like a complete moron asking this question, but what the hell: Why do people take the eggs from salmon? Is it just to use for bait? That just seems so ironic to me that people catch a fish to get bait to catch a fish. Or are they eating them? I know that alot of eggs come out of a fish, so how long would that last as bait? Can you freeze it for next year? Sorry but i dont get it.
  20. That's ridiculous. I wonder what the guys on the other side were thinking, or do you think they are snaggers too?
  21. Oh well my apologies then, I thought it was a GB musky. Never heard of a Wahoo before.
  22. No offence dude, but since we are all being so helpful and giving out great suggestions, here's one for you: you may want to change your profile pic before giving out advice on proper fish handling. Just sayin.
  23. I don't understand why some people still want to risk their own lives. Sadly this will continue for some time based on the attitudes I myself have encountered. Wearing a life jacket is seen as uncool. We are where seatbelts in cars were like 30+ years ago, so there will be many more deaths. I have been snickered at by a lodge owner for insisting that I have a properly fitting life jacket, and most people I have boated/fished with have not worn one. My rule is I will never take off my life jacket while the boat is underway. I will only take it off if we are strationary in a small back bay, and I would never, EVER take off my life jacket if I was alone or with my kids. You just never know what can happen. THe sad truth is almost nothing else on the water will kill you. You can fall out of the boat, knock yourself unconscious and you will survive for days if neccesary (save for cold water) as long as you have your lifejacket. Another lesson is wear your killswitch. I have a friend who was in a zodiac at his cottage in NS. He says he crossed a wake that flipped him from his seat and put him on his knees, then the next wave threw him from the boat. He spent the next 15 minutes with the boat circling and the rotor cutting him up. He had to swim a mile to shore, and luckily some cottager saw him. He had lost a lot of blood and had to get like 30+ stitches in his forearm to close the wounds. The doctors said he should be dead with the amount of blood he lost. Not sure why these things have to happen, but condolences to the family.
  24. Sweet!! Nice fish, must have been a good time and a good meal too!
  25. Don't let the resident salmon snobs see that. Apparently using a marshmallow makes you a knuckle dragging snagger.
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