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Everything posted by xrap

  1. Don't know about the islands but two years ago we went to a small trib in december when it was nice and warm and we got 17 in 2 hours most were around the 30 inch range and a couple over, this year we tried it out again but only got one small one. Not to much luck with pike this year
  2. MInnow and bobber, tried a few x-raps, berkley frenzy frog and some spinners but didn't seem like they were to active so switched it up to live bait
  3. Went out for pike today first time this year. Wanted to get the pike skunk off my back and got 1 little one, dad lost a big one.
  4. Nice dude, still haven't got my first one but it's coming I can feel it, WTG
  5. Final score 9-2 WOOOO GO LEAFS GO
  6. Good store but the bait is way to expensive thier.
  7. The tower I want has a 3.0 processor and has 800 MHz. I saw some more expensive towers that have a better processor and lower Mhz and saw some that had a small processor and bigger MHz.??
  8. Hey guys I'm also buying a coputer tho but just the tower. I found one that has a 2.93 processor that is what I'm basically looking for but the MHz is only 533. Just wondering what the MHz is used for and with it slow down my speed?
  9. First thing you should do is, go change that line on your combo
  10. photobucket is alot betetr. I use to be a member of myfishingpictures but then when I once needed to resize the picture itdidn't work, photobucket just did it automatically.
  11. Awsome work on the skin guys
  12. Typical habs... Don't know when to shut thier mouth
  13. Unfortunatley, Hamilton...
  14. Wow that's freakin nuts. You look like a CNN reported just before a hurricane is going to hit lol. Thanks for putting up the vid
  15. JYNX it AGAIN WTG!!!
  16. Give it up to Huet he's keeping them in again, Habs just suck tho GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!
  17. Nice browns
  18. 25-13 I guess where the best, ahah habs suck
  19. cry me a river
  20. Sure looks like a nice honey hole to me, thanks for sharing and welcome
  21. I rather vote for coulombus before i vote for montreal
  22. don't know if it will help but hold ctrl and then click it might work.
  23. Wtg on the fish minnow, the last fish i would guess aorund 7lbs
  24. Very nice fish
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