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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. I am on a very bad streak of missing fish on the hookset. Goes all the way to last year when i lost every bigfish that hit. I mostly use a loomis crankbait casting rod, I switched to it because I was losing fish on the hooksets then and having a slower action rod would help me not pull the lure away. i am using 40lb power pro on a curado most of the time. Should I ditch the power pro and go with flouro or straight mono, or is this just a bad luck stretch???? Wondering if anyone else has run into this?? GRRRRRRRR D
  2. Very Nice!! But did you get a pic for the tourney with him??? Darren
  3. Now thats a different line up of fish! But varity is awesome!! Good for you!
  4. I remeber those crazy lakers running the Ganny 20 years ago. All the steelheaders getting pissed off that lakers were running the river at the sametime. I didnt mind it was a fish that wanted to bite! I wish they would increase the # of browns they plant as they dont get blown half way down the lake like the salmon do in the summertime after a big wind. Give shorebound anglers a better shot at trout more often as well. I just wish the atlantics would start picking up, I caught one of the original plantings last year that was probably 14 pounds and the fight INSANE!!!!!! Nothing would be better then lots of big angry atlantics!
  5. Check this site out for some near real time Great Lakes levels. http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/data/now/wlevels/levels.html
  6. High water years after low water years are normally associated with a boom in fish production...lets hope!
  7. FishFarmer is right, Nip used to be the place to go when i was akid now it seems like its empty.\ Its a shame.
  8. This cam is awesome!!!! In 20 minutes I have seen about 10 suckers, somekind of newt or salamander and 2 huge sturgeon!!!!!!!
  9. Got this from the Nipissing watershed website. looks like all this rain is helping out alot on lake nipissing. The pattern is supposed to break for the weekend and then go right back to very wet for the first 2 weeks of May. As of April 18, 2011, the water level elevation of Lake Nipissing was 195.40 metres. The lake level is 22 centimetres above the long-term average. The lake level is expected to rise during the next few days. Further change in the lake level is dependent on the amount of inflows and precipitation. Good thing is when lakes drop low and then go high the productivity usually explodes in a few years. Lets hope!
  10. Yeah i was wondering to, i know cats dont mind turbid water but this might be too much even for them for a week or two.
  11. Runofff is past the intake of the the Oakville plant, thats 834 meters into the lake. I have a feeling almost every steelie is has gone with it, unfortunatley it will take at least a week to clear and warm for shoreline browns too.
  12. Buddie came in today and said he was ouot walking on one of the lakes, Cant remember which one, might be a long time this spring. Ill find out which lake it was and edit this later. It was Brady lake he was out on on sunday,, thought it would be 2 more weeks
  13. No not the last time the leafs won, but the first man in space!! Yuri Gagarin and Terry Fox on the same day... i guess its a blessed day!
  14. I will also second a small countdown rapala, thats the weapon of choice of alot of guys hunting bigger specs. Bg specs eat meat not bugs if they have a choice.
  15. Have you tried with the local municipal goverment? All those files should be backed up electronically there. Also the maintenace department often have there own copies of documents including O & M as well as tender documents, as builts and most importantly for you pre design. Find out from the operators what the dates are of the upgrades and expansions thru the years, when you contact there headquarters most of the times the documents are stored as a number such as PW-87-098. PW is for public works 87is the year and the following number is the document number. That will save alot of time. Wish i couold help more but municipality document storage systems are often custom built software. Darren
  16. 10 players in a draft of 15 people. #1 is drawn out of a hat then it goes around the table. And if you are #1 you have to pick 30 and 31st next and so forth. Skaters only .... makes for some interesting picks when you get passed 70th! I am having so much trouble even picking one team... I try to pick a team from the east and one from the west. Last year I loaded uop on Philly when no one else did and I won.
  17. Hey everyone, its that time of year, I have my annual playoff hockey pool at work tomorrow. its a points only pool. I always do really well each year but this year I am stumped on what teams to hitch my bumper to. Any and all ideas will be entertained Boston....looks good but traditionaly dont score much so not goood for pools. Pittsburgh... No sidney till the second round it looks Washington....playin all defensive now but have the guys to turn it on. Montreal...so injury ridden Tampa.....dark horse with the potential for lots of points? Sabres...???????? Philadelphia....backed into playoffs....were my choice up to a month ago Rangers....Callahan out....not much after that Red Wings.....still banged up but there the Wings!! Sharks...hottest team in league but there the sharks....losers lose! Hawks....nothing like last years team. Canucks ... see sharks!!!! Anaheim....Perry and Selane sleeper pick? Phoenix...there top score is a defencemen!!! Kings...walking wounded not looking good at all Predators..... ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Someone give me an arguement and help me out here!! Darren
  18. Looking for a place that sells them for a good price. I have my 24 volt system on them but need to buy a new starting so I was going to match the set up. Costco used to have them but I Havnt seen them there in about a year.....any ideas?
  19. Pretend there smallmouths, shoreline structure, blow downs rocky points and the mouths of dark bottom bays. Small cranks spinners and jigs!
  20. That is cool! Just my buddies Etec wont run when the weather hits freezeing, isnt Mars avg temp -100 or so? They will have to launch a yamaha powered rover to tow it back when it gets cold like I always have to!
  21. Go as south as you can and look for green water, get the boards out and dont take your eye off the temperature guage.
  22. Not looking to go fishing but just wondering where we will stand with a May1st openor on Geo bay? Am i going to have to bring an auger?? How is simcoe's ice , wish i could get ouot to check myself but the family conditions are preventing me from doing anything right now. Spwans are going to be late by 2-3 weeks I think unless it drastically warms which is not in the forecast it looks like its going to be a cold slow openor. Last year I had already been out a few times for Lake O browns. I havnt even taken the cover off yet....grrrrrrr
  23. On the way to Joe Brant this morning I sawsomeone trolling just of the lift bridge, first of the year I have seen. With the extended forecast it looks like this spring is going to be a full 4-5 weeks behind schedule. Making up for last year I guess.
  24. If you buy a pin youll have to learn to speak latin!!!
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